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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - These journalists couldn't stop smiling at Nintendo's fate

"Gaming journalism" is more or less a marketing mouthpiece for third party publishers and I'm surprised that a lot of people haven't clued into this fact already.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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kljesta64 said:
DélioPT said:

What i don`t get is how Skype is awesome and will be good for MS, yet Wii U`s vídeo chat isn`t even worth mentioning.

skype is a well known name and MS is gonna advertise probably better adn wii u chat is just wii u chat.

I am typing on an iPad.

i can DL Skype in it. (I already have it on my PC).

So that should be a factor in my decision to buy a console?

If you are depending upon external features and not games, you have a problem with your gaming console.

(I can't figure out why Pachter thinks this would be a system seller.)

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Look at N64 and look at Gamecube. Now look at Wii and Wii U.....It is obvious that Nintendo caught lightning in a bottle with the Wii. The Wii U will most likely perform closer to N64 or the Gamecube in terms of sales.

There's nothing wrong with these journalists, they represent how the majority of gamers feel. Look at their attitudes and it shows exactly why Wii U sales are so low.

BasilZero said:

I dont look for articles talking about negative aspects (infact majority of the articles I find are on this site l0l) about video game systems especially ones that come up with crazy conspiracy theories and whatnot. I'm either too busy playing a game myself/with friends , posting here ;p or making videos of game playthroughs - as far as my free time/gaming time is concerned.

But ya the article makers dont care, as long as they get hits they'll just keep rehashing the articles with different words and headline titles.  Media loves to twist things - its just not the video game industry/journalism industry.

Some of us hold the industry and its journalists to a higher standard than you. To each their own, but I prefer clean and fair journalism.

I also love my games.

VGKing said:
Look at N64 and look at Gamecube. Now look at Wii and Wii U.....It is obvious that Nintendo caught lightning in a bottle with the Wii. The Wii U will most likely perform closer to N64 or the Gamecube in terms of sales.

There's nothing wrong with these journalists, they represent how the majority of gamers feel. Look at their attitudes and it shows exactly why Wii U sales are so low.

@and with the DS, ... and with the 3DS, right? It's not just a one-shot success, they have the recipe, they just haven't used it. The U games that sell Nintendo consoles are not ready yet, but this is not the Wii, the U still has 2 years to get to where the Wii was when it first launched.

There is something wrong with journalists when they use poor arguments to shun the Wii U in a discussion regarding HW sales projections for the END of the generation.

Your glasses are tinted pink.

kljesta64 said:
DélioPT said:

What i don`t get is how Skype is awesome and will be good for MS, yet Wii U`s vídeo chat isn`t even worth mentioning.

skype is a well known name and MS is gonna advertise probably better adn wii u chat is just wii u chat.

I brought that up because Pachter keeps refering to it as a big card for MS when Wii U already does the basic function for free aswell.

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Don´t worry people. Nintendo is and always will be the king of videogames.

VGKing said:
Look at N64 and look at Gamecube. Now look at Wii and Wii U.....It is obvious that Nintendo caught lightning in a bottle with the Wii. The Wii U will most likely perform closer to N64 or the Gamecube in terms of sales.

There's nothing wrong with these journalists, they represent how the majority of gamers feel. Look at their attitudes and it shows exactly why Wii U sales are so low.

Wii U will probably perform better then GC because nintendo is taking a different path as the wii did but not so the GC it tried to beat the ps2 and xbox at their territory and nintendo failed..even the n64 was something totally unique at that the only way for them to succeed is something nintendo has done from beggining that is to create something unique. and I think they did it with the Wii U. my prediction is 50+ million consoles sold

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

The hipster gen is Sony, their parents' gen is Nintendo. It's little more than teen-angst carried on for another 10 years. When the hipster gen hits 30 they'll look back and hate themselves for being so arrogant. Such is the way of life of generations, and their kids will want to see Sony fall, and the viscous cycle will continue.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

happydolphin said:
BasilZero said:

I dont look for articles talking about negative aspects (infact majority of the articles I find are on this site l0l) about video game systems especially ones that come up with crazy conspiracy theories and whatnot. I'm either too busy playing a game myself/with friends , posting here ;p or making videos of game playthroughs - as far as my free time/gaming time is concerned.

But ya the article makers dont care, as long as they get hits they'll just keep rehashing the articles with different words and headline titles.  Media loves to twist things - its just not the video game industry/journalism industry.

Some of us hold the industry and its journalists to a higher standard than you. To each their own, but I prefer clean and fair journalism.

I also love my games.

VGKing said:
Look at N64 and look at Gamecube. Now look at Wii and Wii U.....It is obvious that Nintendo caught lightning in a bottle with the Wii. The Wii U will most likely perform closer to N64 or the Gamecube in terms of sales.

There's nothing wrong with these journalists, they represent how the majority of gamers feel. Look at their attitudes and it shows exactly why Wii U sales are so low.


@and with the DS, ... and with the 3DS, right? It's not just a one-shot success, they have the recipe, they just haven't used it. The U games that sell Nintendo consoles are not ready yet, but this is not the Wii, the U still has 2 years to get to where the Wii was when it first launched.

There is something wrong with journalists when they use poor arguments to shun the Wii U in a discussion regarding HW sales projections for the END of the generation.

Your glasses are tinted pink.


They actually make a really good point.The Wii U doesn't have modern tech specs so it won't get good 3rd party support. The Wii sold purely on Nintendo 1st party, mainly Wii Sports. Wii U doesn't have that going for it and its becoming obvious that yet again, 3rd party support will be lacking with this Nintendo console.

The U games that sell consoles are already there. Nintendoland and NSMBU were Nintendo's 2 killer apps targeting the mass market. It even has Black Ops 2 and Assassin's Creed 3, 2 very popular core franchises.

Mythmaker1 said:
BluGamer23 said:
Mythmaker1 said:
They're not being vindictive, they're being dismissive.

As far as the majority of gaming journalists goes, the Wii U is a JOKE, not without good reason. And until Nintendo does something about that, it will continue to be a joke.

since when has a Nintendo console NOT been a joke to the industry and these journalist clowns? .. even when a Nintendo console is successful it was still a joke !  nothing has changed =)

There's a difference between being a joke, and the butt of a joke. The Wii was the butt of the joke was called the Wii, and the controller was goofy. Not bad, but certainly easy to make fun of.

The Wii U has all of that, and stunningly underwhelming sales. The Wii was easy to make fun of, but it was sucessful enough that people couldn't ignore it. That's not the case for the Wii U.

A joke is a joke.. no diffence man ..they laugh at Nintendo all the same.