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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global UP! 9th February 2013 (Global Software added)

Ni No Kuni deserved better than that.
Damn you gamers!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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Fall/winter can't come soon enough. That's all there is to say, really.

Anyhow, Fire Emblem opened up quite nicely. And this time it seems VGC didn't muck up too bad with the Pre-Orders! Woo hoo! (Hopefully this means they are getting luckier better at tracking them.)

NintendoPie said:
gigantor21 said:

EA said outright that they aren't going to invest anymore into the franchise if it doesn't hit those numbers.

Apparently, the 2-3 million that the last two games each got isn't good enough for them. I don't play Dead Space, but I find that disturbing.

Seriously? If so, EA are hiding behind this number because they want to stop with the series. That's my explanation.

As a big dead space fan, I don't mind if it ends. The 3 games did what needed to be done. It doesn't need endless sequals.

Granted I know that's not why EA is saying that.

ishiki said:

As a big dead space fan, I don't mind if it ends. The 3 games did what needed to be done. It doesn't need endless sequals.

Granted I know that's not why EA is saying that.

Very true. I could never see this series being a big franchise. 

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Mnementh said:
MonstaMack said:
gigantor21 said:
Mnementh said:
gigantor21 said:

I'm going to be watching those Dead Space numbers closely. They say it needs 5 million total...judging by how the last two games in the series sold, I doubt it.

They need 5 million for what? To make profit?

EA said outright that they aren't going to invest anymore into the franchise if it doesn't hit those numbers.

Apparently, the 2-3 million that the last two games each got isn't good enough for them. I don't play Dead Space, but I find that disturbing.

This is correct. They want 5+ million for both platforms combined otherwise there may be no more Dead Space games. They also have made the games more action oriented to increase sales.

I don't care for the franchise, but that is undeserved for the fans and the devs. The game is selling in the millions, that is great and absolutely sustainable for an AAA-franchise.

It's just another great franchise ruined by EA greed/market direction.

EA has killed off a lot of franchises. They will continue to hurt other franchises as well.

EA was most likely responsible for the fall of Bioware (DA2 not fairing well, ME3 ending fiasco)

EA not doing anything with the Burnout franchise (Burnout Crash lol, and having Criterion direct all the NFS games. Burnout Paradise was open world where as all the old Burnouts were pure course crashing fun.)

Don't even get me started on all The Sims expansion/DLC cash cowing.

And of course EA turning Dead Space into a action oriented franchise with a sprinkle of jump scares for "sales". Dead Space 1 vs Dead Space 3 differences are staggering. Not to say I didn't enjoy DS3 because I did, but it could have been so much more. DS1 was a near 10/10 for me, DS2 a 9/10 and DS3 is barely a 8/10 for me and I do mean barely.

Last Skate game was pretty bad to.

I'd say their best Franchise for quality and money is probably Battlefield, though the last campaign was laughable.

It's just that simple.


3DS +177,741
PS3 +150,618
360 +81,722
Wii +143,309
DS -69,244
PSP +5,688
PSV -17,830
Wii U -7,171


PS. I'm without MS Office on computer... so I did with my own hands lol... tell me about any mistake.


ethomaz said:


3DS +177741
PS3 +150618
360 +81722
Wii +143309
DS -69244
PSP +5688
PSV -17830
Wii U -7171


PS. I'm without MS Office on computer... so I did with my own hands lol... tell me about any mistake.


3DS was adjusted up? It looked like it went down. :/

ethomaz said:


3DS +177,741
PS3 +150,618
360 +81,722
Wii +143,309
DS -69,244
PSP +5,688
PSV -17,830
Wii U -7,171


PS. I'm without MS Office on computer... so I did with my own hands lol... tell me about any mistake.


The Wii U numbers look right to me. I say "look right" because I forgot to write the adjustments down AGAIN. -_-

Have some time to kill? Read my shitty games blog.


Sly Cooper overtracked in pre-orders? God damn I'm sorry but the pre-order chartz are so unreliable nowadays. For all I know Gears of War Judgement has 1m+ pre-orders already -.-