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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto: give the Wii U time.

MegaDrive08 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Pachofilauri said:
Max King of the Wild said:




You will say anything that fits your argument, people were all over the Internet saying how much better kinect and move were to the wii and how the wii is finished now, anything Nintendo does isn't good enough for you people and never will be.

You have no leg to stand on here. Even if what you say is the case it doesn't mean they were wrong. Both Move and Kinect are technologically better the Wiimote. Just because people made that claim doesn't mean they thought they would be the next big thing. Also provide me a link to someone claiming Nintendo was done for because of either of those

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And I think playing without a controller is useless, yet the 360 gamers thought it was great, and these were the same people who said the wiimote and nunchuk weren't proper controls.


BloodyRain said:
I guess the gamepad could have some cool features, but seems like a gimmick to me. I would rather just use a regular controller.

I think that's the big issue, people don't realize that the gamepad is a regular controller.  There is no difference from the gamepad than the xbox 360, and ps3 controllers, other than the touchscreen, and you don't even need to use the touchscreen.  


LOL, are you serious theres an article every other day talking about how Nintendo's is done, these were gamers on YouTube, n4g, ign.


JakDaSnack said:
BloodyRain said:
I guess the gamepad could have some cool features, but seems like a gimmick to me. I would rather just use a regular controller.

I think that's the big issue, people don't realize that the gamepad is a regular controller.  There is no difference from the gamepad than the xbox 360, and ps3 controllers, other than the touchscreen, and you don't even need to use the touchscreen.  

Ya, my perception of the gamepad honestly seems like using an ipad mini with buttons as a controller for my games. It just seems off to me, though I do think the second screen function is kind of cool though.

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JakDaSnack said:

First off I wanted to say that this was a much better response, simply saying that all the wiiU gamepad brings to the table is inventory/map, and then asking me what other features there are, and then before I even say anything you assume my response is "none." That is rude, and lacks imigination, if you really can't think of anything besides inventory/map/off-screen play, then you clearly have no imagination, and thus made me feel that your comment was idiotic and that you hadn't played any of the wiiU games.  My more rude comments were 100% based off of your last line and how you answered your own question.

Moving on.  You say that tablets don't need extra buttons, and I do agree, this is largely true, you can program buttons on the screen using multi touch.  However, there are some experiences that are just uncomfortable.  Lets take the animal crossing game on Nintendoland(you say you've played the wiiU, so I assume you have tried this game, if not, please tell me, I wont be rude, I just need to know if I need to explain this game to you)  But the the point of this game is being able to run at the other animals, with 2 different guards, and when near them, you have to quickly tackle them with the ZR/ZL buttons, it's easier to have your thumb on the front and your index fingers on the back, imagine having to have your index fingers and thumbs on the front?  Wow that sounds uncomfortable, and that is just one example of buttons being necessary.

You next move on to talk about being able to do things on the ps4 away from your home with the vita.  And I completely agree wtih that, however, unless the vita is bundled, not many will have vita's, and thus it won't be something that is largely supported, and even if it was, it won't have a huge effect on wiiU sales.

In response to what I bolded, you didn't mention anything from that paragraph in your initial argument.  If you said that in a different post that's fine, but I am only referring to your original response to my original statement.

I do agree that tablets and vita's can offer different experiences that the tablet, but I believe that the wiiU offers much better experiences by either offer a tablet with buttons, or by bundling this tablet with every wiiU and thus every wiiU owner will have a gamepad and all wiiU games will offer gamepad experiences.

I was actually not talking about the Vita at all when I was describing what you could do when away from the console.

Sony showed Off-TV play with the Vita, but everything else that I described was shown on tablets, which is something hundreds of millions of people (1B+ according to the link I provided earlier.)

Also, when I said "None", I was speaking of features exclusive to the touchscreen itself. Like throwing ninja stars, controlling the batwing, inventory, maps, etc.. things that would require the gamer to have a touch enabled screen readily available.


Yes, you may be right that the WiiU provides a better overall experience when it comes to that total package, but people will not believe that until they prove it, and as of now I see nothing on the horizon to make it think it is. Pikmin doesn't look to show that, neither does Zelda WW or the multiplats coming later in the year.

