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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - "How I got banned from Miiverse" by d21lewis

Wow, that sucks. I hope you can behave yourself when you get it back.

I know other ones let you link you Facebook account with your ID. It's hard to get any more personal than that.

So I guess, before every post, you should ask yourself, "If I read this sentence to a kindergarten class, would any soccer mom's get mad."

If they answer is, "maybe" don't post it.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

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Weird, ive always seen this thread in the forum/home.

Went in and did not regret wasting 5 mins of my life.


Player2 said:

A message from Nintendo: My "post contained personal information so it was removed."

Okay, post "I live on planet Earth" and let's see what happens.

Please dont post sensitive information about yourself. Therefore a has warning been issued for your own protection. 


DarkD said:
Sounds like you asked for it. I thought it was damned obvious what Nintendo's policy was gonna be when they announced that they had a dedicated group of censors on the service.

Some people say the internet is a toilet and people say things they would never say to another person if it was a face to face confrontation with consequences attached. Nintendo has created their service to account for that. Would you have made they joke if you were standing in front of a 5 year old and his mother? Of course not.

Wanna know how to beat Nintendo's censors? Act like everything you say is infront of a mother with a 5 year old sitting on her lap.

Good advice.  Will consider it.

Chandler said:
Haven't had a single run in with a moderator. But I can see that people who play a lot of Call of Duty might have trouble adjusting to behave to Nintendo's standards.


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I can under stand some of your bans. I don't understand how you got banned for sharing what console you play on the most. Also It was the console that NINTENDO MADE!!!!! Its not sharing personal information.

Tachikoma said:
Why don't they just separate the kids from the adults via account age settings? rather than wasting money paying people to sit and delete comments and slap wrists?
Just set it so kids under a set age don't see comments by older users, unless their parental settings are adjusted to permit it, would save money and make things seem a whole lot like you're being punished for being an adult playing a console intended for children, because they advertise the console for all ages, but act like it's for children only in their moderation.

Alternatively, they could hire people with less sticks up their asses.

Best idea ever.

SwansVanTerif said:
Yeah, I do smell trouble. Nobody is going to ban me from a service I have payed for, for any of the things Ihear people being modded for, and I think Nintendo needs to adress this immidiately. Their online incompetence never cease to amaze me.

A service provider can certainly ban you from their service if you happen to violate their terms of use conditions.

People get banned from Steam, for example, all the time. They can even ban you from playing your games (that you bought). Just read the terms and conditions.

I forgot to mention the user who still aren't caught (in wich case, more severe than you, Lewy), give it time, they surely will get flagged in the least and fragged at best... ;)

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!
sethnintendo said:
chocoloco said:
RolStoppable said:

Yes, Miiverse is a place to mainly talk about Nintendo products and arrange playing games on Nintendo platforms together. Do you think Sony and Microsoft would allow it on their own Miiverse equivalent (if they ever make one) that people invite other people to play on other platforms? 

They do have it on the PS3. For years it has bee known as the only reason to own a PS3, Playstation home. It is the most badass, edgy, mouthy, visceral, immature social network out there because it is Playstation. In fact, that is all I use my PS3 for.

I think D21 Lewis who clearly needs to be kept locked away from all children would be more at home here.



Just like d21 testified... Home is full of desperate males wanting to score with anyone that has a female character.  You should have seen this one girl on Miiverse that was underage being harassed by some desperate fuck.  He practically wanted to meet up with her/get her number.  If anything I agree.  Nintendo should safe guard its users from people that are so desperate to try and meet up.  There are a lot of sick fucks in this world.  

Is this a joke post? Ahhhh... I do not take the way people have spinned this thread into seriousness seriously. I believe Nintendo are being Nazi like in their moderation in D21's OP. Pure and simple.