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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U graphics power finally revealed - "we can now finally rule out any next-gen pretensions for the Wii U"

I don't know what exactly people are expecting Sony and MS's next console graphics to look like, but I can guarantee they won't look that much better than Wii U. Sure there will be a huge gap in horsepower as there was this gen, but graphics are getting to the point where there won't be that big of a noticable change to the human eye, at least not to warrant the extra money their next consoles will probably cost. At best, you'll get probably more enemies on screen at once, and detailed shaders/textures and things like that. 

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Hynad said:
ninjablade said:
superchunk said:
ninjablade said:

but it also has bottle necks, that are not present in 360/ps3, both beyond3d and DF point out, the CPU is inferior and then the bandwidth is 12.8 compared to 22.4 for 360, i went on beyond 3d and asked the question many times, they tell me it's on par.

Rushed ports that present same data on two screens at nearly the same performance, suggest its clearly not "on par". Hell, some of those rushed ports even have areas of better performance.

i'm just going from what i read and know, [...]

There. I think it's more accurate like this. Don't you think?

fine with me but even you have to admit i do post things that make sense and are close to reality, even though i use the internet for my research ;)

Baron said:
dahuman said:
DF jumped the gun too fast to get hits on their site, at the moment of their writing and even right now, nothing is conclusive yet. They are good at analyzing "graphics," but they are no experts when it comes to analyzing hardware. I'll stick to my usual saying though, if you want some real fucking graphics, go PC or STFU about it. cause all 8th gen consoles are already last gen or worse on the graphics level. They also don't understand why GCN doesn't mean as much for consoles, it's meant for PCs to start with.


If the rumors about Durango and PS4 are true than I don't expect a 'quantum leap' compared to their predecessors. Mobile processors and graphics chipsets... So much for PC gaming in a box.

The PS4 sounds quite beastly actually. 1.8 TFLOP GPU console plus an 8-core CPU with extremely fast GDDR5 RAM (4GB of it).

That's maybe not as big of a leap from PS2 to PS3, but it's still a monsterous jump.

Cub said:
I think some of you need to stop being hypocrites, you've been drooling all over the last of us and halo 4 graphics for months now, the Wii U will easily surpass those. It will not stop looking good just because PS4 will produce better graphics :/

I wish Nintendo just dropped the whole pad idea and just released an affordable (or at least profitable) Wii 2 with similar specs to Wii U. While the Pad idea is attractive to me (I don't have a tv atm lol) it certainly isn't attracting people. Meh.

Hypocrites?  Nobody is arguing whether or not the Wii U will have pretty games. People are arguing whether or not it's capable of substantially better graphics than the PS3 or 360. Both of those may sound similar to you, but it's not exactly the same thing. ¬_¬

Soundwave said:
Baron said:
dahuman said:
DF jumped the gun too fast to get hits on their site, at the moment of their writing and even right now, nothing is conclusive yet. They are good at analyzing "graphics," but they are no experts when it comes to analyzing hardware. I'll stick to my usual saying though, if you want some real fucking graphics, go PC or STFU about it. cause all 8th gen consoles are already last gen or worse on the graphics level. They also don't understand why GCN doesn't mean as much for consoles, it's meant for PCs to start with.


If the rumors about Durango and PS4 are true than I don't expect a 'quantum leap' compared to their predecessors. Mobile processors and graphics chipsets... So much for PC gaming in a box.

The PS4 sounds quite beastly actually. 1.8 TFLOP GPU console plus an 8-core CPU with extremely fast GDDR5 RAM (4GB of it).

That's maybe not as big of a leap from PS2 to PS3, but it's still a monsterous jump.

yup i will switching to ps4 nextgen for that reason, hope they improve the controller and i will very happy.

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Once again. Derp. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

AlphaCielago said:

Yes, the Wii is not next-gen, it's pre-gen. It will lack all of the pretty advanced high tech specs that the competition has and will therefore be guilty of failing.

I changed Wii U to Wii and happened to generate a statement said when the Wii launched.

The games look amazing and they're only going to get better, that's all I really care about.

pezus said:
Metallicube said:

I don't know what exactly people are expecting Sony and MS's next console graphics to look like, but I can guarantee they won't look that much better than Wii U. Sure there will be a huge gap in horsepower as there was this gen, but graphics are getting to the point where there won't be that big of a noticable change to the human eye, at least not to warrant the extra money their next consoles will probably cost. At best, you'll get probably more enemies on screen at once, and detailed shaders/textures and things like that. 

People keep saying this over but it's simply not true. Graphics could improve SO much it's (ironically) unbelievable. Not only the graphics, but also physics can be drastically improved (seriously, physics today in games are mostly crap or nonexistent), AI (same here...) and so on. We are nowhere close to the top leve.

Grafix can improve VASTLY, mostly in terms of poly count, texture quality, shader effects and specially draw distance Not that we are going to see this on PS4

pezus said:
Metallicube said:

I don't know what exactly people are expecting Sony and MS's next console graphics to look like, but I can guarantee they won't look that much better than Wii U. Sure there will be a huge gap in horsepower as there was this gen, but graphics are getting to the point where there won't be that big of a noticable change to the human eye, at least not to warrant the extra money their next consoles will probably cost. At best, you'll get probably more enemies on screen at once, and detailed shaders/textures and things like that. 

People keep saying this over but it's simply not true. Graphics could improve SO much it's (ironically) unbelievable. Not only the graphics, but also physics can be drastically improved (seriously, physics today in games are mostly crap or nonexistent), AI (same here...) and so on. We are nowhere close to the top leve.

AI maybe, but exactly what does better physics mean for a game being controlled with a pad controller?  And, exactly how does buffing up the graphics engine end up meaning better physics for gameplay?

As for the physics point, which game plays better, Super Mario Bros. or LittleBigPlanet?  And guess which one has better physics?