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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should it be necessary to have a PS2, PS3 AND PS4 hooked up all at once to play?

if u havent played ps2 games by now then u dont deserve bc

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TheKoreanGuy said:

Lol, and that's why Sony is ditching Cell completely for PS4, right? But anyways, in Killzone's case, that is the work of Guerrilla Games, not the Cell. Don't fool yourself. Just look at Shadow Fall. No Cell processor there.

I don't think you really understand what I'm trying to say. It's fine with me if Sony removed PS2 BC even without Cell and it's fine that PS4 doesn't have PS3 BC. It's not a mandatory requirement by any means. I'm just saying it's something GOOD to have. That's the point I've been trying to get across this whole time. If you don't agree with that, then whatever.

I'm pretty annoyed about the BC issue myself.

At the moment on the PSN store, you can buy PS1 and PS2 and run them from the PS3 hard drive. If the PS3 can do that, then I'm not sure why they can't do that on PS4 for PS1 and PS2 games.

I understand why the PS3 and the PSN games can't be supported in the same way, and the only way for them to move forward is with Gaikai. But what about countries where Internet connections are weak, or not well supported. Even here in the UK I sometimes have disconnections.

On paper it sounds like a good idea, but theres a lot of logisitcal things to sort out. Firsty all that content we've spent money on, how will Sony compensate us for that.

Personally this is slowly forcing me to think about getting a WIi U, then getting PS4 another time.

Wow you can till each playstation console's lack good game's.All i hear is backwards compatibility for every new playstation that comes out.Glad i went with Xbox back in 2001.Each time a new Xbox console come's out I just want to play the new game's not the old ones.No wonder they have lost 5 billion on the PS3,2 billion on the PSvita.Look's like they have no game's everyone is worried about the old one's.I can see why sony is selling their building's to stay Afloat and there is talk of them being backrupt in 2 years.

Wow you can till each playstation console's lack good game's.All i hear is backwards compatibility for every new playstation that comes out.Glad i went with Xbox back in 2001.Each time a new Xbox console come's out I just want to play the new game's not the old ones.No wonder they have lost 5 billion on the PS3,2 billion on the PSvita.Look's like they have no game's everyone is worried about the old one's.I can see why sony is selling their building's to stay Afloat and there is talk of them being backrupt in 2 years.

Seriously dude?  You apparently don't know my background.  You CAN'T base the Playstation post on my post here.  I tend to fall into the XBox camp, if not others.  I just appreciate that the Playstation platform has had decent content that isn't available anywhere these days, and would like to play it.  I had to, for example, keep my PS2 Midway Arcade Treasures stuff, and the Capcom collections, because the XBox 360 wouldn't play them.

I am going to flag this here, and if I see any more indication of people using this as trolling fodder, I will say it should be locked.  This post is NOT one meant to fire at new IP content... AT ALL.

^^For someone with such an old account, to only less than 10 posts in 5 years is odd. Then to come back and troll away, was he someone's alt or something?

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darkknightkryta said:
^^For someone with such an old account, to only less than 10 posts in 5 years is odd. Then to come back and troll away, was he someone's alt or something?

Steal troll account.  Go figure.  No idea really what that was.  I just didn't appreciate things getting spun the way it was.  I am at a place here where I am tossed about getting a PS3 again, if a PS4 is on the radar, and won't play PS3 games native.  I then saw, in order to play all the content (i won't get rid of my PS2 now), I would need to have 3 consoles hooked up. Blech.

richardhutnik said:
darkknightkryta said:
^^For someone with such an old account, to only less than 10 posts in 5 years is odd. Then to come back and troll away, was he someone's alt or something?

Steal troll account.  Go figure.  No idea really what that was.  I just didn't appreciate things getting spun the way it was.  I am at a place here where I am tossed about getting a PS3 again, if a PS4 is on the radar, and won't play PS3 games native.  I then saw, in order to play all the content (i won't get rid of my PS2 now), I would need to have 3 consoles hooked up. Blech.

Yeah, but I agree with most people's sentiments here, when you finish up your games, how often are you gonna put them back in?  I mean I have a whole case of PS2 games I'm never gonna play again and I should probably have sold most of them when I had the chance.  Now they're just sitting there collecting dust.

How often do you play PS2/PS1 games? I bet once in a while you might feel the urge to pick up a classic PS1 game, or finish a PS2 game you haven't beaten, but in general you don't play that often right? If you're going to start up a new game, most people download the PSN version instead of go out and look for a PS2/PS1 disk.

I'm more retro, I don't like owning digital games, especially because apparently PSN content on your PS3 doesn't work on your PS4, so any PS1/PS2 games you did download are trapped on your PS3 now.

Anyway, my solution is 2 TV's. Most people probably have a second TV, maybe an old Cathode Ray Tube, or a smaller crummier LCD in their house. Maybe it's just a small TV in the bedroom. However you don't always need your PS2 hooked up, and it does look messy having 5 or more consoles plugged into the main TV. So Keep your main consoles connected to your main TV, consoles you still play regularly, in this situation that would mean a PS3 AND a PS4 (You're still going to be playing PS3 games until PS4 builds up a library), and whatever compeditor consoles you own, and then plug in the PS2 and other retro consoles into the second tv.

For me I have a 360 and a Wii (soon to be joined by a PS3) plugged into my main TV, which is a 40" LED. At my parents, I have a 20" CRT with my SNES, Gamecube, Dreamcast, and PS2 plugged in. Once in a while, when I start up a new JRPG, or feel in the mood for SNES or N64, I bring the console to my place and plug it into my 40" LED, but they never stay long.

In this situation I advise the same.

However it is stupid, PS4 games a Blu-Ray Disks correct? Last I heard Blu-Ray players play DVD's and CD's, and PS4 is powerful enough to emulate PS1 and PS2 games. Sony should be pro BC for legacy consoles, I don't think PS1 and PS2 software sales or BC will hurt PS4 game sales.

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About PSN , Im' just taking PSP and PS1 to play on my Vita.

About the necessary to have all consoles to play games , I precisely don't have any anwsers.

PS1's and PS2's manufacturing are stopped and one day they would be out of service so we don't have choice to re-buy games on PSN.

About the fact that PS4 can't accept the actual PSN's games , I think it's very scandalous :(.

They have to find a solution about this.

Oh yes , nice to meet you all. I've just registered today.

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Michael-5 said:

How often do you play PS2/PS1 games? I bet once in a while you might feel the urge to pick up a classic PS1 game, or finish a PS2 game you haven't beaten, but in general you don't play that often right? If you're going to start up a new game, most people download the PSN version instead of go out and look for a PS2/PS1 disk.

I'm more retro, I don't like owning digital games, especially because apparently PSN content on your PS3 doesn't work on your PS4, so any PS1/PS2 games you did download are trapped on your PS3 now.

I have the PS2 to play retro game content.  I do want to go back and play them, when the urge strikes.  I have a number of systems packed up in storage.  It is beneficial for me to be able to access them.