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Forums - Sales Discussion - Best and worst business decisions that Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony made

Username2324 said:
darconi said:
@slorgnet: If you really that Sony didn't make any mistakes then you've been living under a rock for the last year or so. You don't go from massive domination of the entire industry to last place and behind the 2nd place by almost 50% by doing everything perfectly.

Yet another idiot, Sony's "3rd" position isn't really third, its 2nd, and Microsoft is last if you consider the 360 has had twice the time to sell, and had an entire year to itself. Last time I check 16 divided by two is 8, not 9.5.

 Sorry but you need to look in the mirror more when you call other people idiots.  How is sony's 3rd position not really third?  They are unequivocally in the last place in the console race by the measures that matter most: hardware and software sales.  

 Just because they decided to launch later does not change anything, developers are out to make money, they don't give a crap if you did really well in the time its out (which it really hasn't), they only care that there's enough people to buy their games in profitable amounts.  

Wii: 20.05 mil

360:  16.64 mil

PS3:  9.43 mil

Man, my math must be off cause it sure seems to me that 16.64 is not behind 9.43, 2nd place...right.

And 9.43/16.64 is 56.6%, hence the close enough point.  I find it hilarious that you can say 16.64 is 3rd place behind 9.43 and then say that 56.6% is too far off.    


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And that it took two years for the 360 to become profitable to Sony's one. So who made the smarter decision there? (Again, I hate when people say the 360 is doing better then the PS3, ITS BEEN OUT TWICE AS LONG GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, YEAR FOR YEAR THE PS3 IS DOING BETTER THAN THE 360)

Comparing two consoles on equal footing by aligning their launches gives some useful information, definitely. In the real world, however, there's a much more important perspective: what the actual install numbers are. Whether or not the 360 "cheated" its way to 7 million units ahead by launching a year earlier, the fact remains that it's 7 million units ahead, and that's what matters. It's what matters to publishers, who tend to make games for the leading system, and therefore it's what matters to gamers, who tend to buy those games.

As for who broke even when, there's no credible source that says Sony has done anything of the kind. There's a theory from one outside analyst who thinks they might be breaking even on some models in some regions, but nothing concrete. If they are breaking even, I'm not sure why Kaz was so hesitant to predict the PS3 would reach profitability this year. Wouldn't they nearly be there already?

And as I understand it, as of this month the 360 has actually turned a net profit for Microsoft. At the moment it looks unlikely that Sony is ever going to do that with the PS3, unless it's through BluRay sales.

+ Releasing a system that's unlike any other in the history of gaming. (+ a billion points)
+ Packing in WiiSports *GENIUS* (+500 million points)
+ Releasing a Zelda/Mario/Metriod games in the first year. (+ 500 million points)

- Not meeting demands after 2 holidays (which is really not negative if u think about it)
- Crappy 3rd party ports/games.

+ Releasing some of the best games ever. (no wonder their attach rate is through the roof)
+ Live is still the best online system...EVER!
+ System is cheaper than the PS3 and performs the same to the average gamer.

-RROD (worst fu&k up in gaming history)
-Japan (still can't break in after 6 years)

+ Adding bluray to system and it winning the HD format already.

-PRICE! Major fu&k up.
-How many diff version of the console can u release in one year, Sony? JESUS CHRIST! (Xbox 3 kinds, Ps3 oh about 2 million) ;) lol
- Games, where are the freaking games??
- Having to share some big games with M$.

WiiFit will be 2008 #1 selling game in NORTH AMERICA!  
End of '08 Predictions: Wii - 48m X360 - 25m  PS3 - 19m
Wii monthly NA sales will top 400k every month in '08. *Jan sales ruined it. Grrrr!*
WiiFit will top 1m in sales in its first month of release in North America.
MGS4 will NOT be released in '08. *Darn it!* FF13 will NOT be released in '08.
Rockband Wii will top 600k in first month sales in North America.
WiiFit will pass the PS3 WW sales by Xmas '09.

nintendos worst - inventing the playstation


+ Making a so good online they can take money for it.
+ Making an early release
+ Making many machines, so people say "it's only 300" and then "it is only 50 more for an even better one" and thereby making people pay more.
+ Attempting to buy up third party companies, so that they would stand a change to Sony's huge amount of games that would come when it launched (this didn't happen, but they prepared good)
- Going out a few months to early, and not be able to fix RROD which has cost them a lot of money.
- Not doing enough advertising that they were comming out in Japan.
- Not enough "european" games. They fail to understand what games they want.

+ Letting the Ps2 continue going.
+ Making 4 different versions of the machine, attempting not to get outpriced totally.
+ Adding blue-ray. This is in the future going to earn them heaps of money.
- A little high price point.
- Not making 3rd parties understand how to develop (not really sure this is Sony's fault)
- Stopping to make games for Ps2.
- Take away backtracking.


