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Forums - Gaming Discussion - To Clear up confusion on what makes Next-Generation

curl-6 said:
Mazty said:

No, numerous people stop replying when I point out the contradiction in their argument. You just said hardware requires an upgrade to be next gen. Now, why does improved power consumption not count? And why was the GC not a gen above the PS2, or the xbox a gen above the GC?

I explained this in my last post. Top of the page.

Which leads us back to the point then that the PS1 and xbox wouldn't be part of any generation as they are not successors to anything. Either that or you are choosing to use arbitrary rules. 

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Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:

No, numerous people stop replying when I point out the contradiction in their argument. You just said hardware requires an upgrade to be next gen. Now, why does improved power consumption not count? And why was the GC not a gen above the PS2, or the xbox a gen above the GC?

They stop replying to you because you are ridiculous and have faulty arguments.  It is pointless to debate with you because you wont admit when you are wong and then just say the same thing over and over again.

listen the numbers as i said in the OP is based off of a generation of hardware.  WiiU would make the 8th generation in hardware as it is the next gen of the wii.  It falls into the 8th generation of hardware just like the PS2 (the weakest console in the 6th) was a 6th generation console.  I'm trying to be reasonable with you here but all my OP was trying to explain is what the generations stand for.  If you want to say the WiiU is powerless and sucks, that is fine by me.  But it still falls in the 8th gen of hardware whether you like that or not

Dude, I've a science degree. I know exactly how to argue and spot poor arguments. Using arbitrary rules is a piss-poor argument that doesn't stand up to scrutiny whatsoever. You have resorted to personal attacks instead of dealing with the content of my post. 

Now I ask again: 

"You said hardware requires an upgrade to be next gen. Now, why does improved power consumption not count? And why was the GC not a gen above the PS2, or the xbox a gen above the GC?"

So then the PS1 and xbox have no generations as they are not successors of anything? 

Your OP is filled with numerous holes as shown above. If it was true than first attempt consoles have no generation, and there is no reason why the 360 elite shouldn't be 8th gen as it shows an upgrade over the original model. 

Xbox 1 and PS1 was already explaing.  The first generation console was started in 1974.  Since then we have had 8 generations.  Xbox is the first generation microsoft console born in the 6th generation of games.  Self explanatory.

The GC and X360 power consuption question is also self explanatory. They are not a new iteration.  They are modifications on current hardware and im pretty sure you realize that.  Which makes me wonder why you are still argueing but ok.  Everybody has tried explaining this to you already and im pretty sure every question that you just asked, people has explained it to you like 20(exaggeration if you dont know that either) times already


Mazty said:
curl-6 said:
Mazty said:

No, numerous people stop replying when I point out the contradiction in their argument. You just said hardware requires an upgrade to be next gen. Now, why does improved power consumption not count? And why was the GC not a gen above the PS2, or the xbox a gen above the GC?

I explained this in my last post. Top of the page.

Which leads us back to the point then that the PS1 and xbox wouldn't be part of any generation as they are not successors to anything. Either that or you are choosing to use arbitrary rules. 

When a console has no forerunner, it falls into the generation of its contemporaries. That's common sense.

Oh god. Help us. It's Mazty again with his world views on the word 'generation'.

JayWood2010 said:

Xbox 1 and PS1 was already explaing.  The first generation console was started in 1974.  Since then we have had 8 generations.  Xbox is the first generation microsoft console born in the 6th generation of games.  Self explanatory.

The GC and X360 power consuption question is also self explanatory. They are not a new iteration.  They are modifications on current hardware and im pretty sure you realize that.  Which makes me wonder why you are still argueing but ok.  Everybody has tried explaining this to you already and im pretty sure every question that you just asked, people has explained it to you like 20(exaggeration if you dont know that either) times already

I've been in a similar argument with this guy some time ago, needless to say it got him banned to, but it's no use. He just doesn't get it. Some people need to read a dictionary some more, it's so blatently obvious it's painful.

Mazty said:
timmah said:
Mazty said:

Giving you quotes from Reggie hardly counts as "nonsense". However claiming things like the industry isn't split over the Wii U does count as nonsense:

The ford mondeo outsells Ferrari. Does Ferrari consider the Mondeo to be a challenger? xD

You have no idea how market terms are defined, so you just make up your own definition to suit your bias. Are they in the same model year (Gen)? The WiiU/PS4/Nextbox will all be on the same graph on the front of VGChartz, and will be compared side by side in sales by all gaming media when they're all on the market. They all have the same basic feature set (DX11 type), only the horsepower is different. By your comparison, is a 2013 Ford Focus not in the same model year as a 2013 Ford Mustang? (model year in cars would be the market equivalent of console gens)

Also, WiiU is much closer to its competition power-wise this gen than Wii was last gen (same DX11 type feature set, much smaller power differential). That would make the WiiU more part of this gen than the Wii was part of the 360/PS3 gen by your incorrect argument.

