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Forums - Gaming Discussion - As a Nintendo fanboy,PS4 grafix blew my mind

I see bigger jump current gen to PS4 grafix than Wii to PS360 grafix
Killzone demo, if was realtime PS4 performance, blew my mind, is better than anything ive never seen on my i7 2600 8GB RAM 2GB grafix card PC

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Is this a joke thread? The graphics look better but not wow factor better.

simple proof that even the SNES had better gfx than the PS4 will have :D

That Killzone: Shadow Fall is a launch title is what amazes me. That means we're going to see far better in the coming years. Digital Foundry pretty much indicates that KZ:SF uses some last-gen methods that will probably be supplanted over time.

"Based on specs alone, the PS4 clearly has far more to offer than what we're seeing, and it's worth remembering that Guerrilla would have developed a large chunk of Shadow Fall on incomplete hardware. Our understanding is that final kits based on actual PS4 production hardware are a relatively recent phenomenon, and now the developer has a fixed target to aim for, we may well see significant engine improvements. But if this stands as the level of technical quality we should expect for Shadow Fall's final release, we'll be due for one of the most technically compelling launch titles we've seen in a very long time."

DieAppleDie said:

I see bigger jump current gen to PS4 grafix than Wii to PS360 grafix

You are drunk.

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Impressive indeed, but it isn't mind-blowing (at least mine is intact)

But the ps4 is tempting.

More is yet to come, we will not let your brain rest.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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Busted said:
DieAppleDie said:

I see bigger jump current gen to PS4 grafix than Wii to PS360 grafix

You are drunk.

I agree.  Probably high too!

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RolStoppable said:
You are the same guy who thinks that the Wii's third party game library is really good.

I remember that thread.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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