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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii is a fad claim revisited.


Was Wii a fad?

Yes 219 55.30%
No 147 37.12%
Hesitant to say one way o... 29 7.32%

uh oh, we are here again

well it won the generation easily like the PS2 did because it broke through the casual audience,the wii fell apart near the end which i guess is why the battle rages

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


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FrancisNobleman said:
it sold 100 million units, number 1 selling console this gen, whether you can sleep well at night with that fact or not.

I would hardly claim it as a fad. It was just different and everyone tried to get a piece of the pie with rip offs like move and kinect. and they did well too.

Yes. Probably the fad side of Wii helped Microsoft and Sony too... So are we all a big fad or not?


oniyide said:

I think some are pissed that it did not turn out they way they thought it would, so they lash out. The Wii didnt get the 50% market share they thought it would, it didnt get the support they thought it would, from either 3rd parties or even Ninty toward the end. Their are also some who hate Sony/MS and thought this woudl have been the opportunity for them to go away, that didnt happen and it pisses some of them off, if anything those two still managed to do ok and still they continue to get support. YOu made good point and i would just ignore them.

This is pretty much the definition of "butthurt." 

I'm sure those who have been following the 7th gen since it started are well aware of the stark contrasts between the die hard Nintendo fan in 2006-2009 when the Wii was breaking all records, as was the DS and it was all Nintendomination this and Nintendomination that, and all the third party developers must develop their leading projects for the Wii or go out of business, etc... and somewhere around 2010 when sales started dropping, the Wii was no longer newsworthy, marketshare was dropping, development took a turn for the worse and suddenly all those enthusiastic, smug Nintendo fans became a lot like the bitter Sega fans following the demise of the Dreamcast. 

The Wii had an incredible run, and I have a hard time envisioning another console that will be able to repeat that phenomenon (the one where a mass produced item like a console is constantly short on stock for almost two years), but the numbers don't lie in showing just how quickly the hype and enthusiasm came crashing back down once the general public's fascination with the Wii diminished. 

Mnementh said:
Cobretti2 said:
I agree Wii is suck a fad, I mean like the casuals have moved on already.

Oh wait Just Dance is still selling better that all the other hardcore 3rd party games combined on Wii.

Shht, don't tell all the people that fell butthurt because of Wiis success, they can assure themself by calling Wii a fad.

Insulting those that disagree with you isn't allowed on this site.  Keep that in mind.  And no, being general about it doesn't help anything.  If I get into a debate and call everyone who voted for Mitt Romney a goatfucker after reading replies by people that voted for him I'm calling everyone that posted before and said that a goatfucker.  

So again, keep this in mind.  I'll leave this as a general warning to the thread at large about that particular issue.  


phenom08 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
pokoko said:
RolStoppable said:

Every successful console can be said to have had "me too" sales, so why is the Wii so much of an exception that only it can be a fad while no other video game system was? That's the main issue here, that certain folks redefine the term "fad" to fit the Wii, but no other system. And it's done for no other reason than to diminish the success of the Wii.

This is just like the legendary "The Wii is a toy" thread where somehow the Wii was the only console to be a toy while Sony and Microsoft consoles were not. Calling the Wii a toy isn't an issue, because video game systems are toys. But it becomes an issue when the statement is made for the sole reason of elitism and declaring the superiority of competing products.

When you look at what the Wii did in the seventh generation, nobody can claim that it took away third party games from Sony and Microsoft in any noteworthy manner. The success of the Wii didn't hurt owners of Sony and Microsoft consoles from a gaming standpoint. Pretty much the sole reason why anyone would need to downplay the Wii is because they are butthurt by the hardware sales of the console. They are butthurt, because the Wii didn't succeed for the reasons that a console should succeed in their eyes.

You're really coming across as paranoid and reactionary with this.  You can't shout people down from analyzing something just because they're not bending over backwards to praise it.  I'm getting absolutely sick of hearing the inane "butthurt" counter-argument for bleeding everything.  It's ridiculous.  That term needs to die.  I assure you, looking at something critically is not the same as being "butthurt".

I said that the Wii was partially a fad, though I think Gamerace was probably more accurate by saying that Wii Sports and Wii Fit were the real fad products.  It just happens that the Wii was necessary to play them, to the point that many people used the term "Wii" as meaning "Wii Sports".

It's not even like it's a negative.  I don't get the anger at all.

The butt hurt comment is so fucking ridiculous considering I have a Wii and Ps3, last gen had a xbox and the gen before that had a 64 and Ps1, SNES, NES (I still have my 64 and SNES). If anything I'm a bigger nintendo fan than half the ones claiming they are Nintendo fans on this site.

We can all make things up bud. Anyways its true, usually haters try to downplay the Wiis success by calling it a fad. Its usually just people being butthurt.

