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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Not beiing solely bought as a games machine.

makingmusic476 said:
tombi123 said:
selnor said:

Good to see PS3 sales increase over christmas. I expect them to drop to last throughout the year again though.

However, Look at the game attachment sales on this site. Gaming wise for Sony this is serious trouble.

Call of Duty 4 has sold 4.3 mill on 360 and only 2.6 mill on PS3.


Ok sir, you phail at maths. CoD4 on PS3 has a 27.6% attachment rate. CoD4 on 360 has a 25.8% attachment rate.

This guy debunked the OP, yet everybody has ignored his post.

The reason is because that doesn't debunk it. He has some flawed reasoning, however...

PS3 should have a much higher attach rate then 360. Not just a slightly higher attach rate when it comes to individual games.

While attach rate goes up total over a consoles time on the market. Individual game attach ratio drops drastically.

I'd guess on multiplatform games, the gamecube absolutely annihlates the 360 in attach ratio.

With a 7 million difference the attach ratio difference should be much higher... if that 7 million gap was made up, from what we know of attach rates it would suggest the PS3 would still sell less copies of CoD4. 

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rocketpig said:
Troll_Monster said:
how about adding these to your list: -

Motorstorm = 2.63 million Bundled Game

Resistance: Fall of Man = 2.27 million Bundled Game

Assassins Creed = 1.99 million Multi-Plat

Need for Speed: ProStreet = 0.93 million Multi-Plat

Heavenly Sword = 0.76 million

Madden NFL 08 = 0.71 million Multi-Plat

When put like that, those numbers aren't very impressive. Whether some of you want to admit it or not, the PS3 is not instilling much faith in third party developers right now.

1) Resistance and Motorstorm were already selling well before they were bundled. 


2) The subject is how the games are selling on the PS3, so the fact that they are multi-platform is rather irrelevant.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

@ Kasz216

PS3 should have a much higher attach rate then 360. Not just a slightly higher attach rate when it comes to individual games.


I think the 360 should have a much higher attach rate, because:

1) The system has been out longer, it shoud for example be expected people who had their 360 for 2 years in Europe bought more games during this period than someone who owned the PS3 for 9 months.

2) The most highly anticipated 360 games are already out on the market, such as Gears of War and Halo 3. The most anticipated games for the PS3 are yet to come, many of which this year. Sony so far mainly experimented with introducing new franchises, at which Motorstorm and Resistance already are successful sellers.

3) More games released so far.

 With regard to COD 3 specifically, I noticed the many hardcore PS3 gamers getting a system around launch also owned a 360 and for the PS3 version they would have had to wait 10 more days (+ rumours that the 360 version was superior).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Ah i see where you are misreading me. I am talking about Individual game attach ratio.

 Note how i say when you sell more consoles your attach ratio increases... however your individual attach ratio decreases.

No doubt 360 should have a higher total attach ratio.  However PS3 should be slaughtering 360 when it comes to attach ratio for individual multiplatform games that are released at the same time.

selnor said:

Good to see PS3 sales increase over christmas. I expect them to drop to last throughout the year again though.

However, Look at the game attachment sales on this site. Gaming wise for Sony this is serious trouble.

Call of Duty 4 has sold 4.3 mill on 360 and only 2.6 mill on PS3.

Uncharted has only sold a measily 1 mill.

Ratchet and Clank 750,000

The orange box is also dire on PS3.

My point is I take an educated guess that 30% of PS3's are sold purely for the Bluray films. It's the cheapest way to view Bluray. And these people arent interested in the games side.

This poses a big problem for Sony. Developers will be reluctant to bring everything to the console. And with these attachment rates so far behind 360, Microsofts machine remains firm favourite for devs first choice. And for that matter It's definately the gamers system. It's a shame because the PS2 was so good. Hell I still play mine now. Another problem Sony have is that the porn industry is and will always be exclusive to HDdvd because Sony turned them down(same thing happened in betamax era). So HDdvd will never fade away because of the porn industry.

Where Sony go from here I dont know?

 It was the cheapest. Now there are players for $249

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rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
I Stopped reading when he said that any game selling a millon is measly.

But it does show a problem with the PS3's game sales. Uncharted was the PS3 exclusive for Holiday 2007 and it's a damned fine game. It deserves to sell better than that.

I hate to compare apples to oranges here but when you look at Gears during the 360's second holiday season, those Uncharted numbers don't stack up very well.

Gears Of War was released at a time when there was very little software competition(PS3 and Wii weren't even released yet). This wasn't exactly the case for Uncharted. Had GoW been released this past holiday season, then there's no doubt its sales would have been much lower. Just look at Bioshock.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

Well, let's be frank, when a console has roughly 7 million less the number of consoles at homes as the other one, then if a multiplatform game comes out (if both versions of the game are identical and taking into account that most of the console owners from both sides want the game) the console with the smaller user base should have a lot higher attatch ratio. So if say both versions of the game sell 5 million on each gaming system then the xbox attach ratio is 30% but for the PS3 it's 53%.

What does that tell us? Well, with this 26,3 vs 25, 4 or something ratio between the consoles as of now it's clear that the xbox is selling a lot more SW than the PS3. There is no argueing over that.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




PS3 is used as a BR player by some but no more than %10. People dont really care about Blu Ray.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

One thing I've heard and maybe someone else can verify it is that Sony's licensing fee is $2 more than Microsoft's. Also I've heard that the cost of packaging for a PS3 game is about $1-$1.10 more per unit due to blu-ray.

So if that is true then it actually cost publishers ~$3.00 more per unit for a game on PS3 than 360. So for every million units sold on the PS3 they make 3 million dollars less than a game selling a million units on the 360.

I guess that's a little off topic but something to think about...


"Call of Duty 4 has sold 4.3 mill on 360 and only 2.6 mill on PS3."

If u finish the sentence adding that the user base is 3:1 in favor of the Xbox360
do you realise it means that the attach rate of the PS3 is superior ????

Have you think before creating this thread ?

Time to Work !