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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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curl-6 said:

Engines aren't limited the specs and techniques of the first platform they're used on, hence why many engines scale between multiple platforms of different generations. And was it ever actually confirmed that Odyssey's engine was built for Switch? I don't recall ever reading that, it could simply be an updated 3D World engine.

You keep repeating the same notion that doesn't debunk what I posted engines scaling doesn't change any of that, no new 3D Mario title on a new platform uses the engine of a game from the prior platform they've always done what I've said in creating new ground up engine and often Zelda uses the same engine customized for the new game.

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Wyrdness said:
curl-6 said:

Engines aren't limited the specs and techniques of the first platform they're used on, hence why many engines scale between multiple platforms of different generations. And was it ever actually confirmed that Odyssey's engine was built for Switch? I don't recall ever reading that, it could simply be an updated 3D World engine.

You keep repeating the same notion that doesn't debunk what I've posted engines scaling doesn't change any of that, no new 3D Mario title on a new platform uses the engine of a game from the prior platform they've always done what I've said in creating new ground up engine and often Zelda uses the same engine customized for the new game.

But do we actually have a source confirming that Odyssey's engine was built for the Switch? Or that every 3D Mario uses a new engine?

curl-6 said:
Wyrdness said:

You keep repeating the same notion that doesn't debunk what I've posted engines scaling doesn't change any of that, no new 3D Mario title on a new platform uses the engine of a game from the prior platform they've always done what I've said in creating new ground up engine and often Zelda uses the same engine customized for the new game.

But do we actually have a source confirming that Odyssey's engine was built for the Switch? Or that every 3D Mario uses a new engine?

It's common knowledge stemming from an interview with Koizumi Mario series director back during the Wii era I'll try to dig up the link at some point if it still works, when asked on whether they reused a prior game's engine for one of the games he just gave a flat out answer "No we use a new engine".

The use of propriety engines is mainly how they manage to push their platforms better than anyone else.

Last edited by Wyrdness - on 02 November 2018

Wyrdness said:
curl-6 said:

But do we actually have a source confirming that Odyssey's engine was built for the Switch? Or that every 3D Mario uses a new engine?

It's common knowledge stemming from an interview with Koizumi Mario series director back during the Wii era I'll try to dig up the link at some point if it still works, when asked on whether they reused a prior game's engine for one of the games he just gave a flat out answer "No we use a new engine"

Alrighty, I'll await that source then if it's still online.

As far as I'm aware, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask used Mario 64's engine, enhanced each time. Wind Waker was a new engine, which was also used by Twilight Princess. Could be wrong about Skyward Sword but I'm pretty sure it runs on an enhanced Wind Waker engine as well. Then obviously Breath of the Wild is new again. I think Mario is new each time, except Galaxy 2.

Bad thing is though, this is how it's in my head, and I have no source whatsoever.

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S.Peelman said:

As far as I'm aware, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask used Mario 64's engine, enhanced each time. Wind Waker was a new engine, which was also used by Twilight Princess. Could be wrong about Skyward Sword but I'm pretty sure it runs on an enhanced Wind Waker engine as well. Then obviously Breath of the Wild is new again. I think Mario is new each time, except Galaxy 2.

Bad thing is though, this is how it's in my head, and I have no source whatsoever.

Skyward Sword actually used an engine that was based on the WW engine think kind of like UE3 and UE4 type scenario as Wii architecture and GC's are the same, SS however combined WSR's technology and engine into the new engine that's how they got motion controls working as they had to borrow work from the WSR team according to WSR's producer.

They've started hiring

Wyrdness said:
They've started hiring

They are really gonna have their work cut out for them making a worthy sequel to BOTW. Any game so groundbreaking and adored is a hard act to follow, expectations will be through the roof.

Personally, I think they should take the template of BOTW and improve on it; even more physics/chemistry interactions, themed dungeons and bosses, more variety in enemies, more exotic and fantastical locales, etc.

Part 2 of Arlo's series on BOTW, focussing on presentation. He really nails a lot of what makes the game so special.