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Zero999 said:
Netyaroze said:
Zero999 said:

those 0.35 tfolps you posted about a wii u are not only a rumor, it's a ridiculous rumor. even the ps3 has 0.4 tflops. wii u should probably be like 0.7 or 0.8. the fact is we just don't know the number.

0,4 TFlops are realistic for Wii U. PS3 has maybe 0.4Tflop. The number comes from the RSX which is an old architecture without unified shaders also old Nvidia which makes a comparison pointless its supposed to theoretically peak at 0.4 Tflops but if we look at the 360 GPU. The first GPU with unified shaders (and its from AMD aswell) it has 0.25 Tflop and is superior to the PS3 GPU. The Cell as found in the PS3 has a theoretical 200gflop with one SPU for security, PS3/360 are roughly in the 0.35 Tflop area.

Wii U is unknown yes but its a small chip and needs low power. PS3/360 need twice as much. Nintendo made an efficency monster but its based on older Architecture and newer AMD FLOPs>older AMD FLOPs.

Also look at the Graphics if Wii U would indeed be twice more powerful than PS3/360 it would be no problem to make all ports from PS3/360 1080p it would not even require much additional effort just up the internal rendering resolution from 720p to 1080p.


Wii U is definetly NOT 2x PS3/360. It might produce better graphics at some point but this is due to modern architecture. The Wii U just has more tricks than PS3/360 not twice the performance. Or we would see it. Unless Nintendo made everyone sign a contract ghat stops developers and themselfd to use all that power for framerate or resolution. 

I could substitute wii u for xbox 360 in your post and would probably look the same as many posts from 7 years ago.

And ? Whats your point ? I havent said that 7 years ago. I am saying it now. What exactly makes you think that you are right ? Do you think Nintendo has somehow hidden the additional streamingcores ? 


You have to argue your case, atleast explain how you came to the conclusion that Wii U has twice the gflop performance of 360 and PS3.