Imagine the rage of not having any EA game for a year on PS4 systems.
It's just that simple.
Imagine the rage of not having any EA game for a year on PS4 systems.
It's just that simple.
Probably just the new Game from the CoD creators/Ex Infinity Ward.
They are buddies with Microsoft cause they made them big.
DICE wouldn't hand out their BF4 cause they are buddies with Sony and liked the PS3 more for BF3 already.
Probably a fair trade.
M$ gets a the new "Infinity Ward" Game and Sony gets the better version of the new Bungie IP Destiny.
MonstaMack said: Imagine the rage of not having any EA game for a year on PS4 systems. |
Fifa is their biggest IP in Europe and is selling the most on Sony platforms.
The only thing they would achieve is a Japan 2.0 where no one buys their games cause not everyone will let them self getting forced to buy a new console.
So this won't happen - EA is a Multiplat Company and they already said they are on the PS4.
They can't make a sport game like fifa, exclu even for a short time.
its state in the contract for EA Sport, they can't make exclu for sport game.
Oh look. EA is holding a PS4 conference. Yeah this was one of the dumbest rumors I've heard. Not sure why OP posted it since it's clearly bullshit.
Horrorfest said: Oh look. EA is holding a PS4 conference. Yeah this was one of the dumbest rumors I've heard. Not sure why OP posted it since it's clearly bullshit. |
What are you talking about? At no point did anyone ever thing this was exclusive games or that EA was only working with Microsoft next gen. If anything happens it is timed exclusive games/dlc. Activison was at Sony's conference, but we know DLC will show up first for COD on Xbox.
I can't see this being any bigger than MS getting exclusive/time exclusive dlc if true, EA is to big allow themselves to lose potential money on the PS4 if their titles were to go exclusive; and it would look silly for MS if it didn't pan out for them.
and if it were time exclusives; i really wouldn't mine, if PS4 owners get all the added in bonuses like ME2 then hey it's a win for PS4 owners.
Here is why this could be a bigger deal than people think. Microsoft is rumored to be going a no used game route. EA might be the biggest backer of this philosophy. Well Microsoft agrees to no used games and Microsoft gets Origin on Xbox Live. This allows EA to release digital games on Xbox da1 at a cheaper cost. Not only that Xbox gets a head start on some games as well as DLC.
This would be huuuuuuuge (although i highly doubt this is true) and if this is true I will 100% know what console i am buying this year as i am still at the moment undecided
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