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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone who thinks the 64/cube failed due to 1st party software is...

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happydolphin said:
Screamapillar said:
I don't agree with the premise of your topic. N64 and GameCube didn't fail at all. They both had five or six year lifespans and turned large profits for Nintendo through software, hardware, and accessory sales. If anyone says N64 or GameCube were "failures" they do not understand the definition of the word "failure".

I mean going from being the #1 brand in the industry to being a distant second, and meeting serious business threats were it not for the release of miracle wonders such as Pokemon RGB.

You know, the common-sense definition of failure... the one that says that Nintendo may not have been in the game much longer were it not for Pokemon.

That sounds like the common-sense definition of a what-if scenario. It's just a hypothetical alternative. The fact that Pokémon played a large role in maintaining Nintendo's profitability doesn't mean you can ignore it and call them a failure without it. It wasn't an act of God, it was a product they marketed and sold. You don't say Sony "might have lost gen 6" if the PS2 didn't double as a DVD player.

You wouldn't say the American Revolution was a failure because the colonists might have lost if they hadn't been supported by France. You wouldn't say Apollo 13 was a failure because the astronauts could have died.

Why not call the NES a failure since its success was so reliant on Super Mario Bros?

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IMO, the GC was only great for bringing the Pikmin & Animal Crossing franchises. They had the worst of nearly every other Nintendo franchise. The N64 games were much better!

Mario Kart 64 > Double Dash
Mario 64 > Sunshine
Mario Party 1,2,3 > 4,5,6,7
Star Fox 64 > Adventure & Assault
Kirby 64 > Air-ride
Pokemon Stadiums > Colosseum & Darkness
Paper Mario 64 > TTYD

The Wii versions of these are better than the GC versions but still not as good as the N64 days...

KHlover said:

Sarcasm? We should officially introduce a sarcasm tag for this forum. Either /s or just writing sarcasm like this.

Either way, I'm pretty sure Nintendo managed to make a small profit from the GCN alone...

I've read many things on how the GBA saved them in that Generation.

NintendoPie said:
KHlover said:

Sarcasm? We should officially introduce a sarcasm tag for this forum. Either /s or just writing sarcasm like this.

Either way, I'm pretty sure Nintendo managed to make a small profit from the GCN alone...

I've read many things on how the GBA saved them in that Generation.

Just as I read they made a small profit off the GCN^^

The N64 was definitely saved by first party games. That machine failed because of the media format and the "3D or die" design among other things.

With the Gamecube on the other hand it's not completely lunatic to blame first party offerings imo. The console still survived largely because of first party games but they weren't enough to put sales at N64 level or higher despite much improved third party support. GC just didn't get a system seller like Super Mario 64 and that's were you could say that Nintendo failed.

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I agree, but also eternal darkness was brought to the world via the gamecube :p Anyway, I think the gbc was nintendo's weakest console to date, and the sales reflect my oppinion. 

As first party software was about all that was present on those platforms I don't see how you could derive a different outcome. Their output simply wasn't enough in quality or quantity for their system to compete. The Wii didn't have much 3rd party support and yet it beat all of their previous home consoles(just about all of them in total) so I don't think "they didn't have 3rd party support" is really an issue. When they were successful on the NES they actively hindered 3rd party support by only allowing 5 games a year.

I enjoyed many games on the N64 and Gamecube myself. My enjoyment of those games doesn't blind me to the truth.

Who believes that? It's the opposite. Nintendo survived the N64 and Gamecube years thanks to their 1st party games because 3rd parties were leaving. I guess one could argue that nobody wanted to compete directly with Nintendo's games so they didn't and in that way I suppose one could argue that Nintendo's 1st party games made 3rd Party's leave and therefor it is Nintendo's game's fault.

NightDragon83 said:
N64/GC definitely survived on the strength of their 1st party lineups.... that was pretty much the only reason to buy them aside from some outstanding 3rd party games like THQ's WCW/WWF games, and RE4 on GC.

It's kind of ironic today because Sony fans used to mock Nintendo fans for basically having only Mario and Zelda and the like back during the N64 and GC days while Sony's success during those gens was heavily reliant on third parties, and now all of a sudden with the tables turned, Sony fans now tout their first party exclusives as their console of choice has lost many 3rd party exclusives over the past gen.

Its not ironic at all, there is a difference between loosing 3rd party exclusivity and straight up loosing 3rd party games period(looking at you N64) even with that train of thought. Its not like most of thost games that went multiplat even went to Ninty consoles

IsawYoshi said:

I agree, but also eternal darkness was brought to the world via the gamecube :p Anyway, I think the gbc was nintendo's weakest console to date, and the sales reflect my oppinion. 

One, its not a console, its a portable and two GBC was not on the market long at all.