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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vote Now! gamrconnect Most Wanted: April 2013

1. New Zelda (WiiU)
2. 3D Mario (WiiU)
3. Zelda Wind Waker HD (WiiU)
4. Ace Attorney 5 (3DS)
5. 'X' (WiiU)

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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Just keeping this on my Forum Buddy.

okr said:
1. Pikmin 3 (Wii U)
2. The Night of the Rabbit (PC)
3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Wii U)
4. Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse (PC)
5. Beyond: Two Souls (PS3)


1. Pikmin 3 (Wii U)
2. The Night of the Rabbit (PC)
3. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Wii U)
4. Th
e Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Wii U)
5. Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse (PC)

~Mod Edit~

Spam post deleted.


Michael-5 said:
1. X (Wii U)
2. Pandora's Tower (Wii)
3. Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (Wii U)
4. Tales of Xillia (PS3)
5. Pikmin 3 (Wii U)
5. Watch Dogs (Wii U)

Sorry for the late late edit. I just read that Pandora's Tower was delayed until April 16th in North America. It goes back on my list.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
Vote for the March Most Wanted / February Results

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Under a week left to vote!

Approximately two days, thirteen hours, and some spare change left to vote!

NobleTeam360 said:
1. Watch Dogs (PS4)
2. Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
3. Tales of Xillia (PS3)
4. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
5. GTA 5 (360)

1. Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)

2. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD (PS3)

3. Tales of Xillia (PS3)

4. GTA 5 (PS3)

5. Watch Dogs (PS4)

Hours left to vote.

Now counting votes. It's a few hours early, but I have shit to do tomorrow.