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Forums - General Discussion - Dumbest thing you did in school/work

I pooped my pants in 1st grade. Other than that nothing.

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lolita said:
Umm the biology class was really boring and on top of that the teacher has no enthousiasm and his voice was so boring/soothing... So I was just resting my head on my hand and I was starting to fall asleep and I slipped and smashed my head on the table.... >_< Not only looking akward and dumb but also hurts!

Also another time I was falling asleep in the same class but this time I learned my lesson, I just putted my head on the desk and I ish fell asleep and when I woke up there was drool on the desk! I know I'm discusting! >XP

 Same thing happened to me.  But worse.  My girlfriend was sititng beside me in class.  The teacher gave out MM's before she turned on a movie for use to watch.  I ate the candy, then fell asleep on my desk.  When I woke up, the sweetness of the MMs made my mouth water a lot and thus drool on the desk.  My girlfriend noticed =[


Another time, I fell asleep in class and the teacher had to come wake me up because my snoring was disrupting the class >.> 

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Forgot something, Junior High Basketball game I shot at the wrong basket, thank God I missed. To be postive I got the rebound!! True Story.

Very lawlsome thread.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Oh yeah and during our french lessons last year we made a deal that out of the three of us we werent allowed to speak a word to the teacher every other lesson, so when she asked you a question you had to flat out ignore her and pretend you hadnt heard.

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In recent memory I went to my campus and sat down in the room and started to play on my laptop. Half an hour later I started wondering why I was the only person in the room and after a little bit determined school that semester started not on monday, but wed.

It's worth it to note that it was my first class at that campus since transfering schools

Some of the dumb stuff I've done at work would probably get me on CNN. It's best I keep it to myself!!

Yes we have April Fools, I have no good stories though.

Yes, we do have it in America.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you