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Griffin said:
OriGin said:
Griffin said:
Crazzyman your logic is undeniable, everything you say is so insightful and well thought out. You are by far one of the best posters this site has ever had.

There are only a couple of reasons people buy the wii, they want the "wii" titled games, they are Nintendo fans or they want the new thing, kinda like the ipod. Or they hate Sony so much for making a console cost $600 that they bought the cheap wii until the price of the PS3 comes down.

this post deseves the mightiest of mighty WHAT THE FUCK's.






This has to be a joke post... if you honestly mean what you say then I am stunned.

And Griffon you are just a fanboy in denial if you think Wii is selling simply for the reasons you listed.

One day you guys will accept (past your fanboyish ways) that Nintendo has actually accomplished a very difficult challenge with the Wii and DS.

I will admit something, Nintendo has found a way to take my money becasue i bought the DS, and so far the only good games are Mario and mario cart. Not worth the $130 i paid for it. And so far the only good thing i've played on the wii is wii sports, maybe mario cart and brawl will make that 3 games.

I forgot i'm not allowed to disagree with the wii fans, i may get stoned.




Disagree all you want dude, but have a sound argument.  I'm not a Nintendo fan as you say, it is just impossible that this situation can be argued, make some valid points, let me cut you down and try and make some more valid points and I'll cut you down again.  This cannot be rationalised correctly because it is false.

I said that I agree that perhaps Japan has signs of this, but Europe and USA - ESPECIALLY USA will sell far more than SMS.