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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Have you set a goal to buy EVERY SINGLE game from any one company this gen?

definitely all insomniac games.

 MOST definitely all Team ICO games, though its likely only to be 2 or 3 this generation. 

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and might buy all the games suda makes for wii

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

No, I haven't. Seems like a stupid thing to do to me. If a game appeals to me, I'll buy it, though.

Of course maybe I'm odd. People look at me funny when I tell them I have an XBox 360 but don't own a copy of ANY of the Halo games or Gears of War.

What a ridiculous idea.

If every game that one company in particular releases is of high quality and you like it, then it might happen by chance. But to deliberately set yourself a goal of collecting all the games by one company...


I will own every insomniac, naughty dog, incognito, media molecule, and every (squeenix game on a sony system)


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Naughty Dog and Insomniac for me too, although I will probably buy all SE games for PS3, or borrow them at the very least

I haven't set a goal, but I probable wil end up buying everything Valve and Capcom.

I prefer Rols new avatar. Its more humble.