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lolita said:
Umm the biology class was really boring and on top of that the teacher has no enthousiasm and his voice was so boring/soothing... So I was just resting my head on my hand and I was starting to fall asleep and I slipped and smashed my head on the table.... >_< Not only looking akward and dumb but also hurts!

Also another time I was falling asleep in the same class but this time I learned my lesson, I just putted my head on the desk and I ish fell asleep and when I woke up there was drool on the desk! I know I'm discusting! >XP

 Same thing happened to me.  But worse.  My girlfriend was sititng beside me in class.  The teacher gave out MM's before she turned on a movie for use to watch.  I ate the candy, then fell asleep on my desk.  When I woke up, the sweetness of the MMs made my mouth water a lot and thus drool on the desk.  My girlfriend noticed =[


Another time, I fell asleep in class and the teacher had to come wake me up because my snoring was disrupting the class >.> 

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