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everyone and their mother already owns black ops 2 on another platform, no-one is going to shell out more money for essentially the same game (with just a bit of improvement). Nintendo fans only care about nintendo games because most ports given to the wii/wiiu are inferior, and since a lot of gamers buy nintendo consoles secondary to a main console they'd rather buy third party games on their main console to get the best possible game for their money.

Bradford City Fan for life

Recent favourite games: Ni No Kuni, Fifa 13, Batman Arkham City

Best games of all time: Pokemon Red, Dragon Warrior 3, The last of us, Uncharted 2 and 3

3ds friend code add me: 1950-8131-6814

PSN ID: Mr_Vezzo_Khanny - add to start a clan in the last of us mutiplayer