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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft hacked... why is no one covering this?

MB1025 said:
Deyon said:

XboxLive gets hacked A LOT.

Before I even click the links is this the story about people clicking links in their email and giving their information away?

Because again there is clearly a difference there as well.

Only the second link. ;) You should read it. if you want more tell me and i'll link you to other horrendous stories.

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Max King of the Wild said:
MB1025 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
LOL at the people saying there is a difference. There was a blow up immediatly after it happened.

One company had credit card and personal information compromised. ANd their online service was down for around a month give or take. Not to mention how poorly it was handled by Sony with the vague information people were getting all while worried about their information.

On the flip side nothing was taken from Microsoft and no ones personal information was compromised. Also Live was effected for a few hours.


Yeah I don't see a difference there at all.

We didn't know personal information was stolen for a week. However, we got the threads blowing up about it. Also we dont know if no information was taken. Ms is saying the exact samething Sony said.... yet we got threads immediatly afterward. so yeah... dddddddd damage control

In order for their to be damage controle something needs to be damaged. Last I checked Microsoft isn't giving away old free games yet.

MB1025 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
MB1025 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
LOL at the people saying there is a difference. There was a blow up immediatly after it happened.

One company had credit card and personal information compromised. ANd their online service was down for around a month give or take. Not to mention how poorly it was handled by Sony with the vague information people were getting all while worried about their information.

On the flip side nothing was taken from Microsoft and no ones personal information was compromised. Also Live was effected for a few hours.


Yeah I don't see a difference there at all.

We didn't know personal information was stolen for a week. However, we got the threads blowing up about it. Also we dont know if no information was taken. Ms is saying the exact samething Sony said.... yet we got threads immediatly afterward. so yeah... dddddddd damage control

In order for their to be damage controle something needs to be damaged. Last I checked Microsoft isn't giving away old free games yet.

Damage control is strong with you. The fact that they got hacked means something was damged. No matter the extent of the hack. It's bad news. Bad news is damage. Stop trying to play this off.



I didn't know that M$ ever got hacked

I'm surprised Nsanity didn't post this..

but thanks for posting this, Max

I would've never known about this if you didn't bring it here

Here we go. The circus must be in town.

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Imaginedvl said:
Agree with MB1025.. Calling this a hack (when people is "giving" away their information because of email scam) is really making you look like idiots...

I am going to let this slide because you are saying that it is "making" people look like idiots.  Still, please refrain from being disrespectful to other members in this way or I will force you to watch Norbit.  We don't want that, do we?

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

That explains why I couldn't play Halo 4 online last night.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Deyon said:
MB1025 said:
Deyon said:

XboxLive gets hacked A LOT.

Before I even click the links is this the story about people clicking links in their email and giving their information away?

Because again there is clearly a difference there as well.

Only the second link. ;) You should read it. if you want more tell me and i'll link you to other horrendous stories.

Agan. The company itself wasn't hacked. A person's account was. Just like all those other links you will give me will have stories about it. There is a difference between hacking in to a company and obtaining all their customers information and hacking someones account/email and getting their information.


pezus said:
MB1025 said:

In order for their to be damage controle something needs to be damaged. Last I checked Microsoft isn't giving away old free games yet.

First time this has been used in a negative

Well when you have to give them away for damage controle it is clearly different than doing it for PS Plus no?

pezus said:
amp316 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Agree with MB1025.. Calling this a hack (when people is "giving" away their information because of email scam) is really making you look like idiots...

I am going to let this slide because you are saying that it is "making" people look like idiots.  Still, please refrain from being disrespectful to other members in this way or I will force you to watch Norbit.  We don't want that, do we?

Ouch. Worst punishment ever

You obviously haven't seen Pluto Nash. You are a lucky bastard. Wish I could say the same...