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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4 has gone viral-27 million hits


How many views will it get?

10-15 million 62 10.95%
15-20 million 37 6.54%
20-25 million 60 10.60%
25-30 million 64 11.31%
30-35 million 56 9.89%
35-40 million 40 7.07%
40-45 million 29 5.12%
45-50 million 22 3.89%
55-60 million 62 10.95%
Over 9,000 million 133 23.50%
Chark said:
thismeintiel said:
ZaneWane said:

view do not equal sales


He's just trying to point out the sales will be much much higher. Pure inspiration that ZaneWane.

Oooooh...well in that case, I agree.  14M+ in the first week CONFIRMED!!

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Over 9000 million.
I don't think YouTube counts the same IP more than once on a view. (Feel free to correct if wrong)

Wasnt Sony accused of generating view bots a while back?

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
Wasnt Sony accused of generating view bots a while back?

Accused? Yes, they were. Were they? no, they weren't. Just awesome journalism. If yoiu read a few posts up you will see fordy post a link (that he obviously didn't read) were the author had to post a retraction

sales2099 said:
Wasnt Sony accused of generating view bots a while back?

Another completely accurate article by dirtyP possibly.

That same thread I posted the actual news and nothing was done to change that one either.
The verge reported one thing, and youtube said something completely different.

Just another example why our website has the credibility of a whiskied up man with a gambling problem.

Around the Network

ah sheit they changed the counting thing as it wasn't like that before

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

15.2 million atm. Those who voted the first option got it wrong.

Will be at least 40 million when its all said and done.

People will watch this up until Launch day

UnitSmiley said:

Nice! Also the video they showed at the begining of the conference was freaking epic.


I hope Sony's paying these guys top dollars because they know what they're doing. If the ads for the new PS4 can hit this sort of epic feel and draw, Sony could finally close the marketing gap.

wow it really has gone viral.