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Forums - Movies & TV - 3D Blu-Rays of 2013 Movies, share your thoughts "OFFICIAL 3D Movies in 2K13 THREAD" (List of 3D Movies of 2013 in OP)


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Kaizar said:
SnakeDrake said:
Saw Iron Man 3 and it was ok, one of my friend loves it though and another hated it. 3D I barely noticed it.

Did you see it in RealD 3D or some other 3D?

Also was it on a 200 inch screen (small screen) or 500 inch screen (regular size screen)?

I'm guessing it wasn't IMAX size screen (big screen) which is so much bigger.

Real 3D? what the heck is real 3D. I payed for 3D ticket price and brought a pair of 3D glasses(I hate when cinema's do that why cant we just borrow it and give it back like other places). Anyways I probably watch it on a regular size screen.


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bad movie, bad acting, bad science nothing wow worthy cgi wise

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

chapset said:
bad movie, bad acting, bad science nothing wow worthy cgi wise

DIsregard this post as it represents a very very small minority of Iron Man 3 viewers.

SnakeDrake said:
Kaizar said:
SnakeDrake said:
Saw Iron Man 3 and it was ok, one of my friend loves it though and another hated it. 3D I barely noticed it.

Did you see it in RealD 3D or some other 3D?

Also was it on a 200 inch screen (small screen) or 500 inch screen (regular size screen)?

I'm guessing it wasn't IMAX size screen (big screen) which is so much bigger.

Real 3D? what the heck is real 3D. I payed for 3D ticket price and brought a pair of 3D glasses(I hate when cinema's do that why cant we just borrow it and give it back like other places). Anyways I probably watch it on a regular size screen.

I mean: REAL.....D.....3D (notice that "D" is apart of its name)

Its called Real "D" 3D, and they have a good set up with their 3D glasses & 3D projector from my experience. And Real D 3D is only buying the ticket and returning the glasses.

Regular size (500 inch) is in such theaters as AMC & Mann & Rave & etc.

Small size (200 inch) is in Flagship theaters & etc. The ticket price usually is like around $5 for Adults and like $4 or something like that for seniors & students.


Anyways IMAX 3D guarantees really great looking 3D. And the 3D Blu-Ray DVDs look good on a 40 to 50 inch screen, but they probably reformat the stereoscopic images before making them ready for viewing on TV by Cable & DVD & Streaming.

It sounds like they really need to fix the format for a bunch of theaters in the world for viewing in theaters.

I'm sorry you had a bad 3D format for your theater's copy of the movie. I really hope they fix this problem.

nightsurge said:
chapset said:
bad movie, bad acting, bad science nothing wow worthy cgi wise

DIsregard this post as it represents a very very small minority of Iron Man 3 viewers.

Yeah, I figure the people saying bad things about the movie where only a minority, especially since I haven't seen waves of bad post, but instead only a couple in my Summer Thread and 1 in this thread.

Thanks for verifying it.

I might agree with the CGI comment, but I never really cared about the CGI after I see the whole movie of any movie, especially now of days, since even today's weak CGI is decent at worse.

I can't wait to see this movie for myself. I got a extra ticket for OZ 3D for El Capitan theater, so if I can find it, I will exchange it for the currently shown movie, Iron Man 3 3D, even though they only have a 500 inch screen but the 3D effect from Real D 3D makes that screen size look big enough every time luckily.

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Kaizar said:
Baron said:
Kaizar said:

So has anyone seen Iron Man 3 in 3D!, yet?

I have. I enjoyed it but it could have been a lot better in my opinion.

3D was barely noticable and it had a lot of continuity errors.

But at the other hand great acting and plenty of humor and good action scenes.


Ben Kingsley was one of the highlights of the movie.

What do mean by "continuity errors?

And was it RealD 3D or some other kind of 3D?

And was it a 200 inch screen (small screen) or 500 inch screen (regular size screen) or IMAX screen (big screen)?

I don't want to spoil the movie for you so I'll just say there were multiple things that didn't make sense considering all that happened in Iron Man 1, 2 and the Avengers.

The 3D was RealD 3D I believe and it was on a 21x9 meter screen. So bigger than a 500 inch screen but not IMAX size.

I'll go see Iron Man 3 sometime this week I think, but I'm definitely the most excited about Man of Steel. It's not that I'm a Superman fan (I actually dislike the character), but that's why it intrigues me. If all those amazing people working on it now can't make me a fan, nothing can.

I updated the OP, basically I changed Storm Surfers 3D release date from June 14 to

"April 26 or June 14?"

I might try to find out if this has already been release later, or wait til Wikipedia is updated to find out LOL. I think I'll just wait for someone else to find out for me.

If you're dying for more Pacific Rim before release:

" target="_blank" class="link">[/img]

If you have seen The Great Gatsby in its original 3D recorded format then please comment here.


But if you have seen The Great Gatsby converted into 2D, then please post your comment on this thread:

