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Username2324 said:
darconi said:
@slorgnet: If you really that Sony didn't make any mistakes then you've been living under a rock for the last year or so. You don't go from massive domination of the entire industry to last place and behind the 2nd place by almost 50% by doing everything perfectly.

Yet another idiot, Sony's "3rd" position isn't really third, its 2nd, and Microsoft is last if you consider the 360 has had twice the time to sell, and had an entire year to itself. Last time I check 16 divided by two is 8, not 9.5.

 Sorry but you need to look in the mirror more when you call other people idiots.  How is sony's 3rd position not really third?  They are unequivocally in the last place in the console race by the measures that matter most: hardware and software sales.  

 Just because they decided to launch later does not change anything, developers are out to make money, they don't give a crap if you did really well in the time its out (which it really hasn't), they only care that there's enough people to buy their games in profitable amounts.  

Wii: 20.05 mil

360:  16.64 mil

PS3:  9.43 mil

Man, my math must be off cause it sure seems to me that 16.64 is not behind 9.43, 2nd place...right.

And 9.43/16.64 is 56.6%, hence the close enough point.  I find it hilarious that you can say 16.64 is 3rd place behind 9.43 and then say that 56.6% is too far off.