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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTAIV in October 2007 if not for PS3 version!

It is not the Sonys fault that devs did not build their games to the PS3 first. Rockstar had not made any other multiplat next gen games yet and was not aware of the difficulty of going 360 to PS3. Next time around will be very differant. Most third party devs are begining to see the advantages of the PS3 and Cell and are building their games PS3 first.

I have grown extreamly tired of the PS3 blame game that has gone on for the past 2 years. It is not hard to develope for if you take the time to give a F**K. Just look at Infinaty Ward, UBI Montreal, Critereon, Insomniac, Epic, Team Ninja, and Evolution. All of these devs have come though with either awsome exclusive games or identical third party games.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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Im not buying the game anymore its going to be a $hitty port, sony are idiots and should do something about this.



did the title really need an exclamation point?

If anything you 360 fanboys should thank the PS3, if not for it you would be playing a GTA game plagued with framerate issues.
Its not that there are problems with development, its the lack of tools and experience, like said this was R*'s first next gen game, what'd you expect?

Why do all the PS3 fanboys mention developers having a year head start on the 360? Wasn't the PS3 delayed a year? I thought devs started working on games around the same time, but since they were having so many problems getting the games done, Sony had to push the launch of the PS3 back? That is what I remember....could be wrong? Year head start or not, it comes as no to surprise to me the PS3 version was the reason I am not playing GTA IV right now!!

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mrstickball said:
ssj12 - Regardless, it shows that the PS3 was/has been lagging behind the X360, to Sony's failure.

We STILL haven't seen gameplay from the PS3 version, whereas the X360 version has already been shown in previews.

Microsoft REALLY needs to get this news out, as it seems that the X360 version will end up being the superior version.

Legend - Microsoft has already stated RE5 will be on the X360 this year.

 I have a few things to say to you.

1. Thanks to the delay *partially* caused by the PS3 your crappy 360 version won't be so crappy. So thank Sony and R*, I seriously doubt you'd like the game if you had to play it at 10fps.

2. One possibility that the PS3 version hasn't been shown is there may be some secret about it Sony or R* might not want to be known yet.

3. I bet the first year the 360 was out you were pissing about it and its games just like the rest of the now 360 fanboys.

4. Superior? So in report stating they are identical, and are both at the same point means the lesser console will be superior?  I really hope M$ 50 mil was the reason they had to say identical, because nothing would please me more then seeing the PS3 version being far superior in graphics.

Wow, you sound like a total PS3 fanboy, which means you can't call anyone else a fanboy. Your rants sound like those of a crazy person btw. Jesus, you don't really know what you are talking about it seems like, yet the people who do are the ones who don't have any idea. Get a clue before you get banned, jesus.

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PS4 - Killzone:SF and Assasins Creed 4


XBox One: BF4, CoD:Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5


Changing channels with my voice: priceless!!!

Username2324 said:
mrstickball said:
ssj12 - Regardless, it shows that the PS3 was/has been lagging behind the X360, to Sony's failure.

We STILL haven't seen gameplay from the PS3 version, whereas the X360 version has already been shown in previews.

Microsoft REALLY needs to get this news out, as it seems that the X360 version will end up being the superior version.

Legend - Microsoft has already stated RE5 will be on the X360 this year.

I have a few things to say to you.

1. Thanks to the delay *partially* caused by the PS3 your crappy 360 version won't be so crappy. So thank Sony and R*, I seriously doubt you'd like the game if you had to play it at 10fps.

2. One possibility that the PS3 version hasn't been shown is there may be some secret about it Sony or R* might not want to be known yet.

3. I bet the first year the 360 was out you were pissing about it and its games just like the rest of the now 360 fanboys.

4. Superior? So in report stating they are identical, and are both at the same point means the lesser console will be superior? I really hope M$ 50 mil was the reason they had to say identical, because nothing would please me more then seeing the PS3 version being far superior in graphics.

Which is why Rockstar keeps mentioning how both versions are identical.

Or check out my new webcomic:

it could be but in the end i think both will be the same

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I agree that the delay may well be down to PS3 DEV issues but its a moot point.

Fact is that the two versions are going to be near identical and I think its a feather in Rockstars cap that they are good to their word, and are releasing both versions together.

If it had launched in 07, it may well have killed Sonys Xmas.
That may get some excited but the market is competitive because there are TWO HD consoles available not just ONE.