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Forums - Sales Discussion - March 2013 NPD Thread! - 360:261k, 3DS:230k, PS3:212k, Wii:91k, DS:86k, WiiU:67k, PSV: 33k

Carl2291 said:
VGKing said:

God of War 3 sold 4.5m units according to Vgcharts LTD (not counting any collections)

NPD Thread, VGKing.

I forgot, Carl2291.

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Nsanity said:
ethomaz said:
Wait... wait... wait...

GoW is undertracked and beat Gears???

And all there threads talking about how Gears destroyed GoW?

that was pretty harsh

Even PSV is undertracked.... how can?

VGKing said:

I'm pretty sure Vita is being sold at a profit. It's been a year since launch and I'm pretty sure they weren't taking major losses then either. The 3-year plan probably was talking about the Vita business as a whole and recouping R&D costs. I'm sure Sony is even working on a Slim Vita to bring those costs down and make that price cut happen.

No way in hell. They would've said something like when Nintendo revealed that 3DS was no longer being sold at a loss.

And price cut will lead it further down the hole. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Soundwave said:
VGKing said:
Otakumegane said:
VGKing said:

If it was the year 2004, sure. Too bad for Sony it's 2013. World's changed, dude. Even kids don't want gaming handhelds.

People just don't want to accept it with the Wii U and Vita that the mass market has just found different interests, it's blatantly obvious.

What's so special about 2004?

Anyway Vita has so much room for improvement. To think there's nothing Sony can do to increase sales is very ignorant on your part.

Wii U is only in its 4-5th month lmfao. You really calling it dead already? There's so much room for improvement here as well. Even more so than the Vita. Worst case scenario the Wii U ends up being another Gamecube. You expect Sony/Nintendo to discontinue Wiiu/Vita or something?

I don't expect Nintendo to discontinue WiiU, but I am feeling a bit worried about Vita.

They might just discontinue it in the West if the Holidays can't bring in significant sales.

Why discontinue something that brings you pure profit? Sales can only go up from here. Vita barely turned 1. Support will get better. Games will be released, sales will follow.

Retailers are going to stop carrying it. It's selling at a worse month to month clip than the Dreamcast did and PS4/720 are coming and are going to need shelf space. I don't see the PS3/360 going anywhere it terms of retail presence either. Guess which platform(s) will be the odd man out. I'm pretty sure this is the worst selling new major hardware in North American market since either the Virtual Boy or Saturn.

The PSPshelf space will be cut way before they even consider the Vita. Besides, if given enough pressure from retailers, Sony would have to do a price cut. 

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Otakumegane said:
VGKing said:

I'm pretty sure Vita is being sold at a profit. It's been a year since launch and I'm pretty sure they weren't taking major losses then either. The 3-year plan probably was talking about the Vita business as a whole and recouping R&D costs. I'm sure Sony is even working on a Slim Vita to bring those costs down and make that price cut happen.

No way in hell. They would've said something like when Nintendo revealed that 3DS was no longer being sold at a loss.

And price cut will lead it further down the hole.

Announcing something like that would only further lead to people waiting for a price cut.

Anyway if Vita isn't profitable now, it surely will be by the holidays. Sony didn't pack that much horsepower in there.....a Vita redesign is definitely coming. I would bet on it.

Otakumegane said:
VGKing said:

Why discontinue something that brings you pure profit? Sales can only go up from here. Vita barely turned 1. Support will get better. Games will be released, sales will follow.

The Vita's not being sold at a profit. (Well maybe in NA with the yen drop, but still unlikely)

They never stated this, and I believe they were going for a "Razor and blades" approach, taking a moderate loss on the hardware and making up with Vita card sales. The only thing Sony said was that Vita would be profitable after 3 years. That means they were taking a loss at launch, can't imagine the component prices dropped that quickly.

I don't want this to be discontinued, but Sony's been taking losses for a long time, and PS4 is looking also to be sold at a loss for a couple of years. PS4 and Vita (with price cut maybe) losses over the next couple years are going to add up.

All AAA development on PS4 currently just screams that we won't be seeing much of Sony 1st party on Vita after the fall titles. They might just be getting ready to pull the plug. The holiday months will be telling.

Actually, Sony did state they sell the Vita for a profit. 

"For Vita, the price on performance was something we definitely wanted to hit, although we all agreed because we are PlayStation, people expect better graphics and prettier pictures, so we have all those things we wanted to achieve in terms of capabilities, but we capped our ambitions with a cost of goods target that we can profitably sell the hardware for $250.

To answer your question, we set out a goal: Yes, we're going to hit the $250 price, and no, we don't want to sell the hardware with a deficit. That's a goal we set out to do and I'm very happy we are achieving that."  - Source

At the very least, they were taking a small loss on the $249 SKU, while makig a profit off the $299 SKU and memory cards.  Of course, that was back when the Vita launched.  I'm sure Sony has been able to cut costs since it's been more than a year after its initial release.

Max King of the Wild said:

thismeintiel said:

fmjasinski said:

thismeintiel said:

And how about total sales comparison at this time (Wii x PS2 in USA)?

Well, according to VGC the Wii has sold 40.9M so far in the US.  Not sure how accurate the tracking is, though.  The PS2 had sold 38.2M as of April '07, according to this site.  Of course, the PS2 was still selling quite well, then.  The last NPD we got for it was April '10, where it sold ~118K, with a total ~45M.  I highly doubt the Wii will be selling 100K+ in 2016 or reach 45M+ in the US.  Actually, I doubt we'll see the Wii still on shelves in 2015, let alone 2016.

It would be funny if Nintendo reverted back to supporting the Wii because Wii U.

Not as funny as when people like you make up every excuse in the book when the PS4 has similar if not less sales than the Wii U.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

crissindahouse said:

without checking all those numbers but didn't you forget that god of war 3 released early in the year and gears much later? should be plausible then that gears games had higher sales as god of war in the second year when god of war was already much longer on the market before the second year started.

gears judgment will also have this problem in the second year because it was already released in march.

Then it should have had a better opening Year if it had 9 Months vs 2 Months, right? If legs were so strong, it should have had no problem holding great sales throughout the Year and Holiday Season.

Look at the Gears 2 example. Did you look at it before? Look at it now.


thismeintiel said:

Actually, Sony did state they sell the Vita for a profit. 

"For Vita, the price on performance was something we definitely wanted to hit, although we all agreed because we are PlayStation, people expect better graphics and prettier pictures, so we have all those things we wanted to achieve in terms of capabilities, but we capped our ambitions with a cost of goods target that we can profitably sell the hardware for $250.

To answer your question, we set out a goal: Yes, we're going to hit the $250 price, and no, we don't want to sell the hardware with a deficit. That's a goal we set out to do and I'm very happy we are achieving that."  - Source

At the very least, they were taking a small loss on the $249 SKU, while makig a profit off the $299 SKU and memory cards.  Of course, that was back when the Vita launched.  I'm sure Sony has been able to cut costs since it's been more than a year after its initial release.

At least we know they have room for a price cut then.

Wonder why they said they needed 3 years. R&D costs can't have been extremly high. Again, holidays will be extremely telling. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)