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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 720 will Decide if WiiU RAM is enough.

Zero999 said:
Netyaroze said:
Zero999 said:

those 0.35 tfolps you posted about a wii u are not only a rumor, it's a ridiculous rumor. even the ps3 has 0.4 tflops. wii u should probably be like 0.7 or 0.8. the fact is we just don't know the number.

0,4 TFlops are realistic for Wii U. PS3 has maybe 0.4Tflop. The number comes from the RSX which is an old architecture without unified shaders also old Nvidia which makes a comparison pointless its supposed to theoretically peak at 0.4 Tflops but if we look at the 360 GPU. The first GPU with unified shaders (and its from AMD aswell) it has 0.25 Tflop and is superior to the PS3 GPU. The Cell as found in the PS3 has a theoretical 200gflop with one SPU for security, PS3/360 are roughly in the 0.35 Tflop area.

Wii U is unknown yes but its a small chip and needs low power. PS3/360 need twice as much. Nintendo made an efficency monster but its based on older Architecture and newer AMD FLOPs>older AMD FLOPs.

Also look at the Graphics if Wii U would indeed be twice more powerful than PS3/360 it would be no problem to make all ports from PS3/360 1080p it would not even require much additional effort just up the internal rendering resolution from 720p to 1080p.


Wii U is definetly NOT 2x PS3/360. It might produce better graphics at some point but this is due to modern architecture. The Wii U just has more tricks than PS3/360 not twice the performance. Or we would see it. Unless Nintendo made everyone sign a contract ghat stops developers and themselfd to use all that power for framerate or resolution. 

I could substitute wii u for xbox 360 in your post and would probably look the same as many posts from 7 years ago.

And ? Whats your point ? I havent said that 7 years ago. I am saying it now. What exactly makes you think that you are right ? Do you think Nintendo has somehow hidden the additional streamingcores ? 


You have to argue your case, atleast explain how you came to the conclusion that Wii U has twice the gflop performance of 360 and PS3.

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People give it up! If you like Nintendo exclusives, buy a WiiU, otherwise don't buy it.

If you hope to play multiplats on WiiU next gen, you will get disappointed.

Grandia said:
VGKing said:
There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start....

1. Rumors say 3GB is reserved for OS and 5 for games. Seems a bit much to me so having the OS memory reduced to 1 or 2 GB is very likely.

2. RAM isn't everything. Based on Xbox 720 rumors, it is a generation ahead of the Wii U in terms of tech. Wii U won't be able to run games built for next-gen systems. It's already not getting UE4 and many other engines that will power AAA games.

PS4 and XBOX 720 GPUs anyways only work with 2GB RAM.

Not sure why this is being leaned on so heavily by some forum goers. PS4's GPU will be capable of doing much more than 2GB worth the work. This is not in a PC enviornment, there is no comparision that can be made to a similar chip in a PC. The PS4 GPU has optimizations that no AMD GPU on the market right now has. I suspect that the XB3 GPU will also be of more advanced arc than current AMD GPU's, and will even furthur be helped by the speculated move engines. 

Both 8GB consoles will be capable of using all the available RAM, and over the course of gen 8 they will use it more and more effectivly. All 3rd party engines are going to be optimized to the 8 core CPU's, and the GPU's in PS4/XB3. All next gen games will be built with a target of  ~6GB of RAM. 

No matter what MS does with memory WiiU will not compete. Not because it is not capable. It will be just as capable as Wii was at running PS3/360 games. The only difference is this gen devs have no interest in supporting the system. They already have engines optimized for PS3/360, they have 150M userbase on those platforms. They will support those platforms until the scales tip to the point of games on PS4/XB3 are profitable, and then they will stop seeing support. 

This is based what has been said by publishers, developers, engineers, and industry veterans. The PS4 and XB3 are greater than the sum of their parts, development is shifting to a much greater scope with 8GB consoles as the new base, and 3rd parties are fed up with Nintendo. 

