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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are Ps4 fans getting annoyed by the "PC is better" people??.

What I don't get is why the PC should be discounted from discussion now. Sony have fans have ridiculed the console exclusive moniker for years, you cant just forget and denounce the PC as a gaming platform when it suits your argument.

I still don't understand why some people might get annoyed as its a simple fact the PC will always be capable of more than a console, its just not very good for ease of use and convenience compared to consoles.

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PC enthusiast are just show offs. They have spent a lot on their computers for a reason. If all they wanted was a system that could play all the most advanced games, they would not be spending thousands on their systems. With the exception of Crysis 3 and some mods, a system costing $500 could run pretty much every game more than satisfactorily. If not tomshow off, they argue because they are just trying to justify their decision to fork out triple the amount a console gamer pays for a system.

I'm only annoyed when people say "PC is better" when it's not in response to anything.

Like, after the conference, people were bashing on Sony and saying that it was a bad conference because the PC could output better graphics, when, like Kantor said, there's more reasons than that.

I guess it's sort of like karma or whatever? You had OBNOXIOUS PS3 fans early on were touting the PS3's graphics and emphasizing the importance of that, and now you have an equally, if not more, OBNOXIOUS PC crowd that are touting the importance of graphics.

So to me, it's not really PC fans that annoy me, but people who have a fetishistic obsession with graphics.

PC trolls are just a bunch of wankers that get wet reading the specs sheet of their overpriced garbage. So much that they keep publishing them thinking they are porn. They look as bad as the cases of their ugly machines, with an arm as a keyboard and the other as a mouse.They are the Quasimodo of gaming, the polluted race, the ill maniac obsessed that as soon as a new piece of HW is out they have the compulsory urge to buy it to replace the 2 months old one. Upgrades their hordes buy in high quantities saving the money downloading the games from the torrents.

So, yes, PC trolls have never been so annoying like now that the next gen consoles are coming out. What it is good is that with a simple spell they disappear. The new secret formula is: "8GB of unified GDDR5 RAM". Better if said rotating a PS Move in front of their noses. Poof! They are gone in desperation trying to find out WHY their PCs can't have it.

I'm going to get a ps4, but it is very true. Now, the thing is, a comparable system without an OS will set you back about $600 for a pc. The ps4 is rumored to be about 400-450. So it is still good price per performance. But don't kid yourself into thinking this is an ultra high end computer. It is a high mid range to low high end. The reason most pc people will be excited about this is because it will finally allow devs to make good looking games agian. BF3 for example is played at the lowest settings in 704p at 30fps. For about 600 you could get a system that runs it at ultra in 1080 at 45-50fps. 

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I'am more sick of the people hyping up the medioce stuff sony showed.

thx to the PS4 they will get better PC games, so I really dont get why they are angry.

Yeah it is annoying i will never play a PC for gaming so I really dont see a comparison. Neither do the people who play PC undestand why I play a PS3. I wont buy an Xbox ever either, again the controller I hate microsofts controller. I'm so use to a playstation controller from the original playstation to now, I cant and dont have no desire to try another one. I tried PC , I tried my buddies XBox , I tried Wii and Wii U and hated all of these controllers. Gamecube I bought and loved that system before that was Sega genesis and the Sega master system. Playstation came along and I have never bought another system besides the gamecube as I mentioned earlier. Playstation rocks to me and I really dont get why people love to hate on it. I have played so many amazing games on playstation platforms over the years from Tekken , GT series to uncharted , Killzone. What a Ride!

seems to be just fair, wii u owners have to read all the time how the probably more expensive ps4 is better and ps4 owners have to read how the more expensive pc has better graphics. higher price = better specs, that is most of the time just how it is.

if console gamers wouldn't compare console specs with pc all the time in the rumour threads for months now i would understand it but all i read the last months was "it's like a pc with this or that gpu and can show us games with this or that resolution and framerate" or stuff like that.

since we can use a pc almost like a console nowadays (playing on tv with controller) i see it much different to maybe 6 years ago and can understand when a pc gamer compares his machine with a console. 

crissindahouse said:

seems to be just fair, wii u owners have to read all the time how the probably more expensive ps4 is better and ps4 owners have to read how the more expensive pc has better graphics. higher price = better specs, that is most of the time just how it is.

I think the problem most have with the Wii U is the graphics subsystem being multiple generations old when Nintendo could have gone with a newer architecture with much more visual fidelity for the same price.
Tessellation is probably going to hit it big over the next few years with every major gaming platform featuring it now, yet the Wii U although it has a Tessellation engine it's not exactly a great high-performing one with lots of flexability.
Still vastly better than the PS3 and Xbox 360, but could have been allot better.

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