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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is now official, WiiU is next gen

melbye said:
Train wreck said:
EA and Microsoft say otherwise

EA also think next generation is the 4th generation of gaming

Yeah, I remember that haha

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Another thing, Ubisoft has been demanding more powerful consoles and Wii U did not fall into place. I believe Ubisoft has found a reason to go around Nintendo's development, which is why they aren't penalizing them from what Sony and Microsoft are expected to have. Nintendo should keep in mind that they wont get ports though.

Let's see how the game plays later this fall, especially in comparison to current gen versions and PS4/Xbox versions. But this isn't the first dev to claim the Wii U is next gen.


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hivycox said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
hivycox said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Its next gen for Nintendo, but otherwise its so behind.

Its not by any means "so behind".. Sony didn't show anything jar dropping (except for the old men)

Wii U is not pre gen its next the Wii was a 7th gen console... get over it

I think its time you get over it. I never denied the Nintendo wasn't next gen, I said it is but it is behind and if you look at the specs sheet Nintendo will be behind. Nintendo will be excluded from the mass majority of next gen multiplats and will enjoy mainly Japanese made titles with slightly above current gen graphics at best. Nintendo has consistantly behind behind for quite a few gens so they are always treated differently (kind of like the special kid in school). Nintendo creates self inflicted wounds that causes western devs to step away. It isn't the old days where Sony wasn't around and third party devs had no options so they can expand their ideas, but fact they do.

You said that its next gen for Nintendo so you was denying the fact that its next gen in general.

How do you know? we don't know the true power of the wii u. The only time I think they excluded themselves from the majority was the decision for the N64 to use catridges than cd's but other than that Nintendo always delivered high quality gaming rigs and games. They are seen as the geniuses in the gaming industry.

I'm telling you something: if Nintendo didn't made those choices they wouldn't be around anymore. Do you think its important for poeple that Nintendo makes consoles like Sony or Microsoft? Do you think that the majority would buy the console? No they wouldn't...with the choices made by Nintendo it saves them not to become "Mainstream" like everybody else. Thats what saved them in the 7th gen...not MOAR power but innovation...

The Wii U is a powerful console made by Nintendo to win back the hardcore gamer which they lost in the previous gen. Once the games are shown nobody will question the power of the wii u. Wii U is next gen..if you don't like the fact go and buy your 500$+ PS4 at the end of the year... I have a PC for that

Come on, it's like there something right in front of you and you're looking to away by making that comment.

S.T.A.G.E. has nailed it as graciously as anyone deserves to hear it. He's been downright polite by expressing the situation in those terms. Opinion really doesn't need to come into this "is wii-u next gen?" debate.

There's two interpretations of "next gen",

1. Chronological - Yes it most definitely is next gen, after all it was released a few months ago.

2. Specification - Most definitely not next gen, to say as such is doing yourself a diservice, forget Nintendo for second here. Are you tell me you're seriously going to be happy with the output the Wii-U is capable of for the next 5 years plus and that it can hope to keep up with the PS4/NextXbox...come on now, I'm all for being generous and giving something a chance but a spade is a spade! I and others may have underestimated it's power to a degree, but the ballpark area of performance is pretty clear, we're talking circa PS3/Xbox360, no matter how you look at it, at best. We have the basic specs now and have done for a while, what is there to debate, they speak for themselves :)

hivycox said:
Deyon said:
Deyon said:

It didn't have any leap over the original Xbox/PS2

So? If all our grand children are physically and/or mentally inferior- or "just" equal to us they are still part of the newer generations.

What does that have to do with anything? In the gaming industry next gen means more power and the Wii didn't have that. That's just my opinion.

the fact that Nintendo provided us with a new way of play is IMO more than enough to be considered next gen.

in my opinion a new generation of gaming means games can be developed which weren't possible on the previous platform. And I know a lot of Wii games couldn't be played on the gamecube, ps2 or xbox... same goes to the Wii U since the gamepad has new ways to play games.

a definition of a new generation isn't just relying on more power or better visuals but the overall experience as a whole.

You know the WiiMote was for the GCN, considering the Wii version of TP is a straight port I have a hard time believing the GCN couldn't play Wii games. They only released the Wii in hopes people would buy it and devs would have to use the accessory, as oppossed to releasing it on a dying console and having no support.

By this logic, Sony should have just released the PS4 with the same specs as the PS3 and made the Move controller the main input instead of an add-on for the PS3. 

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hivycox said:
Deyon said:
Deyon said:

It didn't have any leap over the original Xbox/PS2

So? If all our grand children are physically and/or mentally inferior- or "just" equal to us they are still part of the newer generations.

What does that have to do with anything? In the gaming industry next gen means more power and the Wii didn't have that. That's just my opinion.

the fact that Nintendo provided us with a new way of play is IMO more than enough to be considered next gen.

in my opinion a new generation of gaming means games can be developed which weren't possible on the previous platform. And I know a lot of Wii games couldn't be played on the gamecube, ps2 or xbox... same goes to the Wii U since the gamepad has new ways to play games.

a definition of a new generation isn't just relying on more power or better visuals but the overall experience as a whole.

Yes that's true, to a degree but it's the same bullshit that the Wii promotors used at the beginning of last gen and it didn't go too well if memory serves me correctly, how about measuing some things we can actually measure now, like the genuine likelyhood of those features of the Wii-U contributing to it being it's own generation, and not the turkey that the Wii became in the 2nd half of it's lifetime. Some would say from the beginning but there were some classic first party games that everyone loves, myself included. - none of which may I add were particularly made any better thanks to the Wiimote. (Some even made worse, hell Zelda!)

No need to stick your hand in the fire twice mate with comments like the bolded one. That's the problem these days, too much talk of potential and expectations, how many times have we been let down? How many times have these promises of innovation not come to fruition? Pretty much every time!

The Wiimote wasn't invented to innovate, it was invented to sell Wiis, just like Kinect, and to a lesser degree PS Move, shame about PS Move as it's genuinely a good bit of kit that actually works well doesn't try to be too far ahead of it's time and if developers used the damn as an integral feature like Heavy Rain we could have some real fun.

Really I don't know why anyone would give two hoots about whether it was 1 gen or 20th gen the fact is all three will be available for the majority of each others life spans and thats all that matters .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

the things you guys argue about wow i have to wonder if you guys argue about the same ridiculous shit with others in person

Baddman said:
the things you guys argue about wow i have to wonder if you guys argue about the same ridiculous shit with others in person

It's the internet it does strange things. I don't even talk about games consoles or games in real life.

Wow I never realized how many idiots there are here. Trolls!
With this logic I guess PS2 wasn't a next gen console during its time.