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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - RUMOR: Activision Upset at Black Ops II Wii U Sales, Says Nintendo Fans Are All Talk

prayformojo said:
Idk, Xenoblade was released on a promise, and it sold what it was expected to sell. I just think it's a case by case thing.

Uh...Xenoblade is a 1st party game Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

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The problem is all the give us some 3rd party love we deserve to be treated equal talk is fine but you also hear espoused just as much the keep your 3rd party crap Nintendo first party rules sentiment , so their is a lot of mixed messages.
Both Nintendo and the 3rd party's don't help themselves either this has been going on for a long time , maybe Nintendo need to sit down with both their in house teams and outside developers and design their next console around both and the 3rd parties need to look at the demographic and find out what works on Nintendo systems ,and by that I don't mean genres most genres work across all platforms , it's about how you tailor them to the audience.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

RolStoppable said:
Otakumegane said:
prayformojo said:
Idk, Xenoblade was released on a promise, and it sold what it was expected to sell. I just think it's a case by case thing.

Uh...Xenoblade is a 1st party game

Non-Nintendo fans in general do not accept Xenoblade as a Nintendo game, because it represents exactly what they've been asking for all the time: That Nintendo makes a new IP that is right up there with Zelda in terms of quality.

Because it shatters their comfortable little myth that Nintendo only makes games from old franchises, and doesn't have any mature IPs. (Which Metroid proved wrong anyway)

Too soon, there are 3 million WiiUs out there and CODBO2 sold 170k, not bad at all, 5% of ALL the WiiU owners bought the stupid FPS.

User has been banned for this post ~Barozi

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Well so what the heck was the point of Nintendo making such a push and saying that they want all the best 3rd party games on their consoles? Of course they have a reason to want 3rd party games. Or are they not satisfied with the sales of the 1st party software on their console?

I don't get Nintendo sometimes. They say they want 3rd party support, 3rd parties try to give them support and in return end up with a loss. Why don't Nintendo just make it clear that their console is pretty much the only place you can play exclusives and be done with it? All this bad press and bad mouthing is really annoying.


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Screamapillar said:

I mean... it can't possibly be worse than the third-party situation on the PS Vita, which is over a year old now.

Ubisoft said they were "pleased" with the 600k+ Assassin's Creed Liberation sales on Vita.

Activision hasn't complained about the 650k Black Ops Declassified sales on Vita, much greater than the 170k on Wii U for BLOPS2.

Let's check the charts and make some rational decisions here before trolling the Vita some more.

I'm the biggest Nintendo and COD fan ever and I didn't even buy BO2 on Wii U. I usually play COD at night and I figured I wouldn't find any good online games after 9pm with the 800+ or so Wii U players online at one time. Also all my m8s I party up with in COD are on Xbox so I would have to be playing solo and that's really not my style.

BaldrSkies said:

Activision hasn't complained about the 650k Black Ops Declassified sales on Vita, much greater than the 170k on Wii U for BLOPS2.

Has Activision said anything about Declassified? Like, even acknowledged its existence once in the past 6 months? I'm pretty sure they just want to sweep that one under the rug.

The comments about Xenoblade reminded me that The Last Story was XSeed's most successful title ever. They are a third party which specializes in localizing Japanese games in the West. I don't hear anyone complaining about how PS owners don't buy Ys though.

the_dengle said:
BaldrSkies said:

Activision hasn't complained about the 650k Black Ops Declassified sales on Vita, much greater than the 170k on Wii U for BLOPS2.

Has Activision said anything about Declassified? Like, even acknowledged its existence once in the past 6 months? I'm pretty sure they just want to sweep that one under the rug.

The comments about Xenoblade reminded me that The Last Story was XSeed's most successful title ever. They are a third party which specializes in localizing Japanese games in the West. I don't hear anyone complaining about how PS owners don't buy Ys though.

Heh they probably don't want to touch Declassified because it was a poorly reviewed pile of garbage. And that just makes it sadder that this terrible sidegame could vastly outsell the full game... Activision may in fact be doing this very same comparison.

As for Ys... you do realize Xseed's North American PSP releases sold more than the originals in Japan, right? Falcom games are extremely niche. On top of that Xseed also have Ys games on Steam.  Just for fun look at NA vs JP for The Last Story. (Did Xseed even localize the game or did they just publish the Europe edition?)

Rab said:

Self fulfilling prophecy, don't put 3rd party games on Nintendo systems, you don't develop an ecosystem of fans of third party games on Nintendo systems

All those years of neglect have created this situation, only solution is to fully support Nintendo consoles to build the fan base, even if it hurts

Where did this "ecosystem" talk come from all of a sudden? Do any of you thats throwing this word around in sentences even know what it means? sigh...