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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - RUMOR: Activision Upset at Black Ops II Wii U Sales, Says Nintendo Fans Are All Talk

I haven't played Black Ops 2 so I can't judge whether the game is good or not, but Activision appears to have put some effort into the Wii U version. Based on how many copies they sold I'm sure that they at least made their money back on the Wii U version, and I'm sure that as the Wii U user base grows so will the COD sales.

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everyone and their mother already owns black ops 2 on another platform, no-one is going to shell out more money for essentially the same game (with just a bit of improvement). Nintendo fans only care about nintendo games because most ports given to the wii/wiiu are inferior, and since a lot of gamers buy nintendo consoles secondary to a main console they'd rather buy third party games on their main console to get the best possible game for their money.

Bradford City Fan for life

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Best games of all time: Pokemon Red, Dragon Warrior 3, The last of us, Uncharted 2 and 3

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I bought the Wii versions of World at War, Modern Warfare, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3. More than two thirds of my Wii library is third party.

I will buy Need for Speed Most Wanted U when it comes out this month, and the only real reason I haven't bought Black Ops 2 on Wii U is because I don't own the console yet.

Nobody can accuse me of not supporting third parties on Nintendo systems.

Why did this happen?

Simple answer:

Activision guy on TV says: "Black ops 2 Will be FULL HD on WiiU"

But then it was HDReady...

There you go!

Thats why I didnt buy it. (I usually dont buy COD games since the games are worth like 15 bucks to me but I wanted to buy the WiiU game untill I found out they lied)

So if they say its FULLHD and its not then they cant be whining about me saying I will buy it and then I dont

(btw I certainly never said I will buy it  its Activisions problem when they believe 20 people in the internet that say" I will buy third party games"  and then think this is an indicator for the whole WiiU userbase  LOL)

EDIT: Oh yeah another thing all those EXPERTS dont GET because they are stupid is:
People that buy a WiiU system aren't people that magically appeared on the face of the earth and want to buy their first console.
A ton of people including me have a 360 and/or PS3 and a WiiU  some people will keep buying their games on PS3 or 360 even tho they have a WiiU now. (because their friends play on those platforms! And believe it or not COD is a multiplayer game!) 

So move your lazy as*es and at least try to find out why the WiiU userbase is not buying your games and stop acting all smart! Do surveys etc!

Activision calling us out?


Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

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thekitchensink said:
It's a good version of the game, and I commend them for that, but Call of Duty has ecosystems of millions of players on other consoles. In this case, even though it's the best version of the game, it would take a lot to get people to leave them--they'd need to find a way to get people to switch over en masse, or else it wouldn't work at all. This isn't necessarily representative of what all third parties can expect.

Although, I suppose I don't have much of an answer regarding the sales of games like Assassin's Creed.

this and you can apply the same thing to AC, sure it doesnt do COD numbers but a game selling about 5mil+ on average between PS360/PC is nothing to sneeze at, hell apply it to any multiplat or port game on Wii U

Love rumors.

Self fulfilling prophecy, don't put 3rd party games on Nintendo systems, you don't develop an ecosystem of fans of third party games on Nintendo systems

All those years of neglect have created this situation, only solution is to fully support Nintendo consoles to build the fan base, even if it hurts

Being serious here, when mario bros has sold 1.5 million so far you can't ask much more than 10k from any other game. xD

wfz said:
I thought BO2 was getting a lot of shit right before/during the Wii U release because it was inferior. There were multiple comparison videos and screens showing this. Now all of a sudden it's not a gimped port?

Anyways, if I was Activision I would also be worried that I can't make games that appeal to the owners of the console.

That's exactly the problem. It is very hard for any game that is not Mario-related to sell on a Nintendo consoles. There are obvious reasons for that.