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WebMasterFlex said:


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WebMasterFlex said:


DamnTastic said:
pezus said:

Fuck, Sony need to have amazing games on their days 10 to 12 of the Europe deals. Only Rain and Lone Survivor today, one of which I'm not interested in and I've played the other on PC.

I want Persona, Puppeteer, ACIV. Is that so much to ask for?

amazing sales!
70cents off of rain.... whooptiedoo

Fuck yeah, after lukewarm reception I decided to wait for the first price cut or deal, now it's so mine! 2 game I bought from the Christmas deal.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

bananaking21 said:
do you guys think we will get any more announcements from sony before E3 next year? i really hope we see some the order 1886 gameplay. and an uncharted trailer maybe?

during E3 i really hope we see

Sony Santa Monica's New IP (im predicting 2015 release date, i have accepted that i was probably wrong and raven was right)
Bend Studio's game (hopefully a new IP) (predicting 2014 holiday release)
Media Molecule's New IP (early 2015 release date)
Guerrilla Games New IP ( late 2015 or 2016 release date)

also do you guys think the TLoU team will have a 2 or 3 year dev cycle? im guessing 3.5 years like TLoU so it can release in holiday 2016.

im thinking big holiday tittles will be like this in the future.

2014 Uncharted + Bend studio's game
2015 SSM new IP + Gran Turismo 7
2016 ND TLoU team game
2017 SSM game (cory barlogs team)

Be prepared to admit that.... a lot. :P j/k

Yeah, I have serious doubts that Santa Monica's new game will be out this year. I just get the feeling that Sony wants to hold that one back. I also don't think we'll see Bend Studio's game until 2015 at least. We only found out a few months ago that a game from them even exists and all we have are rumors and speculation about it being a Syphon Filter reboot. I don't think we'll see Media Molecule's new IP this year either which I'm pretty sure Pezus would love to argue with me about that.

If the rumors are true that Media Molecule has a small team working with Queasy Games on a Parappa the Rapper reboot that would certainly be a reason why their new game isn't ready. They already had about 20% of their development crew working on Tearaway and they're one of Sony's smallest studios. Considering the radical departure from their typical work this new IP is rumored to be, I wouldn't hold my breath on seeing Guerrilla's new game any time soon.

I think we're almost guaranteed to see things about Sony's upcoming games that we knew about. I don't think they're going to make us wait until next Summer to see more of Rime or Shadow of the Beast. Ready At Dawn will likely prepare some sort of gameplay teaser to show off considering they were supposedly working on one for VGX but missed the deadline. Naughty Dog has already mentioned that we will see more of Uncharted and be getting updates about all of their projects and it sounds like they'll happen early in the year.

Considering that MLB 14 was revealed outside of any events I think it's clear that if Sony wants to show something off they'll do it whatever way they feel is best and it's not always going to be during conventions. So I think we're almost certainly going to hear about one or two games prior to E3. What I don't think we're going to get this year are anymore games made completely by a Sony studio. Maybe one but the rest will be joint efforts or games that Sony simply published and left the developer to their devices.

I wonder how long Tearaway took to develop?

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Really random out of no where rant. (note im talking about walking dead season 1 not 2)

Anyone else find it stupid how people/critics criticize TLOU for its gameplay yet the walking dead has literally the worst gameplay/presentation ever and it still somehow won GOTY awards left and right just because of its story and characters? Even the graphics/performance is horrid. (PS2 graphics, sub30fps...)

When i was playing TWD all i wanted to do was progress the story, i had to force myself though its godawful almost unplayable gameplay so i could see the story, literally wondering around trying to find whats gonna trigger the next cutscene...

Again with Heavy Rain/Beyond everyone loves to call out their gameplay "lul a movie gaem" "i liked this movie" blah blah blah ect ect ect yet TWD literally receives no hate, WHY DOES IT GET A FREE PASS!!!?!?

I admit TLOU gameplay isn't perfect (but still good) it's just a bit lackluster in general but its still 100000000x better then TWD's gameplay. not to mention its overall story, characters, character interactions and dialog is 100x better.

TWD did not deserve those GOTY awards last year IMO.


pezus said:
greenmedic88 said:
Anyone know if is possible to have games from two different accounts on one PSP? If so what is needed to do?

Unfortunately, this was never possible. 

The non-solution, if you own game libraries on multiple PSN accounts, is to buy a PSP for each account. 

The better solution, although of no help to a PSP owner, is to ditch it and buy a PS Vita, which is better in every way save the ability to play UMD discs. The Vita does support multiple accounts on one device. 

o.O it does?

It's a convoluted process unlike the PS3 or PS4, but it is possible.

You need a memory card for each account, but it works. 

1) Sync your trophies with PSN
2) Remove the first PSN profile's associated memory card 
3) Restart the system
4) Restore "Factory Settings"
5) "Deactivate" the system 
6) Enter the new PSN account info you wish to switch to
7) Insert the memory card associated to the new PSN Account
8) Re-activate your Vita on the PSN

More changes with Sony Pictures Entertainment

The head of Sony's (SNE +0.3%) Home Entertainment will leave the company when his current contract ends in March.

No replacement has been named yet by the company.

Sony Pictures Entertainment is in the middle of a restructuring as it places a larger focus on TV and looks to reduce its film slate.

bananaking21 said:
nnodley said:
Oh I tried out the voice commands on PS4 today. Still seems pointless to me at this point though. It's cool at times, but it's just so much easier to hit a simple button on a controller that's already in my hands. So I do not foresee me using voice commands ever really.

voice commands are like 95% of the aps on smartphones. Cool to use once, try it out and then it to your friends. but when it comes to real life its pretty unpractical and you wont even remember its there after a while, unless you know, vgc keeps talking about voice commands like its the best thing to ever happen since porn was made.

Offhand I'm going to say that the best use for voice recognition is for typing, so you don't have to use a game pad to input text. That's from a practical use standpoint anyway. 

Unfortunately, voice recognition doesn't always work the way it's supposed to. I couldn't imagine using Siri by typing in inquiries; I just wouldn't do it as that would be a Google search. But it goes without saying that Siri doesn't always work.