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Birimbau said:
People give it up! If you like Nintendo exclusives, buy a WiiU, otherwise don't buy it.

If you hope to play multiplats on WiiU next gen, you will get disappointed.

Welcome to a forum on video game market strategy and sales, where people talk about what ifs.

superchunk said:
It won't matter much anyways.

Games will be scaled to fit and 7GB of RAM won't be needed for a game anyways. Hell, 4GB isn't even needed on a heavily unoptimized PC, let alone 7GB on a highly optimized console.

WiiU won't have a technical reason to be ignored.

Its already being ignored by quite a lot of devs.

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Rafux said:
superchunk said:
It won't matter much anyways.

Games will be scaled to fit and 7GB of RAM won't be needed for a game anyways. Hell, 4GB isn't even needed on a heavily unoptimized PC, let alone 7GB on a highly optimized console.

WiiU won't have a technical reason to be ignored.

Its already being ignored by quite a lot of devs.

He's saying the 7GB won't need to be used, so there's no reason to ignore it, you're saying devs are ignoring it.

So, what's the reason, is it because the 7GB will be used, or is it because devs are shunning Nintendo?

mutantclown said:
pezus said:
mutantclown said:
Crysis 3, Diablo 3, Battlefield 3, Watch Dogs, etc., etc., all are able to run on 512MB RAM, so I don't see what's the problem.

Current gen games, yeah, and inferior versions of next-gen games. That's just it, they're (vastly) inferior. 

So? people buy them. I'm you can be damn sure they will continue to do so once current gen consoles hit $150.

Playing Crysis 4 on WiiU or PS360 when there will be a superior version on PS4, 720. Yea right.

Crytek downporting Crysis 4 for current gen consoles (WiiU, PS360), hahahaha.

Rafux said:

Playing Crysis 4 on WiiU or PS360 when there will be a superior version on PS4, 720. Yea right.

Crytek downporting Crysis 4 for current gen consoles (WiiU, PS360), hahahaha.

Why is that funny, downscaling is done all the time in the industry.

TheLastStarFighter said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
Just to clarify, rumors state that 720 will have 4 gig for games and 4 gig for "other stuff", not just the OS. There is a lot of speculation that 720 will be doing lots of things beyond games. The OS could use up 2 gig, while skype, your cable feed and DVR, your always on connection and other features could be using up system memory while 4 gig is blocked off for games. This is all speculation on rumor, of course.

The point is, if games are designed to run on 4 gig of memory, it's not a crazy stretch to say they can run on 1 gig or so. Whether 3rd parties support Nintendo is a whole other matter.

If thats the case then Sony will really be the more favored console next gen with gamers and third parties alike.


Because this parties are the ones who have been pressuring them to have more ram including Epic and Sony just gave them exactly what they've wanted. Third parties will work with Nintendo on the Wii U but I am sure they'll cut them off because Nintendo never ever works with them.

happydolphin said:
Rafux said:
superchunk said:
It won't matter much anyways.

Games will be scaled to fit and 7GB of RAM won't be needed for a game anyways. Hell, 4GB isn't even needed on a heavily unoptimized PC, let alone 7GB on a highly optimized console.

WiiU won't have a technical reason to be ignored.

Its already being ignored by quite a lot of devs.

He's saying the 7GB won't need to be used, so there's no reason to ignore it, you're saying devs are ignoring it.

So, what's the reason, is it because the 7GB will be used, or is it because devs are shunning Nintendo?

If devs use 7GB or not at the beginning is not the problem its because WiiU doesn't even have 1.5 GB for games,  Epic and Deep Silver already said they won't put resources in WiiU development, EA already said the new Frosbite engine won't be ported to WiiU, Square's Luminous engine is not coming to WiiU either.

And by the way I don't mind if next gen consoles use 2 or 3GB for the OS if that means switching games and apps on the fly and resume gameplay where you left it like a PC does (with little loading time), that alone makes want to upgrade.