From what I have seen, maybe Wonderful 101 will be the game to show me. I certainly hope so as I think that game looks phenominal.

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He mentions nothing about the competitors, and rightfully so as the Vita and MS SmartGlass could offer some form of second screen interaction

Euphoria14 said:
JakDaSnack said:

First off I wanted to say that this was a much better response, simply saying that all the wiiU gamepad brings to the table is inventory/map, and then asking me what other features there are, and then before I even say anything you assume my response is "none." That is rude, and lacks imigination, if you really can't think of anything besides inventory/map/off-screen play, then you clearly have no imagination, and thus made me feel that your comment was idiotic and that you hadn't played any of the wiiU games.  My more rude comments were 100% based off of your last line and how you answered your own question.

Moving on.  You say that tablets don't need extra buttons, and I do agree, this is largely true, you can program buttons on the screen using multi touch.  However, there are some experiences that are just uncomfortable.  Lets take the animal crossing game on Nintendoland(you say you've played the wiiU, so I assume you have tried this game, if not, please tell me, I wont be rude, I just need to know if I need to explain this game to you)  But the the point of this game is being able to run at the other animals, with 2 different guards, and when near them, you have to quickly tackle them with the ZR/ZL buttons, it's easier to have your thumb on the front and your index fingers on the back, imagine having to have your index fingers and thumbs on the front?  Wow that sounds uncomfortable, and that is just one example of buttons being necessary.

You next move on to talk about being able to do things on the ps4 away from your home with the vita.  And I completely agree wtih that, however, unless the vita is bundled, not many will have vita's, and thus it won't be something that is largely supported, and even if it was, it won't have a huge effect on wiiU sales.

In response to what I bolded, you didn't mention anything from that paragraph in your initial argument.  If you said that in a different post that's fine, but I am only referring to your original response to my original statement.

I do agree that tablets and vita's can offer different experiences that the tablet, but I believe that the wiiU offers much better experiences by either offer a tablet with buttons, or by bundling this tablet with every wiiU and thus every wiiU owner will have a gamepad and all wiiU games will offer gamepad experiences.

I was actually not talking about the Vita at all when I was describing what you could do when away from the console.

Sony showed Off-TV play with the Vita, but everything else that I described was shown on tablets, which is something hundreds of millions of people (1B+ according to the link I provided earlier.)

Also, when I said "None", I was speaking of features exclusive to the touchscreen itself. Like throwing ninja stars, controlling the batwing, inventory, maps, etc.. things that would require the gamer to have a touch enabled screen readily available.


Yes, you may be right that the WiiU provides a better overall experience when it comes to that total package, but people will not believe that until they prove it, and as of now I see nothing on the horizon to make it think it is. Pikmin doesn't look to show that, neither does Zelda WW or the multiplats coming later in the year.

From what I have seen, maybe Wonderful 101 will be the game to show me. I certainly hope so as I think that game looks phenominal.

Maybe I've been hanging around the wrong crowd, but you are the first person I've met that has shown (at least to some extent) distaste in the wiiU, but thought that wonderful 101 looks phenominal.  Kudos!  I too am excited for that game:)  

But as for the rest of your point, I agree that their is nothing on the horizon that will show off the duel screen, maybe with more mini games from wii party, but idk. 


MegaDrive08 said:
LOL, are you serious theres an article every other day talking about how Nintendo's is done, these were gamers on YouTube, n4g, ign.

So other words trolls looking for hits that we have no way of identifying if they actually believed what they were saying. On top of that you said sony/ms fans implying it was the general concensus of the fanbase. You can probably provide articles saying Nintendo Doom as I could provide just as many claiming Sony Move doom. What you need to provide to substantiate your claim is a thread that showed the majority of the fans thinking Wii doom. Which I doubt you will be able to provide

How many of you actually read the article?  Or the original CNN article itself? 

How many of you read the baited headline from MCV and thought Miaymoto actually said that?


Miyamoto never once talked about the compeition.

Read the real article and not the fanboy bait.


4-5 pages of people fighting over the headline that isn't even in the damn article to begin with.

The rEVOLution is not being televised