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TheKoreanGuy said:

Lol, and that's why Sony is ditching Cell completely for PS4, right? But anyways, in Killzone's case, that is the work of Guerrilla Games, not the Cell. Don't fool yourself. Just look at Shadow Fall. No Cell processor there.

I don't think you really understand what I'm trying to say. It's fine with me if Sony removed PS2 BC even without Cell and it's fine that PS4 doesn't have PS3 BC. It's not a mandatory requirement by any means. I'm just saying it's something GOOD to have. That's the point I've been trying to get across this whole time. If you don't agree with that, then whatever.

I'm pretty annoyed about the BC issue myself.

At the moment on the PSN store, you can buy PS1 and PS2 and run them from the PS3 hard drive. If the PS3 can do that, then I'm not sure why they can't do that on PS4 for PS1 and PS2 games.

I understand why the PS3 and the PSN games can't be supported in the same way, and the only way for them to move forward is with Gaikai. But what about countries where Internet connections are weak, or not well supported. Even here in the UK I sometimes have disconnections.

On paper it sounds like a good idea, but theres a lot of logisitcal things to sort out. Firsty all that content we've spent money on, how will Sony compensate us for that.

Personally this is slowly forcing me to think about getting a WIi U, then getting PS4 another time.