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How often do you play PS2/PS1 games? I bet once in a while you might feel the urge to pick up a classic PS1 game, or finish a PS2 game you haven't beaten, but in general you don't play that often right? If you're going to start up a new game, most people download the PSN version instead of go out and look for a PS2/PS1 disk.

I'm more retro, I don't like owning digital games, especially because apparently PSN content on your PS3 doesn't work on your PS4, so any PS1/PS2 games you did download are trapped on your PS3 now.

Anyway, my solution is 2 TV's. Most people probably have a second TV, maybe an old Cathode Ray Tube, or a smaller crummier LCD in their house. Maybe it's just a small TV in the bedroom. However you don't always need your PS2 hooked up, and it does look messy having 5 or more consoles plugged into the main TV. So Keep your main consoles connected to your main TV, consoles you still play regularly, in this situation that would mean a PS3 AND a PS4 (You're still going to be playing PS3 games until PS4 builds up a library), and whatever compeditor consoles you own, and then plug in the PS2 and other retro consoles into the second tv.

For me I have a 360 and a Wii (soon to be joined by a PS3) plugged into my main TV, which is a 40" LED. At my parents, I have a 20" CRT with my SNES, Gamecube, Dreamcast, and PS2 plugged in. Once in a while, when I start up a new JRPG, or feel in the mood for SNES or N64, I bring the console to my place and plug it into my 40" LED, but they never stay long.

In this situation I advise the same.

However it is stupid, PS4 games a Blu-Ray Disks correct? Last I heard Blu-Ray players play DVD's and CD's, and PS4 is powerful enough to emulate PS1 and PS2 games. Sony should be pro BC for legacy consoles, I don't think PS1 and PS2 software sales or BC will hurt PS4 game sales.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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