EDIT: Another point, graphics card manufacturers release new graphics card 'series' or 'gens' based on feature sets and architecture, but there are different power specs on cards within the same series/'gen'. Just because the lower end card of the new generation of cards is not much better (power-wise) than a mid-range card in the last gen does not mean it's in the same gen as the older card. There are multiple factors, including architecture and feature set as well as release date to take into account.

Actually I'm pretty sure I know how the MARKET term is defined. Look at jet fighters which work with generations:

"Fifth-generation aircraft are designed to incorporate numerous technological advances over the fourth generation jet fighter"

Same can be said about games. Games are only called next-gen when they show tech advances over the games from the previous generation. All cars have a sterring wheel, axel and wheels. Should we then compare all of them on the same graph? 

We can't actually say the Wii U is close to the next-box or PS4 until we have confirmed specs. As it stands, what we have seen so far is a console that is on-par with the 360/PS3. 

Actually your point about GPU's proves me right. Low end GPUs are compared to the low end gpus of the generation before it. No one compared the GTX480 against the GT240 - they compared like to like. Using the Wii as an example, other than release date, how was it like the PS3 or 360? It was considerably weaker and didn't even run the same games. The same cannot be said about the 360 when compared to the PS3. 

You're wrong on all of these points, your points don't hold water from a marketing or technical standpoint. The WiiU shows technological advances over the PS360 just by the fact that it can use DX11 era instructions & effects and has a more modern architecture (not to mention it has a GPU with more power as well), so your argument is beyond flawed. I would also say wirelessly streaming of the game to the controller is a technological advance. Power per watt is the best ever seen from any console (efficiency is also a technical advance). Also, since generations are commonly based on advances from the predecessor to the specific product, as well as time of relase and what the product is competing against during its life, just consider the massive power leap from the Wii to the WiiU & the fact that sales will be compared to the PS4/Nextbox. Another interesting point, is a massive power jump the only technological advance that exists? (the answer is no in case you actually were wondering)

Funny, why would gameplay or control methods not be considered as a factor in generations of systems designed to play & control games? Your arguments are entertaining.

The point of GPUs very obviously proves you wrong, as does the same poing regarding CPUs, RAM (DDR3 has many different speeds), or pretty much any other computer based technology. A generation of the product is based on instruction / feature set as well as architecture & efficiency technically, as well as general time of release of a particular 'line'. Generations can have a wide range of power specs (Intel core2 series of processor vs i-series processors are generations, but a 1.6GHz i3 is in the same gen as a 3.3GHz i3, they are the same generation of processors because of architecture and feature set). - Note that the generations include the entire line of a specific series of cards (including the weaker and stronger cards in that line).

"GeForce 600 Series / GeForce 700 Series

In September 2010, Nvidia announced that the successor to Fermi would be the Kepler architecture, based on a 28 nm fabrication process. In early 2012, the first members of the 600 series were revealed to be based on the existing Fermi-architecture, intended for the laptop market. On March 22, 2012, the Kepler family debuted with the launch of the GTX680 (GK104 core) and GT640M (GK107 core). The GTX680 is Nvidia's most powerful single-core graphics card to date. On 29 April 2012 Nvidia announced the Kepler dual chip version, the GTX690, that features 2x GTX680. The series introduced significant improvements in energy efficiency.[18] On May 10, 2012, Nvidia introduced the GTX670 as a cutdown, cheaper version of the GK104, while retaining the same power efficiency improvements that GTX680 and GTX690 enjoyed over the GeForce cards based on the older Fermi architecture. Between August and September 2012, Nvidia introduced the GTX 660 Ti (GK104 core), GTX 660 (GK106 core), and GTX 650 (GK107 core) for budget friendly consumers."

Note that the cutdown, cheaper version of the card above is still in the same generation as the more powerful cards. The generation of GPUs is based on release time, feature set, efficiency, and architecture, not just raw performance. This holds true for pretty much all computer based technology. Your opinion =/= reality on this subject, in fact it is pretty much the opposite.

EDIT: Just thought of something else. The Radeon GPU series that the WiiU's GPU is based on is several GPU generations ahead of the GPU series' the PS3/360's were based on. The number of problems with your argument is staggering. In fact, pretty much every point you've made so far is the antithesis to reality. I saw you 'credential dropping' with your science degree. I see your degree and I raise you a degree in Computer Science & 10 years experience in the IT industry + a current position of Senior Systems Engineer for a Cloud Hosting/IT consulting firm.

