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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" Step Up to PlayStation 2/20

NintendoPie said:
I'm happy that I use AdBlock seeing as how all these comments from Sony seem to be pop-up ads.

adblock = no revenue for VGC


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Roma said:
bananaking21 said:
Roma said:
lol they wish they had something as big as Mario

just wait until after the 20th. kaz will be so big people will forget who mario is. KAZIFICATION WILL RULE THE INTERNET

I hope for their own good that they don't disappoint

they wont

riderz13371 said:
NintendoPie said:
I'm happy that I use AdBlock seeing as how all these comments from Sony seem to be pop-up ads.

adblock = no revenue for VGC


Step up to NintendoPie's level, get AdBlock.

NintendoPie said:
riderz13371 said:
NintendoPie said:
I'm happy that I use AdBlock seeing as how all these comments from Sony seem to be pop-up ads.

adblock = no revenue for VGC


Step up to NintendoPie's level, get AdBlock.

I have adblock but turn it off when I go to VGC

Some may call the back-and-forths between the big three of late childish. Maybe. But I'll be a go'dang liar if I said it doesn't make for good internet.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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I would hope that these aren't official Sony ads... ads like that are a sign of corporate insecurity. You very rarely see the # 1 company in a field making ads like that, because they're confident enough in their own products. You see Samsung making tons of ads mentioning the iPhone but Apple ads talk about... well, the iPhone.

I think you accomplish very little attacking your opponents product. Nintendo fans are just going to get defensive due to brand loyalty. With Sony fans, you're just preaching to the choir. Like I said, I would hope that this isn't Sony's actual ad campaign.

"Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" Step Up to PlayStation 2/20

Holy hell! So Sony is debuting a Mario game on 2/20!? Well then, PS4 day one for me. :D

LOL look at riderzbunchofnumbers go.. his as excited as a little girl in a justin beiber concert! hahaha


archbrix said:

"Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" Step Up to PlayStation 2/20

Holy hell! So Sony is debuting a Mario game on 2/20!? Well then, PS4 day one for me. :D

yes they are! its called super mario : gran uncharted of the infamous littlebigZone

hatmoza said:
Some may call the back-and-forths between the big three of late childish. Maybe. But I'll be a go'dang liar if I said it doesn't make for good internet.

Frankly, I prefer this over the committe-approved corporate vagaries of stuff like "a whole new gaming paradigm" or "a holistic media device at the center of the living room."

It's strange. Fanboyism gets on my last nerve, yet the companies themselves going at it as of late hasn't. It just feels like they've been grasping at straws to stay relevant in the larger digital entertainment ecosystem; focusing on their closest competitors shows that they feel confident that consoles in general still matter, on their own terms.

Or maybe I'm just putting it philosophically to hide my long-dormant inner Sony fanboy, who's been getting hype for the first time in years. Yeah, that's probably it. :p

Have some time to kill? Read my shitty games blog.
