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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm confident Bayonetta 2 and/o Wonderful 101 will end up on PS360 now

SuperMarioWorld said:
yeah keep dreaming

As if those games are worth ''dreaming'' about.

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KHlover said:

Wasn't everyone pretty underhyped after the PS3's reveal (CG-"gameplay")?


M.U.G.E.N said:
Pavolink said:

I'll tweet the livestream to Iwata, so he can see how to reveal a console.

haha too soon to tell man. All companies can mess is no exception. 


I mean, they are making an event only for that. Also, even if it's only CG it will hype people.

I liked the way Wii U was announced, but for some reason (at least to me) the end product is not as exciting as the announced one.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

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Why do people keeping bring up up The Wonderful 101. Nintendo owns the IP. As for Bayonetta 2, depends on the contract, but highly unlikely. Nintendo fis unding the development and co-publishing it.

Sensei said:
ninjablade said:
Sensei said:

I think the funniest thing is that people that never gave a shit about Bayonetta now care about it.

Game's good, sure. But it's not worth all that fuss.

i played the demo on 360, all i can say i don't know what the developers was thinking, the art and the concept is just ugly and horrible, hair attack that make a sarah palin looking chick get naked will probably sell much, much worst on a nintendo system.

Also, everyone assuming 2 will be as good as the original. Nintendo might as well fuck it up and censure all the cool stuff out of it. We have to wait and see.

Yeah, just like Nintendo censored Pandora's Tower so the vegetarian girl wouldn't have to eat the monsters' hearts during the entire game to stop her curse... Nintendo isn't in 19xx anymore, you know.

You guys need to stop feeding troll. Seriously, it's pointlessly clutters the thread. Just ignore him.

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Play4Fun said:
VGKing said:
tbone51 said:
If bayonetta 2 goes onto a Sony or M$ system, then its safe to assume PSASBR will be on Wii U. Seems about right!

That doesn't make any sense. PSASBR is not only owned by Sony but it includes many Sony characters in the game, which would never be allowed on a Nintendo console.

Bayonetta IP is owned by Sega, so they can do what they want with it. We don't know the extent of Nintendo's partership. Are you funding the game? Are they co-developing? Im sure Sega could find other publishers for the PS3/360 versions if Nintendo's role is simply advertising/publishing the Wii U version.

How many times do people have to say Bayonetta 2 wouldn't exist had Nintendo not taken it on?

Is Nintendo developing it though? We don't know exactly what kind of partnership they have with SEGA and Bayonetta 2.
Anyway I didn't make this thread, so don't get mad at me. I say Bayonetta 2 coming to PS3/360 is unlikely.

BasilZero said:
Hito564 said:

Why is Wonderful 101 involved in this discussion?
Nintendo owns the IP so of course it won't get ported to the other consoles just like, Last Story or Pandora's Tower.
There is a slight chance of Bayonetta 2, but since Sega wasn't interested in the first place it is unlikely they will change their mind all of a sudden.

Arent all the games in your post (with the exception of Bayonetta 2) funded/developed by third party devs o.O?

Bayonetta 2 is the one that is funded by Nintendo the closest to owning a third party title.

Wonderful 101 is funded by Nintendo/ developed by Platinum Games. Therefore, Nintendo owns the IP.

Nintendo brought bayoneter so its only on the wii u


Conegamer said:
No chance. Rayman was always likely to happen, and as was Ninja Gaiden TBF. The other games? Nah.

most likely every exclusive will be released, it's not exactly easy to ignore a user base of 150 million, nintendo probably paid for a timed exclusive, it's very rare for any game to stay exclusive now adays.

ninjablade said:
Conegamer said:
No chance. Rayman was always likely to happen, and as was Ninja Gaiden TBF. The other games? Nah.

most likely every exclusive will be released, it's not exactly easy to ignore a user base of 150 million, nintendo probably paid for a timed exclusive, it's very rare for any game to stay exclusive now adays.

Agreed, 3rd parties making exclusives these days is crazy, as they would only be losing money by doing it, and losing money in this generation means that you can get out of the business. However, in W101's case, the IP is from Nintendo, and in Bayonetta 2's case, the game is only being made because Nintendo paid them to do it. So, at least those two won't go multiplatform.