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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best shooter in the past 5 years?

Anders Breivik.

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Team Fortress 2. Only shooter I have genuinely loved to pieces since Timesplitters 2.

Special mention to: Left 4 Dead 2 & Starhawk.

Jay520 said:

So critical acclaim + popularity is the objective measure of quality. Great.

I actually thought this was pretty well known that good games sell well.  I bet you cant name too many games that are bad that has sold well.  Then name all the bad games that has sold more than 10 million.  If you can then ill say im wrong.


badgenome said:
Anders Breivik.

Wow.  You went there.  

CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:

not in this case.  Critically acclaimed and more popular.  Good single player games and great multiplayer games.  Im saying they are of better quality and that is why they are played so much, hence them being addicting.  

I was tired when I wrote what I wrote last night so it may have came off wrong but yes Halo and Call of Duty has been the best shooters this gen from a wide appeal.

Best Single player Shooter - Uncharted 2 (It's shooting mechanics are actually not that great) 
Best TPS - Gears of War
Best FPS CoD4, Halo
Best Survival Horror -  Dead Space
Best Zombie game - Left 4 Dead
Best Scifi - Halo

Im probably Missing some categories but Halo and Call of Duty are popular because of how afddicting and good they are.  Notice I didnt say Black ops 2 or MW3.  I chose Call of Duty 4 because that is when it was completely original and nobody can argue that it isnt good regardless if you like it or not. If you want to say Halo and CoD are not of quality then i dont even want to debate with you.  

P.S. I hate CoD now and you wont here me saying its bad.  I just wish they wouldnt release it yearly and maybe update the game.

You're still generalizing when the thread just asked for a simple opinion. Because something is "more popular" doesn't mean it's a universally "better game", (otherwise, I should see you should defend Gran Turismo over Forza every time). I know tons of people that would disagree with every game you just listed for those categories, but it doesn't make either side right or wrong. Many of them have a working formula, yes, but so do plenty of other titles that will never reach mainstream success like CoD or Halo, such as Bioshock and Dishonored.

Either way, the bit was pointless.

No, he asked me a question so i answered it.  Dont act like i was just saying thing.  i admitted i was wrong last night for saying it in the first place because I did not see take your pick.

And maybe Im not completely explaining myself but you cant say that Gran Turismo hasnt been good because it has.  There has been a reason that GT has gotten popular in the first place and that is nothing against forza because I do feel forza 4 is better than GT5 but Gran Turismo has been of quality since the beginning.  And I also want to point out with racers you are in the same situation as with shooters.  It is such a general term.  Forza, F1, Need For Speed Shift, and Gran Turismo is a like as they are all sims but then you have off road, arcade, kart racing, etc.  

But when it comes down to it  there is only 5 games this generation that has both good sinle player and multiplayer when it comes to shooter which include Halo, CoD, Uncharted, Gears, and Killzone.  Ill throw in Resistance in there since I know the first one was popular for its multiplayer.  Im not talking about a mediocre multiplayer or single player but actually good and addicting. Popularity with multiplayer has been like this for years, people play the ones that are good and that is why people keep coming back.  If you want to prove me wrong, then why do people keep coming back to play something if it isnt good? 

Just like Gran Turismo becoming popular for a reason so did halo and cod and that is not to disrespect the other titles that i mentioned because as you know my favorite is gears.  In fact i pretty much hate CoD now but i know that the mechanics are great in the game as well as it being insanely addicting.  People dont even rival halo with killzone anymore, they rival it with call of duty now.  How many exclusive games get rivaled against multiplatform games?  Why because they are the two best in the industry right now and it is the exact reason that they have the potential to sell 10m copies per console.

While we are on the subject of GT and Forza though I do want to point out once again that they are the two most popular racers in the industry again.  Why?  because of the quality from the brand.  Not just one game, but the entire brand.

Here's the issue with this post, it's only in existence because you misundersttod the OP. Now that you know that, there's no further need to delve into it. 

Dude you and jay are the ones that are quoting me and then you tell me not to continue it?  Yes I misunderstood the OP but you are the one who went on to tell me about how I was wrong with a lengthy message and I explained why i wasnt.  You then ignore it entirely and say it's all my fault?  Then dont quote me with a lengthy message in the first place.


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JayWood2010 said:
Jay520 said:

So critical acclaim + popularity is the objective measure of quality. Great.

I actually thought this was pretty well known that good games sell well.  I bet you cant name too many games that are bad that has sold well.  Then name all the bad games that has sold more than 10 million.  If you can then ill say im wrong.

Not quite 10Mil, but the "Farming Simulator" games sell extremely well for their genre and budget (!). You wouldn't exactly call them good games, would you?

But defining a game as good is difficult enough for itself, I mean to all the players of (again) Farming Simulator for example the game HAS to be good, they wouldn't buy it else. 

NobleTeam360 said:
Somini said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Somini said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Somini said:
NobleTeam360 said:
lilc64 said:
Maybe i havent read far enough but so far i see no uncharted, yes its not a FPS but neither is gears so i toss uncharted into the mix. I own all the gears, and halos but not one of them can hold a flame to uncharted 2 or 3.

Nah, Halo 4 blows UC2 and 3 out the water

lol no it doesn't!!

Yeah it does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It surely does NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It absolutely DOES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sales prove it lol JK

I don't think you're joking! And it most certainlty does NOT.


why compare two completely different games?

Halo 4 is a very good First person Shooter, but not the best of the last 5 years!(my opinion)
Uncharted 2/3 is a very fun and graphical perfect 3rd person advanture game (I won't give this a label of Shooter)

In my opinion KZ2 and Vanguish are the best shooters of the last 5 years.

KZ2 best First Person Shooter

Vanguish best 3rd person Shooter

Killzone 2 would be my choice.

I loved Team Fortress 2, definately one of the best Online Shooters out there. Bioshock isn't quite a shooter IMO and Crysis 1 was released 2007...Sorry, no SP choice from me.

NobleTeam360 said:
Somini said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Somini said:
NobleTeam360 said:
lilc64 said:
Maybe i havent read far enough but so far i see no uncharted, yes its not a FPS but neither is gears so i toss uncharted into the mix. I own all the gears, and halos but not one of them can hold a flame to uncharted 2 or 3.

Nah, Halo 4 blows UC2 and 3 out the water

lol no it doesn't!!

Yeah it does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It surely does NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It absolutely DOES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sales prove it lol JK

So if sales prove something, CoD BO 1/2 are the biggest winners!!! But in reality are these two really the best shooters of the last 5 years?