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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" Step Up to PlayStation 2/20

Demensha said:
hmmm i dont mind companies attacking each other but honestly its common place for both(or multiple) companies to all attack each other. i don't really see nintendo making any comments. then again what they should do is post the sony all star numbers to smash brothers numbers, or pokemon to anything and mario to well lets make it fair sony's entire last gen games combined ;). god i hate sony

here's hoping microsoft forces sony out of the market.

Telling consumers that you are selling more than the competition is not much of a marketing. You seem mad at Sony because they hurt mario's feelings.

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I have just one gif to praise this ad...

Conegamer said:
riderz13371 said:
Conegamer said:
No doubt this isn't real. However, I'd happily play "another Mario game" if that game turns out to be as good as the Galaxy games over anything Sony does anyday.

All of this arrogance is only going to lead to a bigger fall, though.

You just said you doubt it's real and then continued to say this arrogance will be their downfall. 

Bro, do you even read?

There's two possibilites:

1- It isn't real, and the vocal PS fans will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles.

2- It is real, and Sony will look stupid if (and when) the PS4 struggles. 


All possibilities lead to the end statement. And of course I can read. What an odd question.

very ironic coming from a nintendo fan at this junture if you ask me

JoeTheBro said:

Comcast always mocks the competition. It's totally fine and not a sign of being arrogant or insecure. If this ad is real, I approve.

There's a difference between what's happening here and what's happening with that Sony advertisement (which I am assuming is fanmade).  

That ad in the OP is a lot more of a personal attack and would possibly just ward off potential buyers, while this one seems to try to drag them in.  To convert.

BasilZero said:

Please explain to me why it would ward off potential buyers if the buyer's main intention is to buy a system for games or are you telling me that people here buy game systems based on the brand name...if so I lol...

Well, I would suppose one thing to look at when you consider advertisements of the sort is who the target audience is for the ad?  Who will see it and pay attention to it?  The average consumer is NOT the answer.  Most of the average consumer will have heard about the PS4 announcement through others who aren't the average consumer.  

When you look at the advertisement, it would most likely be targeted towards gamers.  "Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" would seem like a legitimate excitement for the average consumer.  Those who delve themselves more into gaming see it as sarcastic.  Many of the "gamers" ARE loyal to certain brands, but not always exclusively.  So someone who tends to buy Nintendo systems is bound to come across it, and take offense.

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Hahaha another mario who would have guessed!!

Somebody order me some suppositories for my butt hurt! >_<

BasilZero said:
MDMAlliance said:

Well, I would suppose one thing to look at when you consider advertisements of the sort is who the target audience is for the ad?  Who will see it and pay attention to it?  The average consumer is NOT the answer.  Most of the average consumer will have heard about the PS4 announcement through others who aren't the average consumer.  

When you look at the advertisement, it would most likely be targeted towards gamers.  "Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" would seem like a legitimate excitement for the average consumer.  Those who delve themselves more into gaming see it as sarcastic.  Many of the "gamers" ARE loyal to certain brands, but not always exclusively.  So someone who tends to buy Nintendo systems is bound to come across it, and take offense.

I dont know - sounds a bit foolish and a waste of time and effort to get worked over about something like that, people who get offended over such a thing usually means their faith in what they hold on to is shaken and not as strong as they tend out to be ;p.

Anyways I buy Nintendo systems and am not offended at it at all :O

The issue here isn't if everyone takes offense, though.  It's the fact that it can easily be interpreted as an offensive statement that makes it a rather poor way to market, given the audience.

Can't wait for the twentieth, if they announce something useful I have launch to look forward to in two years.

Either way Nintendo already delivered. I'm set .:D

Hold up, there's a new Mario game?! Awesome!