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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Thread! PLEASE Join the Hunt!


Will you be getting Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate?

Yes, for Wii U 158 45.66%
Yes, for 3DS 38 10.98%
Yes, for both 57 16.47%
No, but I'll pick it up ... 7 2.02%
No, I'm not interested 25 7.23%
No, I'm waiting for it t... 22 6.36%
See results 32 9.25%
Otakumegane said:
Where do you buy bomb casings?

I need to make flashbombs, tranq bombs.

Gotta trap then Jaggis for my armor.

you pretty much never have to make tranq ones, in those missions, they give you extras to start with. I don't think you'll need flash and sonic bombs in the early fights yet, they are more for later fights where things get really bitchy at times.

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sethnintendo said:

Yea, that is the metal bagpipe I'm talking about, I thought the hunting horn you just blew and monsters came sometimes?  Kind of like the health horn or whatever restores some life of you and close by party members.  I didn't think the hunting horn is a weapon.  I thought it was an item.  Apparently, I wasn't on top of my game on MH3 as I thought I was.  Probably due to me sticking mainly with switch axes and maces.

They're a new weapon type in this game over Tri, so I'll let you off this time


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
sethnintendo said:
Conegamer said:
sethnintendo said:
Metal Bagpipe? What the hell is that? Is this a new weapon class?

Is this not the Hunting Horn?

Nah it is a weapon

The Hunting Horn is a weapon. A very good one at that if the demo is anything to go by.

The Hunting Horn weapon class gives you access to a ridiculous number of buffs (attack/defense up, wind cancel, health recovery, no stamina loss, and many more), depending on the colours of its notes.  They have excellent base damage and a mini-version of the hammer "superpound" that doesn't need charging up.  In MHFU I use a hunting horn to eliminate spending on food and cool drinks on gathering quests.  Or with a hunting horn that heals you and the right pattern of attack, you can go a very long time without ever needing to sheathe your weapon.

By the way, thanks to whoever it was who pointed out you can make the touchscreen camera control larger, I seem to be adjusting really well to the 3DS controls now, unlike the demo.

I haven't gone online yet, but are there like "channels"?

Like is there one for the Chartz members? Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

sethnintendo said:
Mad55 said:
Do you only level up online when you do an event quest? I thought it was a bit different on tri wii maybe I just forgot.

You only go up HR ranks doing online quests (well that is how it was in the original).  So you don't get any HR rank doing offline quests.  Basically, you could beat the game and have decent gear offline and look like a complete noob online with no HR rank.

no thats Not what i meant I know that bit. I mean I thought we used to gain levels just by doing normall fights online not just event hunts. I robably dont remember well. i know the hR doesn't effect offline. 

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I got the gamee!!!!!! Came in today both copies! Finally (even though just one day late)

tbone51 said:
I got the gamee!!!!!! Came in today both copies! Finally (even though just one day late)

Nice! Be sure to play offline so you're ready for tomorrow ;)


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
tbone51 said:
I got the gamee!!!!!! Came in today both copies! Finally (even though just one day late)

Nice! Be sure to play offline so you're ready for tomorrow ;)

I thought Na and Eu still can't play together? Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Otakumegane said:
Conegamer said:
tbone51 said:
I got the gamee!!!!!! Came in today both copies! Finally (even though just one day late)

Nice! Be sure to play offline so you're ready for tomorrow ;)

I thought Na and Eu still can't play together?

They can't, but tomorrow is just a NA hunt anyway since the game doesn't come out until Friday over here!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Update available on Friday. Oh well, time to go 5* offline