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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Males and Females of vgchartz: Have you ever wanted to be with someone of a different race, nationality, or body type than you?

Had various interracial relationships, race, culture or nationality has never been an issue for me. In the UK interracial relationships are common as anything anyway.

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Marks said:
Race: Umm not really. Honestly I'm not saying this in a racist way, but I'm not physically attracted to black women in general. Like there are pretty ones like Halle Berry and whoever else, but I'm not into them so much. There are definitely many pretty asian women so I could get into that. But for the sake of this thread, I'll just say no, I'm mainly into white women.

Body type: hmmm not really. Like I don't care about a little extra weight, but I'm a slim guy myself so I don't really think I could truly feel attracted to a really big girl. I also don't find super muscle chicks attractive, like some muscle is awesome of course but not bodybuilder level.

Nationanlity: Yes, Australian girls are amazing, European girls are amazing, British girls are amazing, Eastern European/Russian girls are amazing....but as you can see this goes back to the race question, since I named white countries. Not really into the African, Hispanic or Asian women quite as much.

Halle Berry's mom was from european decent(half british actually), she's only half from black decent so that probably explains it. Same as people saying Obama is the first ''black president'', his mother was caucasian aswell. Interesting enough, both never really hade a relationship with their father.

Yeah I'd like almost any race, though I've never met an asian in real life (non-celebrities) that I desired, the only group of people I never thought was hot were Native Americans, not even celebrity ones get me excited.

I think I'd like other nationalities.

When it comes to body types, I don't know, almost everyone I've wanted to be with were slim built like me. I'm a little stricter on guys, no bony or even slightly chubby guys I like, ladies can have big butts, but being thick all around is not attractive.

Why did you restrict the topic to males and females? As a non-male, non-female human, I feel left excluded from this discussion and will probably fall into deep depression as a result. Thank you for ruining my Valentines day

- Jay520, Gender: Other

It's really disappointing that a question like this could even be asked, as if it were some radical idea. I'm out ...

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does alien probing count??

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Yes I have been with people from all continents and till now 76 different states (considering USA by state and not only one but Canada and Australia as whole).


Tachikoma said:
Jumpin said:

“what drives (Western man’s) fetishism with Asian women is quite simply pedophile tendencies”

"The Asian woman is not only feminized but also infantilized, and thus converted by the Western men to a pedophilic fetish – that is, an object that can be worshipped, and provide the satisfaction of repressed desires. What drives this fetishization of Asian women is nothing more than displaced pedophilic disposition that can be perceived as socially acceptable in an “anti-racist” relationship, and [even] praised for its multiculturalism."

-Dr. Tobias Hübinette

And next we'll be calling each other incest because everything we do or say is actually repressed desires to sleep with our own mothers because mr freud says so.

Seriously, what happened to just falling in love?, why do people feel the need to dig deeper and make up retarded reasons for it, it's just stupid.

Freud has largely been discredited...I don't know much about Mr. Hubinette but I think his statements say more about himself than other men. 

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.

I seriously dig Asians, but who doesn't? :D

well, i once had a black girlfriend from la réunion but i don't "look out" for a partner with a specific race or whatever. i like all of them but i surely look at the body type which should be the same as mine and not very "big"