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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will the 360 lose to PS3 and Wii because of its lineup?

All the consoles have good games, that's why i bought them. But one thing has got me wondering, will 360 lose because of it's lack of diversity? Ps3 games range from shooters to rpgs and so on. Wii also has a great wideranging lineup in 2008, though it's lacking a little in the shooter department. 360 has got a dumpster truckload of shooters!! (cod4, army of 2, halo3, cod3,) many more than just that. Do you think if microsoft doen't do like sony and nintendo and put diversity in their lineup for 360 they will lose this gen? (I personally think the only diverse game in the 360's 08 lineup is gta4 but i may be missing some.) discuss

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius
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The Xbox 360 has diversity....It has more sports games, RPGs, racing, than any other console on the market currently.

The issue more has to do with the "image" of the Xbox 360 being a hardcore-fairing box, and little/no name brand recognition with casuals and casual/core users. Microsoft has done alot to change that - the X360 has already outsold the Xbox in Japan, and most asiatic markets as far as I know.

And then it has to do with what Western developers decide to put on the Xbox 360 - unlike the Wii and PS3, Microsoft has had a much harder battle bridging the pacific ocean when it comes to working with the Japanese studios on X360 games - unlike Sony and Nintendo, since it's their native country. The few AAA Japanese games to come out on the X360 have been hits in their own, various rights (such as Blue Dragon, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, ect).

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I think the 360 will loose a lot of market share this year, IMO the main reasons why the 360 did so well its first two years are:

1) Headstart, lack of high def competition for its first year on the market (1 year and 5 month headstart for Europe and most of the world).
2) XBox's early and total demise, this pushed most XBox fans to upgrade pretty fast. However there are surely 6 million XBox users in the US who still haven't upgraded despite a total lack of support for their platform for over two years.
3) Cheaper entry price than the PS3.
4) A lot of media misinformation and FUD geared towards the PS3 in the US and an unbelievable amount of hype and praise for the 360, IMO an unreliable, noisy and far less powerful solution for the long run.

The 360 is a non factor for Japan and there are many PS3 exclusives and 360/PS3 muliti-platform games coming up which are of interest to Japanese games. Simultaneously released multi-platform games sell much better for the PS3, much more so than you would expect considering just installbase size.

In Europe, the 360 doesn't stand a chance against the PS3. Even with mainly experimental new franchices released by Sony so far, the PS3 has overtaken the 360's total installbase in many of Europe's main and smaller markets already. This despite a 1 year and 5 months headstart for the platform.

For the US, there are many FPS fans there, IMO Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 will make the PS3 the primary console for hardcore FPS fans. In addition to this the high profile PS3 exclusives I think will push the PS3 to significantly outsell the 360 for Chirstmas 2008 in this country.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Points 1, 2 and 4 are IMO becoming less relevant.

With regard to point 3, when hardcore gamers see and understand the benefits they will look at the PS3 as offering better value.

For the lowend casual market, the 360 will be competing with cheaper more casual products like the Wii and PS2.

But overall I think 2008 will still be an OK year for the 360, 2009 I think the platform will be hurting very much (like HD DVD is hurting now).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

I know people who own the original xbox and the 360 and have zero shooter games and they both have over 20games on each system. The 360 has a great collection of non shooters.

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I think 360 still hasn't gained the brandname required to earn the consumers trust. And the extreme, record breaking hardware failures have not helped one bit. Add in the fact that Microsoft is not regarded as either honest nor loyal, and you got yourself a problem.
I'll admit that MS has done a very good job the last year or so, but they still have a long trek ahead of them to be able to fully make use of the console market.

If 360 can reduce failure rates it will do fine. I had two of my 360's pack it in a Christmas. Last week I went through the process of getting them replaced...

It was funny, I was at the Purolator depot waiting in line to drop mine off... In the 15 minutes I was there, one person also brought in a 360 and two other people picked up their returned 360s... You can tell by the size of the white boxes they use for shipping!

I hope the falcon ones are less prone to failure. And when they get the new video chip in it should reduce failure to zero.

The lineup is fine. Still have lots of stuff to play from last year and I think that the new IP will be just as good as PS3's big name IPs this year. Unfortunately, they may not get the press time that names like MGS4 and GT5 will though.

NeoRatt - Xbox 360 IPs will get hyped, just like PS3 IPs.

This year alone, you have Fable 2, Banjo Kazooie 3, Alan Wake, and Ninja Gaiden 2 - Of those, only NG2 isn't coming either from a previously huge seller (such as Fable's 2.9m units sold), or a huge old Xbox IP (such as Alan Wake being developed by Remedy, makers of the Max Payne series which sold very good on the Xbox and PS2).

Microsoft has the cash to hype games out - do you remember Gears of War? That was a totally untested IP, and Microsoft hyped it so well, it's wound up near 5m units sold.

Microsoft knows what it needs in it's lineup, and this year is by far the most diverse year for a Microsoft console's gaming library, and IMO, much more rounded than any others. We're getting AAA horror, shooter, RTS, JRPGs, WRPGs, action/adventure and platformers that the PS3 and Wii aren't getting. One can argue GT5 will be huge, but there's no date for it (2009?).

I still see this being Microsoft's biggest year yet, since the games are so Japanese and European centric with games like Ninja Gaiden 2, Alan Wake, Tales of, and Infinite Undiscovery all being exclusive.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

i had a conversion with some co workers yersterday.. to make a long convo short.. bascically they believe ps3 has no games... so as long as people believe the 360 has more games it will be fine... their only complaints were the RROD which had them thinking on moving on to a ps3.....



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

mrstickball said:
NeoRatt - Xbox 360 IPs will get hyped, just like PS3 IPs.

This year alone, you have Fable 2, Banjo Kazooie 3, Alan Wake, and Ninja Gaiden 2 - Of those, only NG2 isn't coming either from a previously huge seller (such as Fable's 2.9m units sold), or a huge old Xbox IP (such as Alan Wake being developed by Remedy, makers of the Max Payne series which sold very good on the Xbox and PS2).

Microsoft has the cash to hype games out - do you remember Gears of War? That was a totally untested IP, and Microsoft hyped it so well, it's wound up near 5m units sold.

Microsoft knows what it needs in it's lineup, and this year is by far the most diverse year for a Microsoft console's gaming library, and IMO, much more rounded than any others. We're getting AAA horror, shooter, RTS, JRPGs, WRPGs, action/adventure and platformers that the PS3 and Wii aren't getting. One can argue GT5 will be huge, but there's no date for it (2009?).

I still see this being Microsoft's biggest year yet, since the games are so Japanese and European centric with games like Ninja Gaiden 2, Alan Wake, Tales of, and Infinite Undiscovery all being exclusive.

You're underestimating sony this year... sony is getting AAA horror, many AAA shooters , RTS, especially JRpg's and wrpgs.. and etc.... alot of 360 games were so japanese centric and look what they did... Nothing... Ninja Gaiden  has never been a big seller..  all the multiplatform games are basically ps3 exclusive in japan..

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
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