Word to the wise bud, don't try and argue things which can so easily be proven. You are going to feel salty Thursday, anticipate a new avatar

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
Max King of the Wild said:
pokoko said:
RolStoppable said:

Every successful console can be said to have had "me too" sales, so why is the Wii so much of an exception that only it can be a fad while no other video game system was? That's the main issue here, that certain folks redefine the term "fad" to fit the Wii, but no other system. And it's done for no other reason than to diminish the success of the Wii.

This is just like the legendary "The Wii is a toy" thread where somehow the Wii was the only console to be a toy while Sony and Microsoft consoles were not. Calling the Wii a toy isn't an issue, because video game systems are toys. But it becomes an issue when the statement is made for the sole reason of elitism and declaring the superiority of competing products.

When you look at what the Wii did in the seventh generation, nobody can claim that it took away third party games from Sony and Microsoft in any noteworthy manner. The success of the Wii didn't hurt owners of Sony and Microsoft consoles from a gaming standpoint. Pretty much the sole reason why anyone would need to downplay the Wii is because they are butthurt by the hardware sales of the console. They are butthurt, because the Wii didn't succeed for the reasons that a console should succeed in their eyes.

You're really coming across as paranoid and reactionary with this.  You can't shout people down from analyzing something just because they're not bending over backwards to praise it.  I'm getting absolutely sick of hearing the inane "butthurt" counter-argument for bleeding everything.  It's ridiculous.  That term needs to die.  I assure you, looking at something critically is not the same as being "butthurt".

I said that the Wii was partially a fad, though I think Gamerace was probably more accurate by saying that Wii Sports and Wii Fit were the real fad products.  It just happens that the Wii was necessary to play them, to the point that many people used the term "Wii" as meaning "Wii Sports".

It's not even like it's a negative.  I don't get the anger at all.

The butt hurt comment is so fucking ridiculous considering I have a Wii and Ps3, last gen had a xbox and the gen before that had a 64 and Ps1, SNES, NES (I still have my 64 and SNES). If anything I'm a bigger nintendo fan than half the ones claiming they are Nintendo fans on this site.

The butthurt comment isn't ridiculous. It's not without basis either. Here's a thread that demonstrates your butthurt regarding the PSN hack:

Feel free to put a clear definition for the word "fad" in your OP instead of being ambiguous. Make this a topic that is maybe worth discussing instead of having people who don't like the Wii come in and agree with the notion that the Wii is a fad. Because that's really all this thread has been so far. There's no real analysis. There are no other examples of fads. It's just a meeting ground for people who liked to call the Wii a fad since 2007. Of course they'll agree with you.

Oh, yeah. Threads are a great way to prove your point... I'm so butthurt that Insomniac went multiplat because I would NEVER buy a multiplat game

You guys are reaching and strugglin'

Quite frankly the "proof" that you guys provide is nothing more than logical fallacies and makes you look over protective and juvenile. The PSN hack was such a non-issue for me I didn't claim either game or get the year identity protection Honestly, you are being blinded by devotion on this particular subject that you can't see that there isn't any "butthurt" here.

As for clarification there was a well done academic source posted in this thread as a wiki page. I don't think I need to clarify any more

I think you're blurring the lines between 'fad' and 'success'.

On the one hand, yes, Wii had a very large explosion in popularity the moment it launched and it had subsided by the end of 2009, when it got it's first price cut and momentum had clearly subsided to a more typical level.

Even then, though, Wii still sold more hardware and software than either of the other consoles at the time. Wii didn't really start to seriously slow down and stall until 2011 and 2012. 2009-2010 were still banner years for hardware sales and the release of extremely popular software titles.

I think the thing is, Wii stopped being the word-of-mouth mainstream sensation right about the middle of 2009, and from then on it relied heavily on the tried-and-true Nintendo franchise sequels to sell itself.

So, yes, a segment of the Wii, heavily focusing on the front half of the system's life, was 'fad' in nature, on account of the Wii Remote and Wii Sports combo, but just as importantly, it was Nintendo's most successful console ever and their first-party franchise sequels sold better on Wii than on any previous hardware. Clearly, there is bountiful evidence that many of the 'fad' adopters stuck around and also picked up NSMB and Mario Kart, and some even jumped on board Galaxy 1 and 2.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

Screamapillar said:
I think you're blurring the lines between 'fad' and 'success'.

On the one hand, yes, Wii had a very large explosion in popularity the moment it launched and it had subsided by the end of 2009, when it got it's first price cut and momentum had clearly subsided to a more typical level.

Even then, though, Wii still sold more hardware and software than either of the other consoles at the time. Wii didn't really start to seriously slow down and stall until 2011 and 2012. 2009-2010 were still banner years for hardware sales and the release of extremely popular software titles.

I think the thing is, Wii stopped being the word-of-mouth mainstream sensation right about the middle of 2009, and from then on it relied heavily on the tried-and-true Nintendo franchise sequels to sell itself.

