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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Let's be honest. What team are you on? (MASSIVE UPDATE)


Removing previous poll XD

HAHA 17 26.98%
HArdy Har 18 28.57%
MWAHAHAHA 23 36.51%

Put me down for PC, but I'm a pretty avid PlayStation gamer too. That being said, I don't hold any brand loyalty to Sony, my needs as a gamer are simply satisfied by the combination of PC and a single home console (also a 3DS, but c'mon, pokemon is the shits). If a situation arose in which Nintendo or Microsoft impressed me more than Sony, I would happily switch from PlayStation to them.

Around the Network
Blacksaber said:
Was raised on Sega and will forever be a blind follower of Sega.


BasilZero said:
tbone51 said:
Blacksaber said:
Was raised on Sega and will forever be a blind follower of Sega.


Streets of Rage and Shining Force - play those games you woman!

skies of arcadia!!!

currently MS. But by no means wed to them as I have been a gamer for many generations now. Just like this gen I will go with whatever I consider best next gen, So either Sony or MS at this stage.

Euphoria14 said:
Consoles : Sony, unless MS wows me with their unveiling, so I'm holding final judgement until then.

Handheld : Usually Nintendo, but right now ill go with Apple.

Do you want to wait until the MSFT reveal before making a final decision or putting you as sony now?


Around the Network

Can I be on more than one team? I like both Nintendo and Sega.

My blog: TsalagiDragon on Wordpress

My online store: Tsalagi Dreams 

My Twitter: @Scary4Eva

Honestly im equal, but put me down for nintendo.

I would go with MS. Only because they got me by the balls with Halo. I can't abandon my favorite franchise!

I'm just a single console owner type of person. I don't play enough games (especially lately) to own more than one system. As long as I get my Halo fix, with some strange on the side, I'm happy.

Ouya 39%

PS4 41%

PC 10%

WiiU 10%

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
what about you jay ?

I'm waiting for the MSFT reveal.  Im only going to get one or the other this year so it depends on what each has to offer at launch.  I will say that itll be Sony or MSFT over nintendo though.  Even though i play PC im not really a huge fan of PC games.  I prefer my controllers for multiplayer over pretty graphics