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Forums - Website Topics - How do you find out exactly why you were banned?

But we all know that because he has been here so long and posted such quality posts, that he will be unbanned within 1-2 weeks.

The whole blanking posts came shortly after I reported a post and asked it to get blanked out. I think it was a misunderstanding, because the post i reported was from someone who had like 12 posts and they were just a string of profanities.

I don't care if Leo-J's (or whoever) posts are still readable, I would like it if when a mod bans someone that if it is a perma ban for vulgarity that his posts be blanked.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

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RolStoppable said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

And how did leo-j end up with 45 days?

His joke thread "I own a Wii" was an epic fail. He said that he owns a Wii and people demanded proof. leo-j still insisted that he in fact owns a Wii and was willing to risk a 1-month-ban, but at the end all he could come up with was some faked evidence that got easily discovered. Before he was finally banned, he spammed and trolled quite a lot which earned him another couple of weeks.

I knew about the thread but not about the 1 month ban. But knowing how special he is, he's going to be unbanned in a matter of days, if not by the end of a week.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Yeah, the blank posts thing does suck royally. It happens wherever they posted, so you're not even able to follow a conversation because everything is blank. They should only blank out the posts in question.

Someone said leo-jdid the reporting, but I'm not so sure now. Could have been someone with 10 posts...

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Rol, if i remember correct, you were tying to make crack sales on the forum, which is clearly

UN-ACC-EP-TABLE (as the Cone heads would say)

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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The more posts you have and if you support the wii you have a lower chance of getting a ban, if i was not too lazy i could get you well over 100 cases of this happening.

I could also get well over 1000 cases of wil fans saying stuff that would get a PS3 fan tossed in a second. But not only is trolling on this site done by members in many cases the mods will start trolling aswell, they will bash the PS3 and PS3 fans for saying positive things about the PS3.

I have also witnessed countless times when mods and wii users will just post to start flamewars with PS3 fans, until the PS3 fans get banned. The wii users know they can say anything they want because they have the mods to protect each and everyone of them.

I have also seen PS3 fans get banned and get told to get out of threads for the same things wii owners do, i have copy and pasted what a wii fan says in one thread about the PS3 and posted it about the wii and i was banned for it.

@Rol, i have reported your posts on many occasions, they are out of line and have nothing to do with anything other then trying to start wars with PS3 fans or to slam Sony. 

I just shat myself!

If I was a mod? I would ban you for thinking that.


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



It's too bad we can't see a list of users with the most complaints against them.

After personal experience, I will NEVER sign my name in someone's ban. I have VERY good reason not to.

That being said, vague ban reasons are better than specific ones. Quoting the banned post and signing your name is a risk, especially with a popular user. Additionally, everyone makes mistakes, and a ban is humiliation enough. If someone lets a comment slip that could be deemed offensive, there's no reason to let the world see what the comment was or the nature of it.


Griffin said:

The more posts you have and if you support the wii you have a lower chance of getting a ban, if i was not too lazy i could get you well over 100 cases of this happening.

I could also get well over 1000 cases of wil fans saying stuff that would get a PS3 fan tossed in a second. But not only is trolling on this site done by members in many cases the mods will start trolling aswell, they will bash the PS3 and PS3 fans for saying positive things about the PS3.

I have also witnessed countless times when mods and wii users will just post to start flamewars with PS3 fans, until the PS3 fans get banned. The wii users know they can say anything they want because they have the mods to protect each and everyone of them.

I have also seen PS3 fans get banned and get told to get out of threads for the same things wii owners do, i have copy and pasted what a wii fan says in one thread about the PS3 and posted it about the wii and i was banned for it.

@Rol, i have reported your posts on many occasions, they are out of line and have nothing to do with anything other then trying to start wars with PS3 fans or to slam Sony.


Ssj12 and I are the only two active mods on this site who give a shat about the PS3, and I'm hardly active anymore. Tough luck.



So there's a new rule....which says the mod must sign a ban. Anyone have an idea who banned this guy (and for what)?