So, yes, a segment of the Wii, heavily focusing on the front half of the system's life, was 'fad' in nature, on account of the Wii Remote and Wii Sports combo, but just as importantly, it was Nintendo's most successful console ever and their first-party franchise sequels sold better on Wii than on any previous hardware. Clearly, there is bountiful evidence that many of the 'fad' adopters stuck around and also picked up NSMB and Mario Kart, and some even jumped on board Galaxy 1 and 2.

Wii was shattering Ps2's pace. It was looking as if the Wii would sell more than the ps2... now it's looking as if it might tie the ps1. Thats clear indication of a fad.
Also, aren't fads by definition successful? But not all successes are fads (which I the counter points bringing in Ps2 are awfully weak). It might have sold healthy for 5 years like a "normal console life span" but the fact that it wont nearly live as long as ANY (NES, SNES, Ps1, Ps2) 1st place console is another clear indication.

Bold: is another trend for fads.

As people have pointed out. I'm not sure why people think it's a bad thing. I spent most of my teenage years skateboarding in the late 90's when it blew up. I dont regret it and had fun during that time. It was obviously a fad (thanks to tony hawk) even though the sport remains relevant today but not nearly the same capacity it once was. People try using that as evidence also... but those are clear signs of fads.

The point at which I would start considering something successful on it's own merits (not being a cool trend to follow) would be it's long term relevance (for lack of a better word) compared to the industries standards. Considering a 1st place console never fizzled out so quick would conform to that idea

greenmedic88 said:
oniyide said:

I think some are pissed that it did not turn out they way they thought it would, so they lash out. The Wii didnt get the 50% market share they thought it would, it didnt get the support they thought it would, from either 3rd parties or even Ninty toward the end. Their are also some who hate Sony/MS and thought this woudl have been the opportunity for them to go away, that didnt happen and it pisses some of them off, if anything those two still managed to do ok and still they continue to get support. YOu made good point and i would just ignore them.

This is pretty much the definition of "butthurt." 

I'm sure those who have been following the 7th gen since it started are well aware of the stark contrasts between the die hard Nintendo fan in 2006-2009 when the Wii was breaking all records, as was the DS and it was all Nintendomination this and Nintendomination that, and all the third party developers must develop their leading projects for the Wii or go out of business, etc... and somewhere around 2010 when sales started dropping, the Wii was no longer newsworthy, marketshare was dropping, development took a turn for the worse and suddenly all those enthusiastic, smug Nintendo fans became a lot like the bitter Sega fans following the demise of the Dreamcast. 

The Wii had an incredible run, and I have a hard time envisioning another console that will be able to repeat that phenomenon (the one where a mass produced item like a console is constantly short on stock for almost two years), but the numbers don't lie in showing just how quickly the hype and enthusiasm came crashing back down once the general public's fascination with the Wii diminished. 

exactly. Those smug predictions never made sense to me, because IMHO anyone who thought about it could see that none of those were going to happen, except maybe the 50& marketshare. They set themselve up to be dissapointed. the PS2 comparisons show even more butthurt because it doesnt make sense. I will admit that people bought it intially for DVD but the price of DVD players dropped pretty quick so that became a non factor early on. PS2 sold alot MORE than Wii, Wii is not even going to get close. PS2 never had a drop like Wii did, hell they just stopped producing it. PS2 people bought games, all kinds of games. THe PS2 version of a game always sold better, despite sometimes being the worst, cant say that for Wii.

Screamapillar said:
I think you're blurring the lines between 'fad' and 'success'.

On the one hand, yes, Wii had a very large explosion in popularity the moment it launched and it had subsided by the end of 2009, when it got it's first price cut and momentum had clearly subsided to a more typical level.

Even then, though, Wii still sold more hardware and software than either of the other consoles at the time. Wii didn't really start to seriously slow down and stall until 2011 and 2012. 2009-2010 were still banner years for hardware sales and the release of extremely popular software titles.

I think the thing is, Wii stopped being the word-of-mouth mainstream sensation right about the middle of 2009, and from then on it relied heavily on the tried-and-true Nintendo franchise sequels to sell itself.

So, yes, a segment of the Wii, heavily focusing on the front half of the system's life, was 'fad' in nature, on account of the Wii Remote and Wii Sports combo, but just as importantly, it was Nintendo's most successful console ever and their first-party franchise sequels sold better on Wii than on any previous hardware. Clearly, there is bountiful evidence that many of the 'fad' adopters stuck around and also picked up NSMB and Mario Kart, and some even jumped on board Galaxy 1 and 2.

actually their is evidence they didnt stick around. Those games released when Wii was at its peak. But if you actually look at the library youl will see that software sales dropped overall over time with only some doing good. Lets look at sequels. THere are only 2 series i can think of where, they actually got more popular over time. Raving Rabbids and Just Dance. Even some of Ninty's games cant say that. Galaxy2 didnt sell better than one, Wii play sequel, Carnival games, Zelda, deblob, epicMickey, damn near all EA sports games, etc. That is a stark contrast to most other systems, where the games sequels, at the very least sell about par. This tells me that people lost interest about midway through. I would love an explanation of why this is so.