looks like dlc for 3.. lol
JEMC said: Oh, yeah! If it's as fun as the others I'm fine with the graphics (it's a PS3/xbox360 game after all), but isn't it a bit weird launching this game 1 month before GTA V? That may hurt its sales. |
Hurt GTA's sales, you mean?
badgenome said:
Hurt GTA's sales, you mean? |
Well, maybe both.
There'll be people that won't buy Saints Row because GTA is just around the corner and if they can only buy 1 of them they'll go with GTA for its name. And then there will be people that will get this game and then forget about the other one because they'll be too busy killing pedestrians with a giant dildo.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.
badgenome said:
Koch Media. |
reported for talking to me
Looks good! Hopefully it'll be as crazy as previous iterations.
No consoles, though? So we're assuming it's PC exclusive?
badgenome said:
You are not hyped enough. Reported. |
Please don't do it, I'm sure it'd be enough for some mods to ban me....
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