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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo and its lack of any reasonable sense when it comes to modern technology.

Pristine20 said:
Ljink96 said:
Well, Nintendo is trying to go in the right direction but Physical copies are still outselling digital ones. I don't think Nintendo is trying to impress us technology wise. I think they're still up to their successful tactics: impress us game wise. I don't know how many times I have to say this but anybody can make an Xbox360 and a PS3. Not everybody can make a Wii. That takes creativity and imagination. Please don't give me any hate mail:D

I know most people always like to see ninty as the one creating but who brought the idea of online gaming and any sort of e-store to consoles? Wasn't that MS? So essentially, nintendo is copying everyone does whenever a good idea is introduced in any industry.

Actually, Nintendo has been trying to do Online gaming & downloading full retail games digitally onto console since the GameCube, same goes for having a separate 3D display which PlayStation ripped off after Nintendo announce what they had plan for GameCube in 2001 during a January 2010 interview with Iwata.

But online gaming requires some sort of infrastructure like at least "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection" or what Final Fantasy 11 had, but these things cost money and Nintendo will NEVER charge people for online gaming, so they have to cross-subsidize while not running themselves into the ground like Sony when it comes to what they pay money for.

Microsoft just charges people for online just to watch Netflix, let alone everything else online. So it was easy for them without trying.