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Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:

That means you are then looking at hardware. I'm pointing out an obvious contradiction in you're thinking. 

"Hardware doesn't matter, but it does if it's a revision"

Lolwut. That's some arbitrary reasoning. 
Also you just said "upgrade". How is improved power consumption not an upgrade? How much of an upgrade is needed? Why was the xbox not 7th gen? It was an upgrade when compared to the existing consoles...

Do you even listen to yourself when you speak?  Numerous peopl has tried explaining it to you but you just keep coming back

No, numerous people stop replying when I point out the contradiction in their argument. You just said hardware requires an upgrade to be next gen. Now, why does improved power consumption not count? And why was the GC not a gen above the PS2, or the xbox a gen above the GC?

Do you really not understand that there is more than 1 factor in determining a console gen, or are you just trolling? You keep focusing on a single factor to make a point, ignoring the other factors (such as the fact that console gens are largely determined by release date and direct competion over the life of the console).

Here's the argument, to be part of gen X, it should have a few of the following factors, A, B, C, D, E. You come back and pick D to make your point, ignoring that there are multiple factors to consider in determining a gen, not all of which have to be met, and the most important of which (from a market standpoint) is competition and release date (A & B).

Actually, since the Wii U is out, it's a current gen system. Next gen is only used to refer to a generation that hasn't begun yet. I'll elaborate further:

A prince is the "Next King" only until he becomes King, he is then the current King. The next-gen Nintendo System is not the Wii U, it's the one they make after the Wii U. If the Wii U had not been released yet, it would still be the next-gen system.

So no, the Wii U is not next-gen, it's the current gen.

watsuke said:
Actually, since the Wii U is out, it's a current gen system. Next gen is only used to refer to a generation that hasn't begun yet. I'll elaborate further:

A prince is the "Next King" only until he becomes King, he is then the current King. The next-gen Nintendo System is not the Wii U, it's the one they make after the Wii U. If the Wii U had not been released yet, it would still be the next-gen system.

So no, the Wii U is not next-gen, it's the current gen.



is just trolling? or could it be serious?

Click HERE and be happy 

S.Peelman said:

Oh god. Help us. It's Mazty again with his world views on the word 'generation'.

JayWood2010 said:

Xbox 1 and PS1 was already explaing.  The first generation console was started in 1974.  Since then we have had 8 generations.  Xbox is the first generation microsoft console born in the 6th generation of games.  Self explanatory.

The GC and X360 power consuption question is also self explanatory. They are not a new iteration.  They are modifications on current hardware and im pretty sure you realize that.  Which makes me wonder why you are still argueing but ok.  Everybody has tried explaining this to you already and im pretty sure every question that you just asked, people has explained it to you like 20(exaggeration if you dont know that either) times already

I've been in a similar argument with this guy some time ago, needless to say it got him banned to, but it's no use. He just doesn't get it. Some people need to read a dictionary some more, it's so blatently obvious it's painful.

lmao yeah no doubt.  i don't think i've ever seen someone so hard headed lol


Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:
curl-6 said:
Mazty said:
curl-6 said:
The successor to a 7th gen console is 8th gen, just like your kids are in the next generation even if they're only slightly taller than you.

Which goes against other industrys that use the same term. If a game with piss-poor graphics (basic 3D) and crap AI was released for the Wii U, who would call it next-gen?

I'd call it a crappy next gen game. ;)

Then what makes the 360 elite not 8th gen? If we're ignoring hardware, it's a successor, no? Same with the PS3 slim etc. 

I dont know why you bring that up in every thread.  It is a revision of hardware. Not an actual upgrade into next generation.

That means you are then looking at hardware. I'm pointing out an obvious contradiction in you're thinking. 

"Hardware doesn't matter, but it does if it's a revision"

Lolwut. That's some arbitrary reasoning. 
Also you just said "upgrade". How is improved power consumption not an upgrade? How much of an upgrade is needed? Why was the xbox not 7th gen? It was an upgrade when compared to the existing consoles...

Do you even listen to yourself when you speak?  Numerous peopl has tried explaining it to you but you just keep coming back

No, numerous people stop replying when I point out the contradiction in their argument. 

No, some of us have a life. I'm not going to stay here arguing with you all day over something I already know. I don't care if you understand something as simple as what we're trying to explain your thick head here. 

As far as I'm concerned, it was late for me and I needed to sleep. But go right ahead. Feel free to believe I dropped out of the argument for the reason you stated. -__-

At this point, you've proven yourself clueless to this matter.

User was banned for this post - Kantor