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Forums - Sales Discussion - ALL marioboys bought SMG and Wii? Or speculations made on SMG and SMS sales

No SMG is tracking ahead of NSMB world wide. While I agree that is pretty hot, one thing to consider is that NSMB was released in May, it did not see a holiday boost for over 6 month in NA at least.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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Riot Of The Blood said:

1) You are still making the same mistake. You can't compare the sales trends of SMG to SMS, because SMS was clearly handicapped by a lower average review score. =)

2) 4 % in score is nothing in the sub 50 % regions, but when the scores you are comparing are both in the 90+ % range, then 4 % make a huge difference as the SM64 vs. SMS sales comparison clearly shows. =)

3) So, just because Wii sells as good as PS2, doesn't mean that the PS3 will sell as good as GC. =)


A review score over 90% is hardly a handicap. I would call that a very good score, actually. Reviews do not impact sales the way some people think. For example, smash brothers isn't over 90%, yet people love that game. Back in that those days, bashing Nintendo was the hip things to do; that's why a lot of the GameCube games are underscored. There's a simular thing happening to the PS3 right now. 


While the reviews for SMS were generally good, the word of mouth from fans was mixed - especially those who never bothered playing the game. Like so much about the GCN, it was horribly hampered by bad PR - the game's "clean is better than dirty" campaign played right into the "kiddie Nintendo" hands, and all most of these people noted in the reviews was "not SM64". It was also criticized for being too hard, and for a lack of variety in levels (which was totally unfair IMO).

misterd said:
Riot Of The Blood said:

1) You are still making the same mistake. You can't compare the sales trends of SMG to SMS, because SMS was clearly handicapped by a lower average review score. =)

2) 4 % in score is nothing in the sub 50 % regions, but when the scores you are comparing are both in the 90+ % range, then 4 % make a huge difference as the SM64 vs. SMS sales comparison clearly shows. =)

3) So, just because Wii sells as good as PS2, doesn't mean that the PS3 will sell as good as GC. =)


A review score over 90% is hardly a handicap. I would call that a very good score, actually. Reviews do not impact sales the way some people think. For example, smash brothers isn't over 90%, yet people love that game. Back in that those days, bashing Nintendo was the hip things to do; that's why a lot of the GameCube games are underscored. There's a simular thing happening to the PS3 right now.


While the reviews for SMS were generally good, the word of mouth from fans was mixed - especially those who never bothered playing the game. Like so much about the GCN, it was horribly hampered by bad PR - the game's "clean is better than dirty" campaign played right into the "kiddie Nintendo" hands, and all most of these people noted in the reviews was "not SM64". It was also criticized for being too hard, and for a lack of variety in levels (which was totally unfair IMO).

 I just could not stand using the FLUDD.  Maybe if they remade it to use the Wiimote, but I absolutely despise dual analog (mouse+keyboard ftw!).

Griffin said:
OriGin said:
Griffin said:
Crazzyman your logic is undeniable, everything you say is so insightful and well thought out. You are by far one of the best posters this site has ever had.

There are only a couple of reasons people buy the wii, they want the "wii" titled games, they are Nintendo fans or they want the new thing, kinda like the ipod. Or they hate Sony so much for making a console cost $600 that they bought the cheap wii until the price of the PS3 comes down.

this post deseves the mightiest of mighty WHAT THE FUCK's.






This has to be a joke post... if you honestly mean what you say then I am stunned.

And Griffon you are just a fanboy in denial if you think Wii is selling simply for the reasons you listed.

One day you guys will accept (past your fanboyish ways) that Nintendo has actually accomplished a very difficult challenge with the Wii and DS.

I will admit something, Nintendo has found a way to take my money becasue i bought the DS, and so far the only good games are Mario and mario cart. Not worth the $130 i paid for it. And so far the only good thing i've played on the wii is wii sports, maybe mario cart and brawl will make that 3 games.

I forgot i'm not allowed to disagree with the wii fans, i may get stoned.




Disagree all you want dude, but have a sound argument.  I'm not a Nintendo fan as you say, it is just impossible that this situation can be argued, make some valid points, let me cut you down and try and make some more valid points and I'll cut you down again.  This cannot be rationalised correctly because it is false.

I said that I agree that perhaps Japan has signs of this, but Europe and USA - ESPECIALLY USA will sell far more than SMS.

i like this thread. Let's try to keep it going.

As for Super Mario, I don't think its an accurate predictor of how many systems will sell lifetime. If its included in a whole aggregate games, then yes. But by itself? No.

And Crazzyman's argument that DMC/MGS/GTA4 being multiple system movers may be true, but you must also account for the fact that the DMC/MGS/GTA4 crowd might be all one in the same and that a MGSboy, as it were, is more likely to buy the other two games and that doesn't necessarily mean that those games will expand the market to n00b players. Though buying multiple games for one system is never a bad thing-- that's how Sony will eventually make a return on its investment.

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TheBigFatJ said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
It is tracking way over NSMB in Japan? I always thought that 2.797M was more than 0.877. (source:®2=Japan&game2=Super+Mario+Galaxy+-+Wii®3=Japan&game3=&weeks=20)

Nope, it doesn't look like it's tracking above NSMB in Japan. I guess that's a good, but unrelated point to the one I was making, which is that SMG is tracking above NSMB:®2=All&game2=Super+Mario+Galaxy+-+Wii®3=Japan&game3=&weeks=16

On a note related to your post, I don't think SMG will make 15+ million sales in japan alone, nor do I believe NSMB is approaching 15+ million sales in Japan alone. I guess when you read my entire post that makes sense.

Although if you want to compare the Wii and DS in Japan, it's worth noting that the DS reached 5 million just a little bit faster than the Wii (56 weeks vs 60 weeks, I believe).   

Of course SMG will not make 15M + in Japan alone. I was talking about worldwide. I guess if you read my entire post, that would make more sense.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

bigjon said:
No SMG is tracking ahead of NSMB world wide. While I agree that is pretty hot, one thing to consider is that NSMB was released in May, it did not see a holiday boost for over 6 month in NA at least.

Very good point. We really have to compare SMGs first 6 weeks to NSMBs first 6 (they were out of holiday season) and even then, it might come out a bit pro SMG. Now the numbers are 2.7 SMG vs 2.6 NSMB. I think we can call that a tie.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

since when comparing handheld game sells with Home game is ok?
the auditory is really different.
gba sold 80 mln. and gc only 20 mln.
then of`course, there are possibility, that most marioboys went on hendheld nintendo system and abandoned home nintendo system.
that`s why SMG didn`t have impressive sales compared to SMS.
FAST? yes, BUT only because in those 20 mln. wii owners 30% are mario fans from 21.5 mln. GC.
Otherwise it would sell LESS or much MORE, but not THAT CLOSE.
Yes, game is GREAT, but if it would be bought MOSTLY by new people, it wouldn`t DECLINE so FAST by now.
how many nintendo fans bought wii? yeah, not 85%, but definettely over 30% or 1/3.

By the way, this week SMG in Europe already went from 65k to 50k. It`s DECLINING.
Anyway, need more data. Best to wait next 6-8 weeks, till Wii reach GC user base.

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

One basic flaw in your theory is that Mario sales = Wii sales.
What about those who bought a Wii for Zelda, for Metroid, for Brawl? I think there is a decent chance of having a healthy supply of Resident Evil games on the Wii. And, I even know a guy who wants a Wii for Monster Hunter 3 alone. And I am currently only talking about games that appeal to core gamers not the casuals.

Another flaw is what consititutes a "marioboy," as you are the first person I know to coin this condescending term I am unaware of it's definition. Is it only someone who grew up with a Nes, or does it apply to someone who came along later? If the definition is the later, than there would be new "marioboys" being created after playing SMG.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

CrazzyMan said:
stof said:
Crazy thinks that a game out for years with multiple Christmases and players choice rereleases is the same as 12 weeks (10 in NA and Europe). And that's why there isn't a shred of sense in this analysis.

THAT IS The main problem, GAME WOUDLN`T REACH SMS NUMBERS SO FAST with same numbers of USERBASE(20 mln.) and then decline so FAST, if MOST OF the userbase wouldn`t be nintendo fanboys.

WHAT DECLINE? (and i swore to myself i wasn't going to get dragged into this one)

Have you ever heard of the word cooincidence?

Mario Galaxy sales reaching parity with Mario Sunshine sales coincided (this word might look strangely familiar) with the post holiday season in Japan.  (This is what we refer to as a confounding variable)