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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Challenge: Say one positive thing about the big-3 companies you favor less, as they are today

Guys, points about the consoles as they are today, and points that make them look good, not bad.

if you can't fulfill the challenge just push yourself harder or don't post, otherwise I'm getting this thread locked due to bad quality.

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Nintendo. The one good thing about having weaker hardware is that they have less multiconsole games and more exclusives.

Microsoft. Cross game chat.

Sony - Quite an amount of their IP's has caught my attention in a positive way.

Microsoft - Very good third party support and the online system is very well done.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

I consider myself a fan of Nintendo the most out of the 'big three' so I will say something nice about the other two.

Microsoft: While I am not part of their main demographic I do appreciate the steps Microsoft has taken, and influenced the industry to take towards online integration, socializing gaming, things like the achievement system (still think Nintendo is dropping the ball not picking something like this up! Sony did with their Trophies system, it's a no brainer) I plan to purchase an XBox360 within the next year's time and it's because of all the great moved Microsoft has made throughout this generation, I wouldn't have even considered buying a Microsoft console just a few years ago. I will be intersted to see the direction they go with their next console, I suspect it may be one less focused on games and more on all forms of entertainment but I'm sure games will still the biggest priority and many great experiences will be had by their fans.

Sony: Again, I don't think I'm part of the main demographic that Sony is shooting for but I do appreciate the obvious time, energy and money they put into having diverse and high quality exclusive games on their system, several of which I find highly intriguing. Sony has done more to increase the size of gaming (since their introduction with the PS1) than arguably anyone else (perhaps even Nintendo, no way to factually tell but they have both made great strides) and I feel that their strong competition is the driving force behind innovation from the other two console manufacturers (ie. I don't think Microsoft and Nintendo really focus on eachother, sony is the perceived competitor for both in my eyes.)

Also I'd like to add in my thoughts on Nintendo, I appreciate that they make games to be fun. Period. I feel that a lot of gaming has put 'fun' on the back burner and focused on competitive play, graphics, huge worlds, and any number of other things. While these things are great and should be included in games I don't like when they are the focus whether the game is fun or not is deemed unimportant. Nintendo can be repetitive, they are usually behind the times in most things but they make games that I find enormously, ridiculously, amazingly fun! and for that I give them my money and call myself their fan.

Systems Currently Playing: WiiU, PS3, 3DS

Also Have: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, N64, PS2, Wii, GB, GBC, GBA, DSLite, DSi, Android (RazorMax), iPhone (4), iPad (2)

Is this group therapy ?

Sony : releasing several new IPs even towards the end of this generation of consoles. Also PS+.

Microsoft :did a great job with the online service in the beginning of this gen, and props for trying to appeal to the Japanese market (Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery , Tales of Vesperia and several timed exclusives).

Nintendo: One of the few companies that still value fun gameplay and playing together with friends in the same room. Also, Pokemon X/Y.

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Good balance of quality first and third party games, high end hardware, support their hardware after its replaced.

Excellent third party support, good balance of power and price.

I don't dislike them at all, they're just not quite as dear to my heart as Nintendo.

Sony: Pretty much completely core focused. It's awesome to see, and I am close to considering them my number 1 fave after the last couple of years that Nintendo has put us through.

Microsoft: Halo 4 seemed quite fun.

Microsoft: good online user interface, achievements/Gamerscore are very addicting (glad Sony was "inspired" by these to create trophies).

Nintendo: Pokémon and Fire Emblem.

gamers game regardless and this thread reaveals how sad fanboys truly are

tres said:
gamers game regardless and this thread reaveals how sad fanboys truly are

If you're here trying to make yourself look better than "fanboys", image how much more hopeless you are...