+ Wii remote
+ Stylus
+ Understanding that DS phat was a tiny mistake, and make DS lite, while not taking away DS phat.
+ Virtual Console
+ Not releasing tons of Wiis, so that they get on the news channels about lack of Wiis, making Wiis popular.
+ Aiming for casual markets.
+ Packing in games with the Wii remote, Zapper and so on.
+ Making games easier to pick up for casuals.
+ Making the console cheap.
+ Showing videos of NORMAL people playing, and not mastering the game completely, MS and Sony makes way to professional movies.
+ Making Sakurai make SSBB
+ Miyamoto lets other people work with his franchises, so that other can continue after him.
+ Continuing to release Mario spinoffs.
+ Not always using Stylus/Wiimote.

- Letting in EVERY third-party game made for Wii. This made dev's see that quality didn't equal money on Wii. So they made not that good games, hoping they would sell. Soon there were too many, and dev's became upset cause their games did not sell.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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+ Making the PsP not only be a gaming machine.
- Focusing the PsP too little on being a gaming machine.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

highwaystar101 said:
nintendos worst - inventing the playstation

 That is true, that little collaboration didn't turn out that well for Ninty... But I don't think this is common knowledge, very few know the basis upon which the Playstation was founded.

Some people don't seem to make a distinction between what's good for the company, and good for themselves. For example, the Wii not being able to use the internal memory is bad for me, but good for Nintendo due to making money on memory cards.


+ Not adopting HD. Best decision they've made this gen.
+ Making people want something they didn't want before.
+ Lowest developing costs.

- Friend codes are useless and annoying. Absolutely no excuse for sticking with them.
- Taking their time with adding online support.
- Not managing to convince third parties of the viability of the Wii early on.
- Underestimating demand. Nobody on the planet saw it coming, so this one is pretty theoretical...


+ Developing Xbox Live even futher.
+ Lots of nice stuff, but I can't divide it into separate points. =/

- Poor hardware reliability.
- Not fully taking advantage of being the first to release.
- Still making no progress in Japan.
- No hard drive by default is limiting developers.


+ Started acting a lot smarter after getting rid of Kutaragi.
+ Doing a pretty good job at emulating Xbox Live and keeping it free.
+ Adding Blu-ray might end up as a good thing. Probably not, but remains to be seen.

- Vastly overestimating the strength of brand loyalty.
- Unbeliveable amount of PR blunders.
- Including Blu-ray, and thus $200 to their launch price.

Parokki said:
Some people don't seem to make a distinction between what's good for the company, and good for themselves. For example, the Wii not being able to use the internal memory is bad for me, but good for Nintendo due to making money on memory cards.


+ Not adopting HD. Best decision they've made this gen.
+ Making people want something they didn't want before.
+ Lowest developing costs.

- Friend codes are useless and annoying. Absolutely no excuse for sticking with them.
- Taking their time with adding online support.
- Not managing to convince third parties of the viability of the Wii early on.
- Underestimating demand. Nobody on the planet saw it coming, so this one is pretty theoretical...


+ Developing Xbox Live even futher.
+ Lots of nice stuff, but I can't divide it into separate points. =/

- Poor hardware reliability.
- Not fully taking advantage of being the first to release.
- Still making no progress in Japan.
- No hard drive by default is limiting developers.


+ Started acting a lot smarter after getting rid of Kutaragi.
+ Doing a pretty good job at emulating Xbox Live and keeping it free.
+ Adding Blu-ray might end up as a good thing. Probably not, but remains to be seen.

- Vastly overestimating the strength of brand loyalty.
- Unbeliveable amount of PR blunders.
- Including Blu-ray, and thus $200 to their launch price.

 - Underestimating demand. Nobody on the planet saw it coming, so this one is pretty theoretical...

John Lucas did.  Oh wait... You qualified it to those on this planet.  Never mind then. 

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

Nintendo Best:

- Tapping into "Casual" market
- Idea of Motion controls
- Marketing
- $250...Nuff said


- Not making/shipping enough consoles causing supply constraints
- Little 3rd party support, although they seem to have a lot of Ubisoft support

Sony Best:

- Helping Blu Ray win the HD "war" by using it in their PS3's
- Keeping to the 10 year PS2 plan (PS2 is still selling okay)
- Getting some great 3rd party support
- Price Cuts


- $600...Nuff Said
- Took a while to get some great games
- Having 4 different models confused some customers
- no BC with the 40gb...pissed off a lot of people (not me i have the 60gig!)

Microsoft Best:

- Great online
- Great FPS games, appealed to US audience
- Launching first (made some GC/PS2 owners switch over...I know 2 PS2 owners, now 360 owners)
- Lower price (initially) than PS3 although it was inferior (no Wifi, no HD-DVD, etc)
p.s. i say initially because once you add in 2 years of online thats $120 pushing the price above a PS3.


- RRoD...Nuff said
- RRoD
- Did I mention RRoD?
- no built in HD-DVD basically let Blu Ray win IMO.

Well thats my list, agree or disagree.