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the_dengle said:
BaldrSkies said:

Activision hasn't complained about the 650k Black Ops Declassified sales on Vita, much greater than the 170k on Wii U for BLOPS2.

Has Activision said anything about Declassified? Like, even acknowledged its existence once in the past 6 months? I'm pretty sure they just want to sweep that one under the rug.

The comments about Xenoblade reminded me that The Last Story was XSeed's most successful title ever. They are a third party which specializes in localizing Japanese games in the West. I don't hear anyone complaining about how PS owners don't buy Ys though.

Heh they probably don't want to touch Declassified because it was a poorly reviewed pile of garbage. And that just makes it sadder that this terrible sidegame could vastly outsell the full game... Activision may in fact be doing this very same comparison.

As for Ys... you do realize Xseed's North American PSP releases sold more than the originals in Japan, right? Falcom games are extremely niche. On top of that Xseed also have Ys games on Steam.  Just for fun look at NA vs JP for The Last Story. (Did Xseed even localize the game or did they just publish the Europe edition?)