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PC trolls are just a bunch of wankers that get wet reading the specs sheet of their overpriced garbage. So much that they keep publishing them thinking they are porn. They look as bad as the cases of their ugly machines, with an arm as a keyboard and the other as a mouse.They are the Quasimodo of gaming, the polluted race, the ill maniac obsessed that as soon as a new piece of HW is out they have the compulsory urge to buy it to replace the 2 months old one. Upgrades their hordes buy in high quantities saving the money downloading the games from the torrents.

So, yes, PC trolls have never been so annoying like now that the next gen consoles are coming out. What it is good is that with a simple spell they disappear. The new secret formula is: "8GB of unified GDDR5 RAM". Better if said rotating a PS Move in front of their noses. Poof! They are gone in desperation trying to find out WHY their PCs can't have it.